Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Lunchtime Thought: Nobody Comes Close to Circle7's Van Amburg and Jerry Jensen

Nobody comes close. Nobody ever will.

The quintessential Bay Area TV News team, Van (Amburg) and Jerry, (Jensen).

They were good, solid as a rock. They were interesting. Abobe all, they were entertaining. It was absolute "apointment" TV at the time. "Channel 7", or better yet, "Circle7" --you had to be there to know it and feel it. Nobody, and I do mean, NOBODY, is even remotely close to their chops today.


  1. KGO7 "Building a Better Bay Area" is much better than Van and Jerry were...JUST KIDDING!!!

    You're 100% right Rich, It was absolutely "appointment" TV at the time. Are either one of them still alive?

  2. Sadly they're both gone. Jerry we lost long ago. I think Pete is still kicking.

    1. I was a Jerry fan. He got a little overexposed. Then he got cancer and went missing until the end of his life. Sad.

  3. And to think some of us mocked KGO 7 for their "happy talk" news casts. Man, those are a damn side better than the puke residue that's on the air these days.

  4. Throw Pete Wilson in the mix. They would be spinning like a lathe in their graves if they saw the tripe that is on air these days.

  5. "I tend to live in the past because most of my life is there." — Herb Caen

    It's official - life really was 'better in the old days', according to a new study. Half of adults over the age of 50 agree that life in the past was preferable to today, compared to just 19 per cent who think the present day is best

    1. If anyone of any age group thinks life is better now that in the past, they're on drugs. Two years ago, we didn't have COVID-19 and we weren't being coerced to take a poke. It will get better. Hopefully very soon.

  6. Was it appointment TV or was broadcast TV the only game in town? Probably a little of both. The worst reporter I ever saw, Christine something or other. Worked in Santa Barbara and then KC as I recall. Wrote some modestly successful book.

    1. You must mean Christine Craft...she was terrible

    2. 4:45 ,you missed her at KPIX, KQED, and CBS ?It's just amazing how someone like that kept getting hired in major markets and networks.

    3. I remember watching Christine on the news. She was better than 90% of the people on today.

  7. Two white males reading the news. Kinda quaint. Would not fly in 2022,though.

  8. Meanwhile Reginald ‘Donny’ Aqui still talks like a girl and still spends hours each morning playing grabass with his co-clown (the one with the constant rotation of ridiculous hairdos).

    1. I agree with 6:30pm. A station around here wouldn’t dare hire a white man from the outside. All the BLM (butt licking maggots) looney toons around here would unleash their faux outrage, throw tantrums like the babies they are, break windows, and steal Coach handbags.

  9. Back from the era when white men weren’t constantly bashed simply because they were white. Nowadays, tv stations basically have to hire a physically disabled, male-to-female Black transvestite in order to avoid being labeled as bigoted or racist.

    1. Now hiring...Asian transvestite with reprocessed hair. Skills include basic foodie.
      Nonstop twitter posts mandatory. Station sheep a major plus.
      Donut getter preferred.
      You too can be a tv star! In the entertainment industry.

    2. What a load of b.s.. When are any white men being bashed because they are white?

    3. Yeah....because we still need domineering White male "masters" to read us the news...and "reassure us that all is well." Hell no.. I'm so fucking glad those White-Male-Plantation-Owner days are gone. They're just fucking NEWS ANCHORS....or as they're called in the U-K, "news readers" or "presenters." We live in a region where Whites are the minority....or close to it. I want to see a newscast that reflects this. I don't need a "Massa" to tell me the about the m*therf*cking news.

    4. In the ancient times, one of the two featured newsmen was gay. The difference now is that he wouldn't have to hide it.

  10. Society is going to hell in a non-gender specific hand basket.

  11. Re: Ashley, good news reader, but too much gesticulation/hand jive. You don't need to SELL the news -- we'll decide how important it is to us. But combine this with the incessant Building a Better Bay Area -- too many ideas being marketed to us. Just give us the news. Did Fred Van Amburg extend his hand to make a point? No, that's a bit too far on the editorial side.
