Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Ask Rich Lieberman 415 Media



  1. what happened to Julie Watts at kpix; did she retire or move on ? thanks

    1. I believe Sacramento was on her itinerary.

    2. She's on Channel 13 in Sac, doing the investigative reporter thing, plus some anchoring. CBS News Sacramento is streaming, so you can see her smiling face there.

  2. So, when there are two anchors on the news, a la KTVU at 10.00pm, I find it very disconcerting that one reads one sentence and the other finishes up and goes to a reporter on the scene. It is just me? Can't one start and end the complete narrative? I guess the powers that be think this is modern day journalism.

    1. It's called TV News, 21st century, welcome to the party.

    2. And yet I don't see any national news where you have a one-sentence toss. Of course, they all seem comfortable with one face at the center of the broadcast.

  3. Anybody know how the ratings for February sweeps are shaping up so far?

    1. They will "shape up" after Sweeps in a couple weeks. NBC here (and other peacock stations) will probably dominate, thanks to Olympics.

    2. Raj Mathai will think it's because of him!!!

  4. Hi Rich: This week Julie Haener & Heather Holmes have been co-anchoring KTVU's 5, 6 10 & 11 pm Newscasts. Last week it was Alex Savidge & Julie. 2 Weeks ago it was Andre Senior & Julie. 3 weeks ago it was Mike Mibach & Julie. Why is Channel 2 still rotating anchors to pair with Julie if Mike Mibach supposedly is their leading candidate to replace Frank S. Are the Fox Higher-Ups having 2nd thoughts about Mibach? Rich: You have the Best Blog in the Bay Area!! Cary SF

    1. It's Mike Mibach's job, Cary, any day now he'll begin and they (KTVU) will formally announce it. Probably after Sweeps.

  5. Hi Rich, Paul in Petaluma. I have noticed the past couple of weeks that Sandhya Patel has been doing the 5,6,&11:00 weather reports on ABC and Spenser Christian was on
    Sunday night. Do you know if he is starting to reduce his workload?

  6. Why is it that the KCBS broadcasts are so bad so frequently these days?

    Is it the hosts' faults? The producers' faults? Both? Obviously it's management's *responsibility*, but management isn't the party who's failing to flip a switch or cueing up the wrong audio.

    1. All of the above plus the newest form of Cumulus, Entercom, a CBS form or audio piracy and incompetence. KCBS is a goner.

  7. Have you ever tried to get an interview with John lund or greg papa and if you did would you ask them if they were being honest with themselves that four hours of two very middle aged immature men who openly look forward to getting wasted every night,how to handle hangovers,chasing women and obsessing over sex,without having took a phone call from a listener in three years is "entertainment"?

    1. They aren't worth a beer at Red's Java House for an interview. I think their wives will have questions though when they get back from being wasted.

  8. Rich, I think the powers that be have surrendered to the tech folks and think everyone prefers online info and entertainment (Sirius etc). Consequently they are happy to hire underwhelming people so they can pay less.. additionally since everything on our local broadcast and TV continually slant information to the left you are cutting out a significant part of your audience....I know this is the far left bay area but even if you are middle of the road trying to watch/listen to the crap they put on the air is just not worth it. How about some unbiased information and let the audience decide for themselves. Obviously giving them what you think they want isn't working.
    Ed.... Sunnyvale

    1. It's not that management *thinks* people prefer online info and entertainment, that's just a fact of today's world. They are looking at data that backs that up, this isn't just a hunch. Terrestrial radio and traditional television ratings are WAY down from their glory years. Same for newspaper subscriptions. There are many downsides to the modern way of getting news and entertainment, but there's no turning the clock back.

  9. No question, Rich. Just a sad aside- Former Guitarist / Lead Vocalist / Professional Chef/ Raconteur/ Bon Vivant. etc...Scott Long (of the 80s S.J.-Based Frontier Wives) passed away on February 1st. Unclear of the cause of his death. He is being mourned on his FB page.

    Sorry to bring this sad news to you. He was an amazing human being.

  10. Replies
    1. Condolences to you, Ray, and to Scott's entire family and community of friends.

  11. So over on the Athletic, someone has asked Kawakami why you hate him so much. No reply yet. Maybe the writer was blocked!

    1. I don't "hate" Kawakami. He's no harm, just a real twit and funny, worthless. Hate is too strong, more like pity the guy. The block man.

  12. A Bonnie-Jill Laflin sighting! She was on KNBR his morning with the horny boys and then making the rounds at the SB media day. Later, I saw her on some gambling show wearing red FMe boots. She has lowered herself, if that's possible. -Mark in Saratoga

  13. KCBS a goner? Come on Rich, get real. They may be having production problems, but KCBS isn't in the same galaxy as the Cumulus talk stations which are on life support. Their ratings, cume audience and commercial billing are among the top in the nation. In fact, the Audacy news operations in NYC, Philly, Detroit, Chicago, LA & SF kill in all three of those areas. KCBS isn't going anywhere. The production issues are simple to understand. You can't have a news anchor running their own board. It's just too busy to ask one person to do both, but there's no going back. All you can do is pray that the automation equipment becomes more intuitive.

  14. Kawakami didn’t post or answer the question about rich. He’s terrified of rich and the 415 army!

  15. Is it possible for ABC7 (KGO TV), tell us specifically, what have they done to Build A Better Bay Area?? Just name one!!!

    1. Obviously not Rich responding, but maybe he'd agree. By hiring Reggie, KGO has kept all the other airwaves clear of him, which does Build A Better Bay Area.

  16. Rich--
    This isn't an "Ask Rich" question. I just wanted to point out that one of KRON's South Bay guys, Rob Fladeboe, retired last month. He was a long-time presence in San Jose...starting at KNTV in the mid-1980's. I've worked at all four shops here in the Bay Area, and can honestly say Rob was one of the best writers I've ever worked with...and quite possibly the most underrated reporter. To top it off, he was pure joy to work with--one of the funniest dudes in the business.

    I just wanted to give Flad some props here on your blog. Enjoy retirement, Rob!

  17. It's obvious Hammer has NO interest in bringing KGO back to it's glory days. There IS no news talk. Do you have any idea why it's not even attempted? And Medoro starting at 6AM is odd to me.

    David, San Jose

  18. Why is Tom Vacar wearing that grungy black sweatshirt for every live shot now? It looks really bad.

  19. Why isn't KTVU airing the Chinese New Years parade live?
