Tuesday, February 8, 2022

John Rothmann's Faux "Outrage" of Donald Trump on KGO Radio is Shtick

John Rothmann? I haven't turned on him. It's just that I can't stand his fake outrage and constant, over-bearing, reliance on Doanld Trump.

Rothmann can't stop talking about Trump. He seems hellbent on bringing up Trump every moment, every day. Instead of ignoring the antics of a clear sociopath, Rothmann, on his KGO show, can't do a program without talking about him. And his faux "outrage" has become comical now--a daily Trump barrage and so predictable as to be expected. Rothmann, it seems, misses Trump. Because he talks about him every two seconds and is OUTRAGED!

Rothmann, not to long ago, told a KGO producer (which ended up getting to me), that "Trump makes a good stooge." I'm para-phrasing. But it was tantamount to saying that Rothmann thinks Donald Trump is great talk-show fodder. He also just LOVES to engage with pro-Trumpers. So when you hear him acting "outraged" about the latest ill wills of Donald Trump, it's mostly shtick. There's no real outrage. It's Rothmann trying his best to show faux disgust and elicit calls from Trumper mobs. Seriously, I think Rothmann has a sort of Trump fetish, it';s got so bad.

Awful really. Awful radio. Certainly not good drive-time radio on KGO.

But Rothmann doesn't know any better. Instead of talking about real news-talk and engaging callers over real actual news, we get Trump constant and it's, again, a total FAKE, faux outrage. The worst thing, Rothmann's got a severe case of chronic Trump fatigue. It's more than a one-trick pony, it's BORING. It doesn't elicit anything more than a barrage of goofy Trumpers who have taken the bait from Rothmann on KGO and it's especially LOUSY radio.


  1. It's not only boring, but it's lazy. Listen to KFI and most of what you'll hear is talk about Southern California stuff. They make it interesting, though. They even have a comic (Tim Conway Jr.) who does jokes about the news. Any good news-talk station focuses on what's happening locally. Listen to KMJ (580) Fresno. It's all about local people, local politics, water wars, Fresno crime, Fresno schools, etc. They have hosts who live it every day (as opposed to KGO's approach of letting them live in LA). I love how the KMJ hosts seem to known many of their callers. Once I heard a man call in about some topic and at the end of the call, the host asked him how his mother was doing (as if everyone would know about that). The caller said she had left a rest home and was returning to live in his house. The host wished the woman a speedy recovery. The conversation was so small-town it was cute. And there's a radio station that's really connected to its listeners.

    1. I think Fresno is perfect for you.

    2. I, too, find KMJ worth listening to...morning and mid-day hosts are a little too conservative for me, but Philip and Skip 2-6pm do top notch talk radio. And I love The Restaurateurs Saturdays at 1pm.

  2. I'm also outraged because Trump isn't in prison...in many countries he would be put up against a wall and shot for being a traitor and an attempted coup...

  3. Why would any talk host, well-grounded in politics, quit talking about Donald Trump when there is a congressional investigation uncovering stunning nuggets of an attempted government coup, the first in our history. This is just getting very interesting.

    1. For example, today we learned that there was a "yuge" reason Donnie always brayed and ranted about low-flush toilets. He was stuffing classified docs down the gold potty in a WH notorious for old plumbing, clogging the plumbing, forcing others to dig through his excrement and wadded paper mess. Gives new meaning to "document dump", doesn't it?

  4. He should focus on the upcoming mid-term election. Trump is el gonno.

    1. Travel east over the Dublin Grade or the Carquinez Bridge. Trump is still alive and kicking in the hearts and minds of many, many right wingers. Don't shoot the messenger, but the Trump/Right Wing machine will be out in force and it is our responsibility to stop their message of hate.

  5. I don't think John has TDS (tRump derangement syndrome) as you imply, rather as 10:15 AM above wrote, he sadly continues to have undue influence over GOP electeds who thus oblige too much adherence to his big lie. Paying attention to our awful ex-POTUS is necessary bc of the not negligible risk that he could become POTUS #47.

  6. Trump shit all over the Constitution, violated his oath when he took office, and pressured public officials to change the election results, listen to his phone call with Brad Raffensperger, Secretary of State of Georgia. He should be in prison.

  7. John Rothmann talks about the issues of the day. As much as I would love for Trump to disappear and never be heard from again, he continues to do things which make the news...and sadly, the things he does are dangerous for the country and our democracy. I appreciate the fact that John Rothmann talks about these issues and gives equal time to people on both the right and the left. It's great radio, the best on KGO by far. As long as Trump continues with his antics, I hope John continues to talk about it.

  8. 9:49 AM: if only....he's never been held accountable. when does this bullshit stop?

  9. Hey Rich, how do you sleep at night knowing at one point you thought Rothmann was something??

  10. Trump, trump, TRUMP, Trump, trump, TRUMP, Trump, trump, TRUMP, Trump, trump, TRUMP, Trump, trump, TRUMP, Trump, trump, TRUMP, Trump, trump, TRUMP, Trump, trump, TRUMP, Trump, trump, TRUMP, Trump, trump, TRUMP, Trump, trump, TRUMP, Trump, trump, TRUMP, Trump, trump, TRUMP, Trump, trump, TRUMP, Trump, trump, TRUMP, Trump, trump, TRUMP, enough already...

    1. 4:30 PM - when he's dead and gone...

  11. Don't particularly see that Trump is in the news. Trump has laid low. So it is pathetic that Rothmannn is obsessed with him. Rothmann should focus on the Biden crime family who have sold access to China and other countries. The Biden family should be in prison for treason. But you will never hear anything from Rothmann on this.

  12. Trump outrage takes the spotlight off the potato in the White House right now. Is no one outraged over his mishandling every issue since his inauguration?

    1. Nope. It's a damn sight better than wondering every new morning what the Tangerine Toddler was going to do next to embarrass our country. What acts of treason would he commit? What puerile sentence would he utter? What childish Tweet would he issued from his toilet throne? No, I'm very happy just to have an average, boring man holding down the highest office in the land. Perhaps one day we will again aspire to greatness. But at least we're away from the fascist regime that nearly toppled our nation.

  13. People would subscribe to the legacy media just so they could read the latest Trump atrocity, while the legacy media are inclined to give Biden and Pelosi a pass.

    I guess Rothman could talk about that supervisor up by Redding, or the SFUSD board recall. But that doesn't get the callers dialing

    1. Callers ≠ Ratings

    2. John has talked about the San Francisco school board and all the controversy around it several times, I think recently he did an hour and a half on it, and yes, he did get plenty of call. He talks about Trump, but these days often when it has something to do with January 6th. Due to my work schedule I don't listen to John every night, but as far as I can tell he might talk about Trump an hour 2 or 3 times a week. Don't know what Rich is complaining about, when Obama was president Michael Savage talked and ranted about him constantly. You couldn't turn on Hannity for years without hearing him go on and on about Hillary. However, since Rich only writes about a few talk show host, that does not get mentioned, instead he keeps blasting John and Niki Medoro. I do agree that Niki's show is awful, but we don't need to be reminded about it, what seems like several times a week. I think many posters here has a good point, about John and his shows about Trump, it is an important story, that warrants outrage, from everyone, since our democracy was in jeopardy. John putting on callers who defends Trump and the rioters, just lets us know that not all feel that way, thus it could happen again.

  14. Rothmann is way too tolerant of these Trumptards who make up, it seems like, a solid 80% of his callers. Most of these people sound pretty damned stupid, brainwashed, misinformed, and irrational in their defense of Trump who should be rotting in jail. Ranting at these people doesn't make for good radio, in fact it can get tedious to the point of me changing the station frequently but I can't blame him for it. We should be hanging our heads in shame that somebody as corrupt and morally bankrupt as Trump got as far as he did. And many of his cult are still defending him despite all of the reams of evidence piling up against him.

  15. Trump is not president. Build a bridge. Get over it.

  16. Judging by the Bluto Blutarsky like ZERO POINT ZERO ratings KGO gets I assume NO ONE cares what the lump behind the microphone says...

  17. You have to remember that Rothmann is programming under the tutelage of the Cumulus Programming masters. You have to remember that in Cumulus' worldview (which their programming guidance is based on) the "audience" is a bunch of mad button pushers, and that every single day a whole new crop of listeners tunes in, so it literally doesn't matter if you say the same thing every day -- or play the (literally) identical Paid Programs every. single. weekend. In this worldview, people do not "become KGO listeners" and "seek out programs" or hosts, they just punch preset buttons until something catches their sort attention span. It's literally what they believe. In this world view, compressing the crap out of your signal and using techno gimmicks to "enhance the ability of PPMs (ratings meters) to hear the signal... these are way more important than having cogent content on the air.

  18. Management is actually pushing him to do more local topics and change things up. John talks about what he is interested in and he doesn't take input from support staff. He is loathe to go outside his wheelhouse and never thinks about programming to a broad general audience. For example, he only discusses the SF school board because he has a personal axe to grind regarding the murals. A one trick pony doesn't bode well for PM drive.

  19. KGO is a 24/7 Hate fest.
    Once upon a time I enjoyed Rothman, now he's a Thurston copy cat, hate trump fest 6 years of this crap.
    Bachelor was all they had going for them, and he's gone for some other idiot.

  20. today rothmann said to pat thurston before she signed off, pat you have to go and i have to come..except she thought he meant something else with the word come, it was very odd..i dont know if rothman was trying to make a sex joke or what
