Monday, February 7, 2022

After Six Months, Sports Anchor, Dennis O'Donnell, Still MIA from KPIX

IT'S BEEN SIX MONTHS; early August to be exact. The first sign of trouble was when he missed a 49ers pre-season game at Levi's Stadium. The game was broadcast on KPIX. Even though it was a practice game, it was significant enough. KPIX pays a lot of money to carry those games.

Dennis O'Donnell missed that game but more importantly has been absent from the PIX sports anchor desk. The reasons unknown but now, almost a half-year away, rumors galore are rampant. Those close to O'Donnell are mysteriously quiet. Several of my contacts who, you would think would probably know, swear they have no idea of the reason behind his mysterious absence. There's a bunch of people who flat out just don't know.

And O'Donnell himself hasn't said a word, at least publicaly. He was seen a few months ago at a charity dinner and appeared fine but his speech pattern was noticeably awkward when he spoke to a friend at the event. O'Donnell has not been seen since that dinner and both CBS and KPIX are mum. They cite health privacy law as a reason why although even there, they haven't officially said anything, either to their viewers or this blogger, who has asked for comment on his, (DOD) MIA status.

A broadcast source told me O'Donnell was done at KPIX--even said CBS provided O'Donnell what amounts to a settlement check. Again, PIX has not offered one word on his status or reason(s) to his absence.



  1. I'm fine leaving this one alone and not speculating over it. If and when Dennis resurfaces in the news you sure hope it all wasn't because of some medical malady. Good luck and god bless Dennis.

  2. Agree with 12:08. Clearly it's something he does not wish to share at this time and it's none of our business. Viewers aren't owed any explanation.

    1. Disagree with Greg B. The B must stand for dummy. Rich knows the inside scoop before anyone. He knows something is amiss and he’s clueing you in cause you ain’t even realize it’s going on. Don’t hate the playa hate the game. When It comes out what really happened to Dennis you be like “oh snap rich and 415 media was right!”

  3. When I worked at KPIX three years ago, I noticed Dennis's speech was slurred intermittently, and then more so over the next few months. I haven't been at KPIX since 2019, but I can only hope that it isn't something serious. I fear that it is. We should give him and his family privacy to deal with it, but that doesn't mean those of us who know him or worked with him don't care and don't worry. We'd all like to know what's going on, but I can tell you that I'm as much in the dark as all your other correspondents, Rich. I wish Dennis well, but I don't expect he'll ever be back on the air.

  4. I think this whole Where's Dennis O'Donnell thing can just take a rest. It's apparent it's not like there's any scandal of any kind. I've heard Dennis is a good guy and his health is really none of our business.

  5. I wish Dennis and his family all the best of luck and warm wishes.

  6. Its been six months since you started reporting this story Rich, and yet not a word has been spoken about what is going on with Dennis. Amazing. You would have thought by now someone would have said something. True LOYALTY.

  7. I'm going to guess he's suffering from some debilitating disease, and KPIX is keeping him on the payroll to make sure his healthcare expenses are covered.

  8. He is just playing hookie. VDLC, Frank, Dennis are rude reporters never said good bye to supporting viewers and left the station

  9. Dennis produced for Radnich at KRON in the mid 80's. Bill Martin worked in the same newsroom at the same time, interning for Mike Pechner. They were friends then, and I assume Bill knows what's up with Dennis now. Maybe Rich could dial up Bill and ask? Oh. Never mind.
