Monday, February 21, 2022

KRON Drama Off The Screen; Rothmann Fake Outrage on KGO; Somerville Reality; Medina and Lee Latest to Split KPIX Disaster Zone; Burnout

THAT KRON EXEC who likes to have midday lunchies with a blond that isn't his wife should concentrate on keeping the volume down when he's out with "Sunshine" which he was last Friday at the Old Ship. The martinis were flowing and there was quite a commotion. Enough to have a few ex-KRONvicts in dire disbelief.

*Frank Somerville is not a private person, still. His antics become news when he does crazy-ass things off social media and on. It's a tough life but it's the life you choose. Even when the career is over and you morph into private life. I know it sounds crummy but when Frank talks about weird shit and inane events, he's throwing it out there, not me. And I'm responding. Nothing at all personal about any of it, sorry.

*SFGate: the home to pizza recipes, purple houses. real estate, and lifted posts from bloggers.

*KPIX reality now: Maria Cid Medina should have been allowed a day or two or three off to deal with the loss of her son. She wasn't given the time of day. Bad, PIX and CBS. And Mary Lee was not allowed to have a breath of fresh air in the morning. You need it. Which is why Lee is one foot out the door. The hell hole at 855 Battery is now losing all sorts of people. Yeah, it's burnout but not to this extreme.

*Presidents Day: John Rothmann is downright giddy and delirious. He's already at KGO --away from the wife--because there's no place he'd rather be.

*I've had it, yes, with Rothmann, whom is disingenuous and phony with his insincere "outrage" and "appaling" rants.

He sounds dopey and dorky and he's not genuine. It's too stupid for my taste. His self-serving interview with Dick Nixon aide, Dwight Chapin, amounted to a kid gleefully acting as if he were going to the Senior prom. Rothmann, on KGO, barely mentioned Chapin's criminal acts and hardly mentioned Watergate. It was pathetic and ridiculous. And it was hardly good radio.

*KGO Radio, yes, as good as gone before the end of the year. Probably any day now. mIt's sad even for the phonies who have taken over and stole its call-letter legacy. I write more about KGO but yeah, I'm naive. I thought it could evolve into a brighter iteration without brokered shit and maintain just a smidgen of mild mediocrity. But Lee Hammer thinks shitty, boring, artificial FRAUDS from San Diego are creative and that manufactured crap is good radio. It's not, Lee. It's garbage. It's loud and obnoxious and it's got your handwriting on it.


  1. Rich, All Lee wants to do is Retire and not get fired...I'm sure he will probably learn Spanish if that keeps him employed. Rothmann lives for Presidents Day, the 4th of July and anything else that is vaguely about presidential history...It is all he REALLY Knows. As for KGO, well lets just say I know a lot about the station, and the current ownership. I'm sure $8-10 million will take it. (The real sad thing about KGO and it's current cast of characters Especially the 2 OLD KGO TALK survivors who have managed to survive, Who were just Overnight and Fill in people when it was a REAL Radio Station)

    "It used to be that to be on KGO. You had to have Lots of TALENT...But they, think (The Survivors) That they HAVE TALENT be cause they are on (The Current) Version of KGO" IT IS NOT THE SAME THING !!!!

    Kind of reminds me of the folks who took over KSFO in 1983 when Autry and Golden West Broadcasters sold it to KING B'Cast. They thought they were gonna BE Big time because they Bought it. They forgot you really had to work for it. Once again Rich, KGO is a DEAD THING!


  2. With all of the news coming out about Hillary's crimes and all of the matters that were previously swept under the rug by the MSM now being exposed, she makes Watergate look like jaywalking charge.

    1. Hillary is a Girl Scout compared to a Corrupt New York Conman with the orange makeup (Trump)

    2. “But the servers!” put on a straitjacket you crazed lunatic. I bet you still talk about Benghazi in your sleep. Meanwhile the orange turd flushed classified material down the toilet at Mar La Cago

    3. What are the crimes that Hillary Clinton committed? I keep hearing people saying this but I don't see any charges or evidence of a crime. Just people ranting on various conservative news outlets.

    4. It's part of their cult.

      Remember when you would play I know you are but what am I? Same game. When the news is bad for Trump, they wheel Hillary out to distract.
      He did what? So what, look what she did!!

    5. The carrot and the cover up queen are equally trash. Neither one has integrity or morals. But they are both saints compared to bag of shit we have in the office now.

  3. I came late to the game—shortly before the 2020 Presidential election—for again listening to John Rothmann.

    Until then, up here in Canada, I’d been unaware KGO had returned its format to local talk.

    One thing about John’s regular spiel puzzles: He often tells callers that he covered the Black Lives Matter inspired protests and shutdowns of downtown cores in various U.S. cities. And he implies that he was critical of them.

    Those protests happened before I started again listening to KGO.

    So I’m curious: Did John vigorously cover those Black Lives Matter? Or did he give them only cursory coverage—in between vastly more frequent critiques of Trump? And was he critical, supportive or somewhere in between when it came to commenting on the protests?

    1. he did indeed do shows about it in 2020, and he did condemn the violence.. but he was doing a lot of shows on covid then too that summer and his usual political things.. i know people seem to want to attack him all the the time on that, but i was listening a lot and rothmann did speak out about it..

    2. I'm a regular listener, and I listened every day in 2020 during quarantine. Rothmann DID talk about the BLM protests, and he DID condemn the violence. Not sure why there is any doubt about that.

  4. I looked at the Somerville IG posts and man, that guy really is as unsufferable as I thought he was

  5. A new news talk format could be moved to the dumb BIN 960. Does anybody listen??

    1. It doesn't matter, there are major national corporate sponsors.

  6. Feels so much better paying a hundred bucks to fill my gas tank than 40% less with that NY con man. I feel so much better.

  7. WOW, PIX didn't give Maria ANY bereavement time????
    If that's true, then F**K CBS AND KPIX!!!!
