Tuesday, February 15, 2022

KGO Radio's Biggest Obstacles: Non-Performing Talkers in Morning and Afternoon Drive; Lousy Nikki Medoro and Ill-Suited John Rothmann; 415 Media Diner

KGO RADIO is mostly crappy because its AM and PM drive shows are terrible and unlistenable--which is why NO ONE listens to KGO and why it's about to go to brokerville.

I've tried to listen to Nikki Medoro time and time again. She simply can't carry a program. Part of it is her, part of it is having a lousy producer. A good producer can make a crummy talk-show host sound great, above average but Medoro has nothing. Inside station contacts have told me various KGO personnel has tried to talk to Medoro about various tweaks to her show and offered advice on how to run a smoother program; topics, pace, calls, interview ideas, etc. but to no avail. Medoro doesn't want to, apparently, listen to ideas on ways to improve her show or provide air to her four hours. Unless of course it involves talking anout lame Facebook minutiae or her kids, which she refers to every five minutes.

Medoro, say KGO brass, has decent ratings, especially men, but that's negligible because her female audience is nowhere to be found. That's right, you'd think a 40-something woman would have a good following amongst her peers but that's not the case. Women don't especially like Medoro, at least the few that actually listen to KGO and are not fixated on their IPhones or tune out AM radio like everyone else on the planet.

Morning drive radio is important to the bottom line because its time slot caters to the bulk of where advertisers pay top money. It also sets the tone for the rest of the day, good or bad. Since Medoro's numbers are so poor, she doesn't lend any help for the rest of the day's pickings which need a lot of help.

Her idea of topics are ludicrous. Just this morning she focused a good twenty minutes on the cost of parking. Parking. Real topical. For god's sake, parking? Then she morphed from that to transsexual athletes. It helped explain why I can't stomach her show because it's really mostly lame with a capital L. How do you captivate an audience when what you talk about isn't interesting and provides ZERO feedback? You don't. And not only do you have no help from a producer, you have to rely on measely, low-energy, alleged side-kick, the disaster known as Bret Burkhart, who thinks his colonoscopy precedure interests other people.

Medoro isn't terrible, just not very good. She talks about the same thing every day. The show isn't crisp and doesn't have any ebb or flow. Medoro would make a good #2 and could be a valuable asset to a stronger lead voice but KGO thought she could be a hit, solo. No can do. It's rather obvious and the numbers (or lack thereof) don't lie.

*Entering the third month of his 4-7 PM time slot, John Rothmann is out of his element. He too can't handle drivetime radio. It's actually a cluster-phuck, Rothmann's attempt to be able to chat about various talk-show, pop culture ideas has failed, miserably. It now borders on downright idiocy and unintentional laughter.

Someone at KGO, probably his producer, told Rothmann to talk about the Super Bowl halftime show. Ok, a good idea only one thing: Rothmann had no idea what he was talking about. His want to attract a more younger audience and not the 70 year-old white guys that call him is good. But when you try to make it sound as if you're a regular, constant rap music fan, then your cred flies out the door. Such was the case on Monday.

Rothmann doesn't know sports very well and it showed when he tried to talk about the 49ers during their playoff run. It was downright painful to listen to.

Rothmann should stick to politics and presidents which he does know well and for which I applaud his keen observations, for the most part. He drives me nuts with his tired "outrage" and "appauling" rants --that are comically aired with false bravado. Every injustice is OUTRAGEOUS!and APPAULING!in Rothmann's mind. I've put up with it because I generally like his analysis but Rothmann's fake emotion, mostly a desire to bait and entertain Trumpers, is no longer worth the time and effort.

Rothmann is a night guy, he's not a drive time host. To his defense, it's not his fault. He was placed at 4-7 because KGO had to can Chip Franklin, who was much better in that role. Franklin, sure, could be annoying at times but he could walk and chew gum at the same time. He could interview media culture critics for fifteen minutes and then talk about sports. He moved the show along and he was good topical listening.

Rothmann can talk politics and he knows the Middle East but he's not a pop culture guy and he doesn't know how to pace. An hour of Jan Wahl doesn't move the needle. (For that matter, a mili-second of Wahl is too much time). Rothmann has some sort of Wahl fetish because he has her on almost every day.

This is no knock on Rothmann, he simply isn't capable to work the PM drive. That requires the proper person. KGO (Cumulus) can't afford to pay someone who knows what they're doing.

Sad but true.


  1. Congratulations Rich. It looks like you are the only KGO listener alive. No one is listening which is why the radio station cannot sell ads, which its why it cannot find and pay those who know what they're doing. It's over. You whining about the old days won't bring it back.

    1. Speak for yourself. Some of us listen to KGO all day, every day. It was great until recently. Firing Chip and moving John Rothmann to drive time was a huge mistake, and I for one am hoping they come to their senses and put John back on at night and someone else in drivetime who is more suited to that time slot. But until that happens, I'm trying my best to make due with what we've got. Even a mediocre KGO is better than no newstalk radio at all.

    2. 3:48 I agree with you. I would add KGO is better than right wing talk radio, save for a few conservative hosts, far and few in between. Other than KGO everything else is conservative, I did listen to black information radio, once driving back from LA, and they had a host that sounded good, but whenever I turn to it here, I just get news. Wondering why Rich is not posting about them. I do think Niki Medoro is the worst of KGO hosts, it would have been better to keep Chip and letting her go.

  2. "Medoro, say KGO brass, has decent ratings, especially men, but that's negligible because her female audience is nowhere to be found. That's right, you'd think a 40-something woman would have a good following amongst her peers but that's not the case."

    That's because there are alot of lonely men out there that think they have a chance to fuck her. Censor this comment like you usually do but it's 100% the truth. Nikki is terrible. Lost massive respect for her (there never really was much in the first place) when she spent years at Chimp's side mocking and trashing half the people in this country. I think alot of people remember the nastiness and the snark and have no desire to listen to her. I know I don't. I just like to hear from you how bad the show is.

    1. Yuck! Who is that lonely?

    2. LOL, no one, and I mean NO ONE listens to Nikki Medoro because they want to bang her.

    3. I'll take the hat lady !!
      Jan Wahl.


  3. She had the best and most experienced producer on staff and didn't listen to him. It's EGO… without talent. You can structure a program and lead a host to topics, but you can't move their mouths. Hamstrung by management, he moved on and now her board op (the former ksfo morning show producer) is going through the motions.

  4. Can we talk about Thurstons shrieking? A year ago she wasn't shrieking, now she's shrieking. Could be because she's trying to be more like Rothmann. It's much more difficult for a woman to speak dramatically but it an be done - Randi Rhodes seems to get by on You Tube without the shriek (if you excuse her Brooklyn accent). Rothmann frequently sounds like a politician from the 1940's, with his exaggerated modulation and rising inflection...

    1. he's the world's leading expert on harold stassen, a forgotten gov of minnesota from that era who ran for president several times.. its always funny when he stats to go on his lament of the republican party and he brings up people like joe martin,and charles hallacek from the 50's nobody remembers either.. one time when kim mccaliser was with him he was going on and on about john lindsey and nelson rockefeller and she was totally clueless, it was so embarassing..

  5. why did KGO have to can Chip Franklin ?

    1. Must have been because his salary was too high and KGO needed to save money. It's too bad because Chip was good for that drive time slot. Far better than Rothman or Medoro .

    2. He had one of the last legacy talk host contract$ and he couldn't get through an interview without talking about himself. 90 seconds into a "question" and still no question. Oh, you used to own comedy clubs? You grew up in DC? Lots of cops in your family? WOW. Generally speaking, people who repeatedly call themselves comedians... are not.

  6. If it’s true Nikki is ignoring advice to improve her show from producers etc., she’s probably got company.

    John Rothmann, likewise, could well be getting and dismissing suggestions from staff and management to do shorter segments and to spend less time in lengthy dialogues—that just go on and on and on—with quarrelsome callers.

    As you note, Rich, the key to the drive home shift is for a host to move things along. Failure to do so is usually a prescription for ratings disaster.

    1. I heard Niki saying on her show the other morning that she doesn't care to watch the Oscar's, because the hosts usually talk too much. Perhaps she would do well to take her own advice. Has she ever listened to all 4 hours of her own show?

  7. Looking at KGO-AM's prospects:

    1. The company that owns WABC-AM (Red Apple Media) is looking to expand their programming base of talk shows and they have a few recognizable names. Like KGO, WABC was once #1 in the ratings (especially in its top 40 years). I see this as a strong possibility. (They bought WABC from Cumulus)
    2. Foreign language (non-Spanish)--May happen if the price gets low enough. Brokered time (like KLOK??) maybe.
    3. Go dark (off the air) is another possibility.

  8. Medoro having FOUR hrs is ridiculous. How about 8-10.

  9. Replies
    1. The drastic budget cuts will help maintain the status quo for a while. Cumulus SF is on target for a profitable quarter at some point this year.

  10. I stopped listening to Rothmann when callers would criticize the policies of Israel and he would call them " jew haters". Bizarre.

  11. That does not sound like John at all. He usually let's people talk and are respectful. He does get upset when someone calls and says everything is the fault of the Jews, or Israel is totally at fault for the situation with Palestine.
