Monday, February 14, 2022

Kim McCallister Utility Player Supreme Gets Short Shrift on KGO Radio; 810 AM Could be a Goner Sooner Rather Than Later

Kim McCallister is one of the few, fresh voices on KGO Radio. A diamond in the rough whose talent gets taken advantage of daily.

McCallister has been a news anchor and reporter from the old KGO to present day 810 AM. She's got a tranquil, steady voice and she does a quality job under the most dire circumstances. They, the bosses, and some of her co-workers, now use her as a talk-show aide. She basically does a side-kick gig and does so without any pay increase. She works long and hard hours and gets little reward. Her allies have come to expect a lot from her, (some, who work on a microphne) and don't understand that free cookies and coffee don't help much at the bank. Put two and two together.

McCalister is not spectacular. She could easily be replaced but she's loyal, reliable and steady. She keeps the engine running at KGO which is leaking oil every day. Her talent goes beyond news. She can function as a talk-show host and regularly filled in both Christmas time and on an everyday basis. But the powers-that-be have run her rough shot of late. McCallister isn't one to rock the boat, it's not in her DNA. She knows she's not a #1 but she also knows she's a firm 275 hitter.

KGO is about to royally screw with her but she has options this time and they don't know yet but they will.

*I've said KGO will go the way, soon, of KABC and WABC, once mighty AM radio powerhouses who are now just fragments of what they used to be.

KGO, if they don't go Spanish radio, will become a brokered mish-mash with largely taped financial, vitamin shows and with only a few local voices and syndicated programming. It could happen any day now, any moment. At any given time. The money is non-existing. There's only a few retail ads existent on KGO. Do a listen now: listen to all the PSA ads (especially at early evening and midday) --it's all remnents. It's loaded with promos (KGO), PSAs, national ads that aren't local. Those don't bring any money into the station which is why KGO (Cumulus) is forced to carry Cal basketball and run shlinky Steve Moskowitz ads--who pays them a modest fee-because the station now loses so much money it has to look at less prime, less desirable retail outlets so they can pay for their existing obligations. Which is a better way of saying, again, at any moment, KGO could be SOLD to anyone/anybody and devoid of talk-show hosts here and LA. It's that simple. The tap is going dry.


  1. Spanish radio? Watch KGO get sold to someone who will make the station all Farsi, all the time. Or all Hindi, all the time. These people, as well as the Latinos and let's not forget the Chinese, have $$$. And you can bet your ass that who ever owns KGone (who can keep track) will take $$$. That's all they speak.

    1. Wow. Blanket ethnic generalizations followed by evidence you don't know much about the topic. Well done.

    2. You should know. You know nothing about the radio business. Take a spin around the dial and you'll see on the AM side ethnic stations are on the rise. Go speculate on crypto like the rest of the zombies.

  2. If they lose steve Moskowitz it's all over it sounds like..john rothmann went from doing silly over the top cal mart and c crane radios to now reading live spots for cars for kids and anchor funding..and they all use kim mcalister,and dont think she ads that much as a sidekick,but at least she's not brett burkhard

  3. What is the audience breakdown percentage wise for KGO radio talk shows... What percent of audience for each of the following generations?
    Baby Boomer — born 1946-1964. ...
    Generation X — born 1965-1980. ...
    Generation Y — born 1981-1996. ...
    Generation Z — born 1997-2012. ...

    1. Everyone knows damn well Gen Y and Z don't listen.

    2. Yep, Y and Z stream and their music is different also.
      The times they are a changin' ...

  4. Gonna be sad to see the once great KGO radio gone. And it's funny that Chip Franklin is still on KGO doing ads. He was their best ad man.

    1. Not sad at all.
      Dr. Bill , The loya, Ray Taliaferro are all deceased. No star power replacements.

      It's time to stop looking in the toilet.
      ...And just flush it.

    2. Just add them to the list of ALL the others that are gone

    3. Not surprising, considering that the sponsor is his friend.

  5. I tuned in to KGO 810 at 10 this morning to hear Ronn Owens Super Bowl Commercial yah or nay list but he wasn't on.

  6. Perhaps Telemundo can buy them.

  7. It's nice to see some positive comments about someone at KGO for a change, instead of the usual bashing of John Rothmann and Nikki Medoro. I do hope you're wrong that KGO is about to go away. I keep hoping they'll come to their senses and put John back on evenings where he belongs. I don't know anyone who listens to those syndicated programs which are on in the evenings now. Everyone turns their radio off at 7 after John's show ends. You'd think the management at KGO would want people to listen. I thought they learned their lesson back in 2011, but apparently not.

  8. Pat is kind of like Biden. He has old man syndrome and gets grouchy with questions he doesn't like. If you call out Pat the wicked witch of the west comes out. Rothman is so fake with some of his enthusiasim I feel like gagging.

  9. Kim has always done a good job. Playing the "sidekick" role, however , is probably the least difficult thing she is paid to do.

  10. Thanks for giving Kim props. I've always liked her. She did a better job than medoro during a fill in a couple months ago.

  11. I can see Cumulus selling KGO 810 to ESPN/DISNEY to program ESPN Radio. Nice competition for KNBR. Why sell it to a competitor? Of course if its $$$ who cares for Cumulus...

  12. I for one hope KGO doesn't go under. Relaxing to listen to in the background and one of the only sources left for the discussion of local issues. The station has been ravaged over the years and that is sad. It's all about money, and I guess that is in short supply. I think losing Chip really hurt. He had a good drive time vibe, almost somewhat hip. Rothman is good for evenings and is too stodgy for drive time.

    1. I on the other hand thought that the removal of (Buffalo) Chip was a rare smart move by KGO. I may come back if they remove just a few more Zero Talent Loudmouths.
