Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Has Frank Somerville Lost His Mind? Former KTVU Star Anchor's Curious Images and Videos on Social Media Draw Attention

Frank Somerville has been posting curious positions on social media, some that both look and sound, well, disturbing.

Last week he took the time to write about how great his abbs looked. The sight of a grown man in his 60's showing a selfie of his bare belly looked out of place and hardly together, especially from a former KTVU anchorman facing the kind of shit Somerville is about to deal with.

The visual of his abbs/belly is bad enough, but videos like this about an innocuous encounter with an African-American man are also drawing consternation and derision from friends and KTVU folks. Some are wondering if Frank has lost his mind.

One prominent local TV News observer thought all this Somerville stuff was "weird", maybe a cry for help from a guy who is acting nonsensical. A close friend of Frank worries he might harm himself. At KTVU, there's growing relief Somerville is no longer at the station and his status is clearly in the rear-view mirror.

This doozy from Frank is, well, you be the judge.

Or this weird one.

Somerville hasn't posted anything regarding his assorted transgressions, probably at the advice from his attorney. He's due in court early next month.


  1. Just a few words ... SHAME on you Rich! I hope the buzzards don't ever circle you!
    Janice in Sunnyvale

    1. Shame on him why? What'd he do, other than report facts, which is what he does. (Admittedly often mixed in with salacious innuendo but not this time.)

    2. @5:16. But this is a media blog site so the gossip and dirt is kind of expected. So, yeah @3:02, relax. Oh and the buzzards will circle Rich as well, along with me, 5:16, and everyone else on the planet.

  2. frank needs our prayers,his mental problems need to be treated ASAP.

  3. In that picture, Frank should be wearing that football helmet.

  4. Very odd indeed. Though you are probably correct about his attorney laying down the law, so to speak, warning not to text a peep on social media about leaving the station.

  5. He really needs to get into rehab. I guess even though we think he has hit rock bottom, he isn't there yet.

  6. So he has "abbs", does he?

  7. Honestly, it wouldn't surprise me if Bill Martin lost his marbles before he's pushed out too. These old anchors have had fat paychecks and easy schedules for so long that they think they're untouchable and nobody can live a day without them. They have no accountability because management is scared of them. They're not living in the same world as the rest of the staff and they know it. So expecting one of them to be normal at this point is really a stretch. In their eyes they can do no wrong even when what they've done is clearly very wrong. Sorry but the old, arrogant white guy, it's a thing.

    1. Had to throw race into it.

      What does being white have to do with it? You didn't say anything prior that showed this is exclusive to whites. Why be a bigot?

    2. The mumbling weather yeah. You're probably right about that. Not good.

    3. I like Bill Martin and his black cat. Never heard him mumble.

  8. I lost even more respect for the guy after watching those two videos. In the first one, its such obvious phony virtue signaling about how much he cares about people. If he cared about people's well being, he wouldn't have cheated on his wife with a young intern and then get busted for drunk driving. Moron. And always follow your heart? Wrong. Following his heart (and dick) instead of his brain is why his life is such a mess right now.

    And in the second video, he's making fund of his dad for getting the day of the Superbowl wrong (understandable given his dad must be in his late 80's at the youngest), while he himself refers to the Rams as being based in St Louis, instead of Los Angeles. What a hypocrit AND a moron.

    1. "In the first one, its such obvious phony virtue signaling about how much he cares about people. If he cared about people's well being..."

      He only cares about ethnic people's well-being. He has Great White Father syndrome...Just watch his sanctimonious videos.

  9. "At KTVU, there's growing relief Somerville is no longer at the station and his status is clearly in the rear-view mirror."

    Yet he's still on the KTVU website. How long does it take to go into the html code and delete one line???

  10. Wow...those two clips Frank posted reminded me of early stages of dementia. Seriously. Sad and frightening.

  11. His problem is worse than initially thought. It appears his brain has clearly been pickled.

    1. Jokes aside, he needs to see a mental health professional, as well as any interventions he may need for his alcoholism. This is not a normal person speaking.

  12. I think he has something going on with his brain. I've seen this in other people.

  13. He is in total denial of any problem. He is a Narcissist. That's it folks.

  14. Frank could have killed someone while driving drunk. That sticks with me above all else.

  15. Go to store. Get two cans of beans and ONLY two cans of beans. Come home.

  16. I'm 57 and look ten times healthier and fitter than Frank but you wouldn't know that because nobody wants to see it. Frank posting pictures and comments as if he's a 16 year old girl sez one thing, he's in denial about the state of his life and acting as if everything is OK when it's not. I've been there so I understand but it's probably easier for me because nobody reported on it.
