Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Frank Somerville's Dark World --KTVU People are Worried; Haener Fed Up; 415 Media Exclusive

KTVU, just in case it gets real ugly with Frank Somerville, has kept stories like this on its website.

They are scared and petrified. The bosses. Some of his KTVU co-workers. Plus those that are still ticked he's received chance upon chance upon chance. And not just at Fox2 but in the community as well.

A one-time ally: Julie Haener is fed up with Frank and has quietely pulled away from his corner. She's stuck with Frank no matter what but now, a station source tells me, she simply shakes her head and wonders aloud what's going on in Frank's head. Haener's loyalty has been one of Somerville's last will but now that she's departing, he might be on the brink of a personal disaster.

Why is KTVU brass scared? Because frankly, they don't know what he'll do. What he's capable of in his current frame of mind. They fear he might go to the dark side. If he hasn't already.

I know Frank and have first-hand experience of his compulsive personality. He's dealing with multiple crisis issues. He has personal problems galore. Both his daughters, including his adopted one, have disowned him. He's facing a slew of legal and civil issues. His career is most likely over. The world around him seems to have pushed him out the door. And now he's feeling the effect.

*Developing story...



  1. People go bonkers all the time. This fellow has the obvious addictions. Stop paying attention to him. You are only fueling one big addiction involving ego.

  2. > And not just at Fox2 but in the community as well.

    Oh come on, Rich! The "community" says "Who?" News anchors are not stars out here. In Cleveland or Philly maybe, but not here, and not even there really anymore.

  3. "She's stuck with Frank no matter what"

    Why? Are they married? He's fired; their paths should never cross again, unless she has the bad fortune to be rear-ended by his Porsche.

  4. I feel sorry for his wife and kids. I hope they can move on, because it doesn't appear Frank is going to, yet.

  5. Much of this does not make sense... what does KTVU care about what happens to him when he doesn't work there anymore?

    And who's the a$$hat family member who is reportedly feeding you information? Scummy.

    1. "Much of this does not make sense... what does KTVU care about what happens to him when he doesn't work there anymore?"

      Exactly, KTVU parted ways with him. They're not involved here anymore.

      And I doubt the KTVU "brass" is "scared." They've had to deal with bigger things. I was there when Leslie Griffith's stalker threw a rock through the front glass window because they wouldn't let him into the station. I don't think Frank's that dangerous. He's more of an idiot than anything else.

  6. News anchors are not stars, nor are they entitled to lifetime employment. It's hard to escape the hype that leads them to believe otherwise.

    "This will end someday." That's what my agent said decades ago right after telling me I had been hired for my first big TV job in SF. Part advice, part warning. I took it seriously and planned ahead.

    1. Sounds like your "big" job didn't last too long, so your agent gave you good advice indeed.

  7. I had been wondering how the adopted daughter was doing through all this. It was cringy seeing Frank use her as a prop back in his days of constant virtue signaling on Facebook. Best wishes to her.

  8. Darrin C in Rohnert ParkFebruary 16, 2022 at 1:22 PM

    I just watched Frank’s latest Instagram video and responded to it. Coming from someone over 2 years clean and in recovery, he needs to stop his social media posts and focus 100% on his sobriety.

    1. I don't speak from experience, but I agree. He's in denial, keeps pointing out things like how good shape he's in. Who cares? It's irrelevant.

  9. Good job, Darrin C. Frank needs some sound advice.

  10. Frank needs to worry about his mental health and not his abdomen. He desperately needs to seek out a professional that can help him diagnose the issues that are causing him to self-medicate with booze. All the "look at the great shape I'm in" videos on his IG are that of either a narcissist or someone who is trying to mask their mental fragility by attempting to appear strong. Not sure which, but either is troubling for a man of his age acting like a 20 something. He's got to ditch his pride and ego and go get some damn help.

  11. On a different topic, just tuned in to watch Sara Douchey for the first time. She's godawful, but at least when she's on with Yamamoto it's uniform mediocrity, both with below-average voices and lots of poorly-enunciated words. Also Douchey stumbles on simple words more than she should. The suits at KPIX aim for the least-qualified for their top slots, and keep their best people at the bottom. Their weekend crew blows the weekday crew out of the water, and they blow most other station's news teams out of the water too. It was like when I worked at KRON. The real pros worked the weekends; the ego cases and ass-kissers worked weekdays.

  12. Agree with @5:17. I am watching a weekend team at best during the week. What the hell is happening. Yamamoto wasnt he a morning anchor? Now Prime time ? Donchey ? who is she ? KRON atleast has people who have been established and the viewers know them. They used to have Vicki Liviakis on weekends until KRON wised up. Leslie Griffith was on weekends. Maybe thats the prime spot since weekdays are a circus now.

  13. What does KTVU have to do with Frank anymore? His contract was up and they let him go. He’s an ex-employee.
    If I was let go from my employer they wouldn’t give a rat’s ass what I did weeks or months in the future. Frank is now an unemployed guy posting random shit on his social media. Ktvu has no current affiliation with him so they don’t give a flying fuck what he does.

  14. Maybe he's just channeling his inner Howard Beale

    and we all know how it ended for Howie....

  15. The late John Schubeck is back as Frank Sommerville

    1. I used to watch John Schubeck in Los Angeles in the 1970's and 1980's and I agree there are some remarkable similarities. We're hoping for a better outcome with Sommerville.

    2. The road to TV fame is littered with these casualties.

  16. Geez...
    That most recent pic of FS.
    He's in real danger.

  17. Finish rehab and look for a job in Fresno... hell they'll take anyone
