Monday, February 28, 2022

Hate at the KTVU Weather Garage --Ignore the Fake Image; Martin Fatigue at Fox2; Oh Crap, What Dreck; Jason Brooks, KCBS Mediocrity; Quan Included; Bay Area Amateur Press on Ukraine-Russia; Ode to Ralph Barbieri; NBC Bay Area Dullsville; KPIX DOA and CBS Knows it; Tom Tolbert Overrated and Dave Flemming Too; A Good Radio Talk Show is Aided by Good Calls, But...Monday 415 Media

THEY ALL HATE EACH OTHER--never mind the fake smiles and picture below. But they do have one thing in common: they agree lead weather guesser Bill Martin, is beyond help stage. Martin is about as fluid on air as Roberta Gonzales is to the word, "subtle."
KTVU has FOUR! weather tonsiils. Which is OK because when I think of news gathering and new managing editors, I think you have to have multiple weather people, it's something Cronkite would have mandated.

Steve Paulson? like Martin, has been threatening to leave The Firm any day now. Stevo used to be a cool guy, now lowering his voice even more, as if he were the white Don Cornelius; Rosemary Orozco having to tell people, "hey look, if they keep passing me up. I will really have to begin my career making girl pants for the Nordstron Rack."; Mark Tamayo: nobody knows how Tamayo survived KTVU as a third weather guy, sort of like an eternal back-up quarterback, Martin's water boy.


Really? Jason Brooks on KCBS.

Any day now, the alleged ND, Jen Seelig, will get shown the door and forced to look at Don Bastida, the traffic exec who has more baggage than the United terminal at SFO. (Hey Bass, you could have kept Peter Schofield in the mix had you given him the 10-2 midday shift but like your other wise decisions, you blew it big time, putz!)

*Jason Brooks would be a fifth-tier over-night news anchor in Ceder Rapids-- in this town he's on AM drive, yeah, how the times have changed.

*Holly Quan: yeah, I'm sure she got the gig due to her extraordinary interviewing technique. (mass giggles).

*Here's how the Bay Area press considers covering Ukraine-Russia war: by sending their reporter trools to various town squares and seek out Ukrainian guys with a flag. Then they ask dumb questions and pretend to show emotion, (fake) as if they were right there in Kiev. Oh crap!

*Agree with a reader here on 415 Media: Tom Tolbert is just plain overrated. How benign, vanilla can you get? Tolbert was barely average when he was Barbieri's (Ralph) side-kick. All he talks about now is beer and betting. And that's boring after awhile.

*Speaking of Ralph Barbieri, my god, is he missed. The Bleeder had a moral compass in The Razor. He wasn't perfect, by no means, but he was entertaining, funny, engaging and even poignant at times. Moreover, he was genuine and even sincere, if a bit overbearing, but it was all good fun and compelling. Ralph moved the needle because even at his worst, he was himself. He would rile it up and make people angry, sure he did, but he wasn't trying to be anyone other than himself. It was Ralph and you LISTENED, even if you found him annoying, you managed a chuckle. He wasn't fake, he didn't resort to manufactured bullshit, he was original. That was The Razor and not the frauds that occupy the all-sports 680 AM fortress today.

Yeah, Ralph was not a Brian Murphy. And he would have kicked (symbolically speaking) Paulie Mac's ass. (Or maybe not even symbolically).

*Before you all annoint Adam Copeland as some broadcast hero, remember, he spent uber-minutes talking about his playing golf with Murphy, all this during the height of the George Floyd murder story. "Copes" is hardly some genius. Just a guy who knows how to market himself and use his considerable leverage to survive, especially at a fledging all-sports AM radio station.

*Paulie Mac: on the clock now. I hope he has friends in Akron.

*If the Giants don't play ball (due to MLB lockout/strike) this year, KNBR might have to hire Uber drivers to do their morning show. But even that would be a whole lot more entertaining than Murph and Mac.

*NBC Bay Area, if they weren't the O and O station from 30 Rock, would be a KRON outpost. They have a poor staple of reporters, low-strung anchors and an artificial, overrated lead anchor who likes to take selfies at the Super Bowl and thinks he's quite the guy. Plus, he makes others oogle over him. A disaster coming soon in San Jose.

*Here's the thing KRON --really Nextstar--should do but won't: do a 2022 "Bay TV." Yeah, it would cost money but no more than a few extra news vans. Plus, it would enable KRON to finally establish an identity it hasn't had in over two decades and lose its image as the albatross independant. Memo to the new GM: call your bosses and at least float the idea.

*KPIX: nobody at CBS expects them to perform. PIX doesn't have any direction. Maybe Lisa White (ND) has a pulse but I doubt it. You can't save a sinking ship. PIX is DEAD, a rotting carcass that used to be an industry favorite but now has mutts like Allen Martin and Ryan Yamamoto, my god what a disaster at 855 Battery.

*Another overrated imposter: Dave Flemming, whose dad was his meal ticket to Giants mic-ville. Flemming is a vanilla guy who makes Jon Miller's ego happy. Sorry, it's the truth.

*Foodie Chap and Jan Wahl: trough patrol at a South City Shell station.

*Frank Somerville: no news is good news, I guess. For now.

*Nikki Medoro talks about her kids so much, they've asked Lee Hammer for a Sag-Aftra card.

*Sara Donchey at PIX: "At least I'm not Yamamoto."

*Good talk-show callers can be VITAL to a program if the host knows how to use them. They provide ammo to a show especiallyt on radio. They are the radio's sidecar, in essence, like video is to TV, the caller is the gas that powers the radio host. Not just news-talk but sports too. A good producer screens a call and informs the host about said caller. Which is why a good producer is hard to come by. KGO and KNBR used to have really good producers but now they have dreck and now you know why KGO relies on texts and KNBR doesn't even take calls anymore because they have brain-dead hosts and Lyft-driver producers and call-screeners.


  1. >>Foodie Chap and Jan Wahl: trough patrol at a South City Shell station.>>

    Laughed my ass off at this...would love more commentary on Wahl and the tragic figure that is Liam Mayclem.

  2. Producing talk radio is not difficult. In the golden age you speak of and can't let go of, some of those producers were stoned and drunk and still did a good job. Reliance on texts is not because of bad producers, but rather the reality that it's the way people communicate now...they text, they don't call on the phone. Could you ever explain why you constantly demean people who happen to work at department stores. It's not funny. It makes no sense.

    1. You are an anonymous jerk.
      Text that.

    2. 10:37 Rich has a habit of demeaning certain people. For a while it was housewives, since I use to be one, after contributing money to Rich several times, I decided I didn't want to spend my hard-earned cash that way, which I emailed Rich. He said he would never demean housewives again, and except for 1 or 2 slip ups, he kept his word. Now it is people that works in department stores, it just so happens I'm working in one. I'm semi-retired, it is extra cash, and I love sales, I use to have a career in insurance, anyway so I guess I won't contribute to this blog anytime soon. By the way in the years, I have worked retail, I have worked with people, that use to be teacher, bank manager etc. When Rich makes comments like that, he is stereotyping who chooses to work retail. It is honest work, nothing wrong with that.

  3. Aw, did a LYFT driver who also works as a low paid radio producer stop giving you insider tips?

  4. Rich, I know it isn't ask Rich time, but why are the guys at KNBR making as much money as they are? What I'm I missing here?

    1. KNBR with no producers! NBC Bay Area with no real Sports Dept. The Jim Rome Effect here....More of Me (yawn!) Less of You (z-z-z-z!) Is a good Thing (MJF from AEW:...and you know it!).

    2. An MJF reference! I got that. Funny. Good Jewish kid. One of the best on the stick and at only 25 the future of the industry.

  5. More layoffs looming at KNBR? With the baseball season apparently shrinking, so does the Sports Bleeder's revenue stream. Someone -- Paulie Mac? -- is gonna get the heave-ho. Maybe more.

  6. I don't get all these KTVU weatherblabbers who are threatening to leave. Go ahead. You all suck. Martin rambles like an old granddad off his meds; Paulson mumbles like that strange person who sits down next to you on the bus and starts talking about random things. Tamayo is okay, but only okay, and Rosemary thinks she's the "it" girl when she lost that status 15 years ago. Let's see if she could get a job anywhere today where she's competing with 22-year-old beauty contest winners. Just get rid of them all. If I want to know the weather, I look at my phone, as does just about everyone else under 70.

    1. You say that but all ratings research shows that weather is the ONE thing people tune in to local news for still. Tops the list.

  7. That Sara Donkey is just painful to look at. First of all she has a HUGE face, and if you just look at her features, they are clearly all fake. I can't imagine how much cosmetic surgery she has undergone, but I know why she doesn't smile very often because she is afraid of her face cracking and falling off!

  8. Another fine Shit Show on KCBS this morning...

    1. Because of this place, I started listening to both KCBS, which I am getting pretty sick of due to all of the commercials, and the Bloomberg station. Maybe I can make some money in the stock market too. Who knows? I think Bloomberg is more New York than local though.

  9. Didn't Tamayo come over from kron, I guess anything is better than working with Daria Folsom. Out of the five at ktvu I guess I like Steve the best. I'd like him even more if he said things like "dagnamit" or "prettnear" or called sal a "young punk" that'd be pretty funny. I don't know much about Roberta or "ro" as they are calling her these days but as one poster said earlier she's definitely milfish.

    1. He was just a weather producer at KRON.

    2. Yes he was on KRON before jumping to KTVU

  10. Yeah, weather is pretty boring around these parts - back in Atlanta we had a large weather gal who referred to Summer storms as 'Thunderbloomers' which always got my attention...

  11. Listen to Mad Dog Chris Russo on Sirius as to how to include call-ins to a sports talk show. He is a master at it.

  12. Adam Copeland's career is in serious jeopardy. He just started working with Tom Tolbert, who doesn't seem broken up AT ALL about Krueger and Brooks being canned. What a Tool you are, Tom. Get it? I said a funny!

  13. Be careful, Mr. Copeland. Tolbert is the James Harden of sports talk-show hosts. He hasn't played well with anyone since Ralph carried him.

  14. Ralph was awesome. KNBR was fun back then. Gary was semi-interesting in the 90's, but things really rolled when Ralph and Tom were together. You would think today that Tom was the lead talker but no way, Ralph ruled the show. And Tom loved him. If it was not for Ralph, the Giants would have moved and no new ball park. The Dude was really influential.

  15. "Slim" Miller had Joe Angel as his sidekick in Baltimore. You know, the guy who would occasionally say, "The Giants have won five in-a-row consecutively." Angel wasn't that strong, so he played to Slim's ego. Interesting that Flemming got traction with Los Gigantes because of his dad. Richie, you'll have to explain that one to your vast following.

    1. I believe he is still in baltimore,I think he worked with lon Simmons back in the 70's for a couple years too..two stints with the Giants and two with the Orioles

    2. Joe Angel was awful. Dave Flemming is much better and versatile.

    3. Joe Angel retired from broadcasting a few years ago.

    4. "The Giants are in the WIN column".... Joe Angel just wasn't a fit here with the Giants. His style didn't play well here, even though the Giants went to the World Series in 2002 and went to the playoffs in 2003, the two seasons he called Giants games.

      Remember when Tim McCarver called some Giants games around 2002 I believe it was? Talk about a bad fit.

  16. Rich, when did they pull Frank’s bio from the KTVU website?

    1. This? --over the weekend and it only took em about a month.

  17. Tom Tolbert is not over rated He is as good a radio host as he was a basketball player a true superstar.. Oh wait...

  18. john rothmann doesnt respond to texts, its just e mail with him, i guess he doesnt want to be bothered..415 80 80 810..i thought it was 8080810 from anywhere, so why does he always give 415, chip franklin never did for example

    1. Texting only works with 415-808-0810 and is provided through a separate company. Chip has never paid attention to details. Also, there is no 925-808-0810 because PacBell stopped provisioning 808 numbers before the area code split off.

  19. The Razor and Mr. T show was the pinnacle of sport radio in the Bay Area. I loved Ralph (rest his soul) but did notice he lost a step in the last few years of his career (although Ralph at 50% was still better than most). The show was entertaining...intelligent, insightful, humorous, and genuinely personable. Tom needs a partner like Ralph that can bring out the best in him. Tom can lead but is better when there is someone that can counterbalance his talents.
    My recommendation would have been to pair him with Ted Robinson. Ted is intelligent, insightful, knows all sports (both pro and college), and can give and hold an opinion. When Ted used to sub on KNBR, he was excellent because he understood the Bay Area audience and provided quality commentary that is missing from sports talk today.
    I would love to see KNBR become the "Sports Leader" that we remember and think a few more tweaks and an investment in good talent that knows the Bay Area audience would eventually pay off for them.

    1. You have a perfect idea. Everyone loves working with Ted Robinson. Great thinking if he would do it but you know he is awfully busy.

  20. Ralph and Tom were very, very good for years. But at some point they started discussing crappy TV shows and I stopped listening.

  21. I like Bill Martin a lot. He's easygoing, educational and informative. When I listen to him, I get a better understanding of how weather works. I tune into KTVU just to hear his weather reports. In my opinion, he's the best Bay Area tv meteorologist. I don't understand all the negativity towards him.

  22. Ralph "Later in the show we will have (insert black athlete name here) as a guest. He is surprisingly articulate"

    It was comments like this that soured me on Ralph.

    1. Ralph never thought that athletes were very smart, black or white. Did you know he had an MBA from Wharton? He was a very intelligent sports talk guy and could talk about many different subjects unlike Papa/Lund/Tolbert/Brooks/Bruce/The Guru/Ratto and on and on and on. Getting a college degree in communications was for the dummies.

    2. Except he never introduced a white athlete that way.

  23. What is the point of a weather forecast on Rosemary Orozco's Instagram account. How will that be of any value three days or 6 months out? Pretty little thang though!

  24. Go Team Roberta Gonzales! We're all behind you!

  25. Ted Robinson is self muzzled since his suspension. He will be politically correct and reserved and those are not good qualities for compelling talk radio.
    I listened to the new copes/tolbert and its mayonaise. Copes defers to Tolbert. just as brooks and kruger did. John Lund does nothing but kiss ass with tlbert or Pappa. The Razor and Ratto both defered to no one and thats why ratings were good paired with Tolbert.Pair that with the same interviews with the same people each week, and no more unpredictable talking to fans....and you have dead radio

  26. Rich Lieberman predicted 2 years ago that TKB would fail. He said it was boring and not compelling back then. And it was. I was a fan with tolbert/ratto and tolbert/barbieri. Ratto and Barbieri has the interesting "takes" and comments. While tolbert was middle of the road milquetoaste...very bland.Ratto and Razor were the spice. Now we have 2 bland folks again since Lund left tolbert.

  27. Am I the only one who has to turn away from a Tolbert interview with his self servinng "look at me" long winding questions. Something like interviewing an expert in their field yet feeling the need to give them multiple choice questions just to show that Tolbert knows something.Instead of asking "steve how are you going to use wiseman when he comes back",,,,,it turns into "When Wiseman comes back are you going to use hime for jusr specific situations, or are you going to put him in and see how he handles manny situations,or are you going to put him on strict minutes and see what he can do, or are you going to avoid using him like you did last year since that didnt workout well, because when I played and came back after an injury I wanted to play as many minutes as I could, or will he be with-held from certain teams alltogether based on matchups .
    DOes Kerr actually need multiple choice????? He does that with everyone...coaches, current players....all people who are experts in their field who dont need to be spoonfed multiple choice. And then they feel compelled to use one of the multiple choice options and we dont get an answer off the top of their head which we really want.

  28. I don’t understand all the animosity toward Rosemary Orozco. Sure, she’s certainly jealous of Roberta Gonzalez but she never shows it on TV. For a long time Rosemary was used to being the Queen Bee, but she’s been forced to take a back seat with all the focus now on Roberta, if for no other reason because people can’t help but look at a train wreck.
    Sounds like it’s time for Rosemary to come up with a new shtick to recapture eyes and attention.

  29. You have commented on Fleming several times, so obviously he rubs you the wrong way, or not at all, as a broadcaster. I think you are in the minority. Fleming is an extremely versatile broadcaster, and a very good baseball announcer. While he isn't chocolate peanut butter, he isn't vanilla either. Perhaps strawberries and cream?

  30. Bay TV, your TV

    Bring Evan White back as the 9pm anchor

    Terry McGovern in the morning

    Radnich in the afternoon
