Sunday, February 27, 2022

Once Again, Roberta Gonzales Thinks She's Bigger than KTVU; Rosemary Orozco Not So Rosy; Fox2 Rank and File Royally Perturbed; KNBR Poorhouse Without Giants Cash Cow; Sunday Hits

THEY LOOK LOVEY-DOVEY--and she (Roberta Gonzales) is, heck, she always is...only the other woman, Rosemary Orozco is actually not so rosy. You can't tell from the picture but my spies tell me otherwise.

At KTVU, Roberta seems to want everybody at Fox2 to know that she's Madame Weatherwoman--much to the chagrin of Rosemary. In fact, Countess Orozco is bewildered as to why Roberta is seen as the #2 weather anchor behind grumpy, mumblin', Bill Martin. Seems almost an every day occurence that Orozco gets passed over by someone, whether Kyla Grogan, Mark Tamayo, or now, Roberta. Just what is the deal?

Orozco would like to know.

KTVU bosses seem to think (again) that Rosemary is not ready for prime time. They've made that abundantly clear. Maybe this is not a phase and more a reflection of how they view the station's fashion designer who every now and then guesses weather. Go figure.

*TO BE SERIOUS for a change...

KTVU rank and file, I'm told, has begun, in droves, to wince at the latest histrionics that is Roberta. It's all about her. It always is. She's bigger than Channel 2, haven't you noticed?

KTVU and Roby go hand in hand now. They're both desperate. KTVU can't find a salient replacement or #2 for Martin, not even from their own staff which is why they hired Gonzales, who was last relevant about a decade ago at PIX.

And Gonzales, who was a, and still is, an ATTENTION bore, continues to embarrass herself and KTVU. It's quite the combo. And now, in addition to a staff that can't stand its incompetant management, has now begun to rail, quietly, against me, me, me, Roberta G.

Talk about a high-pressure system.


*Larry Krueger was making about north of $200K a-year at KNBR. He will have a tough time finding a new gig paying half that.

*Again, KNBR is in dire straits when it comes to cash now. Without the Giants and MLB, it's a tough go now. The Giants' wealth --sponsorships, advertising, promotions, etc---PAY for the bulk of KNBR's budget, including non-baseball expenses. The Giants can afford this lockout; KNBR can't. It's as simple as that. An entire MAJOR revenue stream has been cut and that includes salaries. Which explains why Krueger and Rod Brooks are out of a job. They will not be alone.

*KNBR's "fan fest" was 86ed a long time ago --that's where it hosts a fan orgy at the Giants' ballpark and it's usually in mid-Feb--the annual event draws thousands and KNBR makes well over a half-million bucks on the fest, ads, interviews, sponsors, etc. And you thought you missed baseball.


  1. Wondering where Rod Brooks eventually lands ...local ?

    1. Kearney, Neb. He'll be close to the University of Nebraska. He can afford to live at what a radio station will pay him: $20/hr, if he's lucky.

    2. @Raymond- Rod could always go back to Houston, but we'll see. Hopefully he stays in the Bay. Maybe 95.7 picks him up, or he could get a job at NBC Sports Bay Area and be reunited with Fitz?

  2. I'm sad for Rosemary. I like her; she always on top of it. Years ago my infant son would yell out her name and watch her. Good times. She seems to work whenever she's needed, anytime seven days a week, most holidays etc.

    But you see the same thing in a lot of industries: The hardworking professional succeeds in a somewhat lesser role, seeming to earn a shot at the supposed big time slot. But the leadership, paradoxically, sees them as only successful in that lesser role, even if they would be perfectly capable at a higher level.

    See also baseball's "Super utes" like Tony Kemp of the A's, who produced a .382 On-base percentage in 2021, highest on the team, yet is not seen as the starting 2nd baseman...nor is he paid accordingly (a paltry $1.05 mil for the trouble.)

    1. 1.05 million to sit on a major league bench for a year. Sign me up

  3. I am always pleased to see Roberta Gonzales doing the weather segments at Ch. 2. Mark Tamayo and Roberta are my picks for the number 1 and 2 weather anchors at the station.

    1. My god. You have terrible taste.

  4. How many weather chops does KTVU need?

  5. I can also see Larry joining his former coworkers at The Game at a reduced rate. Tough deal when you see guys like Lund and Paulie Mac continuing to take up space.

    1. Larry can work for $20 at The Game and then take a side gig delivering packages for Fed Ex. If a talented writer like Austin Murphy could do that in between jobs, just imagine what a babbling moron like Kreuger can do.

  6. Wait so you're allowed to trash Roberta yet continue to censor any comments we make about her or her appearance i.e. way too tight fitting clothes for a 60+ year old with a huge midsection?

    Good to know.

  7. Rich ... You never cared for Rod Brooks, so no big loss for you ... me neither. I never warmed to Larry Krueger, especially when he tried to take over the Gary Radnich show with Gary still there. I always preferred Gary alone even with his repetitive stories and the Raddy Caddy. I do miss him.

    1. I guess you're too stupid to listen to real sports radio.

    2. I miss Gary as well. Listened every day. Small penis @1:52.

    3. Must we make a personal attack over likes and dislikes? I’m surprised Rich allowed this … nothing personal, you understand.

    4. "real sports radio" ALL sports radio is obnoxious clowns thinking they're genius' for rambling on about idiotic minutiae nearly no one cares about. If all sports radio vanished tomorrow, the overwhelming majority of people would not even notice.

  8. With KNBR pairing Copes with Tolbert what will Copes do when Tolbert saunters in 15 minutes late as he does half the time? I don't understand everyone's fascination with Tom Tolbert. Radnich said it best, "Wow. Let's talk beer. Cool!".

    He. Is. Not. That. Interesting. You would tune in to listen to Ralph. You would tune in (sometimes) to hear Ratto's cranky act. You would tune in for Krueger's knowledge. Who the hell is going to tune in for Brian Copeland's son and Tom Tolbert?

  9. Rich, can you please explain to me why this guys are making that kind of money doing talk sports radio? It makes no sense to me. Sitting in a room and talking with a coworker about sports.

    1. It is mind boggling. Guys like Skip Bayless and Stephen A. Smith making $8 million a year, nothing against Larry Krueger but him making $200K a year, Tolbert last we heard was making $300K a year. It's like how and why are they making that type of money when the rest of us in regular jobs are barely making a livable wage here in the Bay Area?

      I thought guys in media were supposed to be broke? LOL. A lot of them are making bank!

  10. To bring in Roberta must mean that the management doesn't believe in Rosemary. I'm I wrong?

  11. If Rich is correct about KTVU Weather I'm looking hard for another source. The only reason I started watching KTVU was their covering North Bay weather much better than other local stations. I'm a bit perplexed about KTVU's indifference to Rosemary. Whatever goes on behind the camera she presents herself very professionally and gives a great weather report. Roberta? She is OK, but.. seriously: If the station puts her above the others on their staff it's clearly time for me to move on.

  12. RE: comments we make about her or her appearance i.e. way too tight fitting clothes for a 60+ year old with a huge midsection?

    Look, Jasper...unless you did not get the flash bulletin?
    >>Women were not put on this earth to meet your so called standards of beauty!

    Actually, since you would not be here if it were not for a woman, precisely, your Mother....STFU.

  13. Paulie Mac is the uber-cockroach of Bay Area sports radio. An insufferable imbecile who has nothing to contribute to an interview but the occasional "yeah, yeah" and "uh huh" mumbling. He is stealing from you, KNBR.

    1. Paulie Mac is the uber-cockroach of Bay Area sports radio...
      Hallelujah to you for stating perfectly what I have been thinking for years. How is it he survives? Oh and one other thing he always says. YES!!!

  14. Roberta is beyond tragic. KTVU is owned by Fox. Stop. Watching. Fox. There's literally no reason to watch them.

  15. Roberta is a cutie! There is no weather in Nor Cal to speak of so we can watch the dour, gray, charmless Steve Paulsen sit in the in-law room at his suburban house or the robotic Rosemary. Myself, I like Roberta and watch just because of her. I don't know who is in charge of KTVU weather programming but it is really a bit mad.

  16. KTVU loves them old hags. Rosemary think she still in her 20s but look like she 70. Roberta, or Elvira is just sad looking.

  17. Rosemary YEA. Roberta NAY. And I mean NAY like a horse.

  18. Dang, Larry Krueger made $200K at KNBR?!? Wow. Not saying he didn't deserve it but wow. As they say, great work if you can find it.

    1. With that salary, why did they have three guys working the same show?

    2. @8:59- Good question. Part of it might've been they had no where to really place Krueger and Rod at the time so they placed them with Tolbert since Lund was going to be reunited with Greg Papa.

  19. It seems like Julie, Heather and Rosemary all get a bad wrap. I'm not a big news guy but the times they are on, they are professional and pretty much flawless on their deliveries.

    1. I like all of these three, especially Heather Holmes. She wears interesting clothes and is a good, smart interviewer. But 2 is still a hot mess from top to bottom.

  20. If you would indulge me,came across one more VIP list John Rothmann claims to known/know: j edgar hoover,ryan scott,burt lancaster,Janis joplin,stan bungar,betty ford,squeaky fromme,kamala harris,raquel welch,willie mays,wilt chamberlin,the Bobbsie twins,jack lemmon,ed muskie,dub taylor,richard conte,karl malden,bob and delores hope,bob lurie,dave kingman and the last three doorman at the Fairmont hotel..john knows many people

  21. Christine Hanson was my favorite weather person on ktvu and then one day she was gone and after that I never really cared who was delivering the forecast, besides, as one reader commented there really not much ever going on weather wise around these parts. As far Roberta goes, I think she's silly or possibly drunk but I like her more than the others. I saw Rosemary once in person about 8 years ago, she looked great but as a newscaster she rather bland but in today's climate of news personalities it works for her

    1. You can find Kristine Hanson on KOVR Channel 13 delivering the forecast from Sacramento.

  22. I haven't watched either doing the weather lately; Orozco not in approx. a year, but I remember she was OK and good; Gonzales has just returned, but do remember her from years ago, and she was also OK. As TV is a visual medium, I don't care for how either look, even though it is "shallow" of me. Weather is of interest to me. I'll just listen and look at whoever is on any station, which might be broadcasting when I get around to watching the TV in between whatever I'm doing on a given day & time.

    Since we're also talking of KTVU, I'm typing this on Sunday night and once again, neither Senior or Holmes mentioned either of them were in for Haener. I'm wondering if Julie Haener is no longer on a Sunday-Thursday schedule, and possibly some type of part-time schedule. I think last week she only worked Wednesday and Thursday (never mind, I think she probably worked the annual special Chinese New Year parade on Saturday. I'll just need to give it a couple of weeks to see what her regular days turn out to be (Sun-Thu or Mon-Fri or something else).

    The entire SF Bay Area tv news just seems to be going downhill and with so many on-screen personnel here for a short time, moving on, and just gone (either leaving for another city and leaving the entire tv news reporting/industry).

  23. I want to know if it's going to rain tomorrow or not. That's it. It's amazing any of them think anyone gives an eff about anything else.

    1. Use the Weather Channel on your phone.

    2. For me the weather is real easy, i stick my hand outside. If its wet its raining, if i cant see it... its foggy.

  24. Sounds like both Roberta and her ego are stuck in the past, like 20 years ago when she was last relevant. With her sad and embarrassing reputation, this drama queen should be lucky she even has a job, especially in a visual medium like television.

  25. Saw Roberta the other night. I couldn't believe it. Not good. Not good at all.

  26. I think Roberta is MILFy HOT!

  27. Copeland would have been a good fit with Brian Murphy, but they probably had shift him to afternoons because of Brooks' and Krueger's expiring contracts. My guess is that Terry Crowley is now being groomed to replace Paulie Mac when his contract is up.

  28. I wish someday you would see how awful you are are to women. Specifically to women. You loved your mom so much and it's so gross to see how you treat other women. I guess you didn't learn too much in all your years. Even your comments that you allow is so obviously just like yours. Sad.

    1. Who are you? At least I don't HIDE behind a keyboard and act all sentimental, righteous and gooey, like you. Coward.

    2. I'm no supporter of Rich, but I don't see him as being sexiest at all. He's an ass for sure; but a "non-discriminatory ass". Lots of the ladies he pokes fun at like HH, Roberta, etc, he'd still do a one night stand with! He's no sexiest

  29. Will Ibanez make his move on Roberta? If she gets pissed at him she can throw a shoe at him (opps that's already been done by another x-KTVU chickee)

    1. Wait, what? Someone threw a shoe at Mark Ibanez?

  30. Rosemary is the Barbara Carrera of our weather. Roberta G is the Lily Munster of the weather.
