Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Thurston-Rothmann Muzzled at KGO; Rothmann's Covid-19 Scare Tactics; Senior-Mibach Finalists at KTVU 10 PM Gig; Tuesday Open

THE SENIOR TALKERS at KGO RADIO--Pat Thurston and John Rothmann in particular--are essentially MUTED in their DISGUST at how the CUMULUS brass treat them. They carry on because they love their job.

That said, Thurston is quietly PISSED. She's working an extra hour (from Noon-4 PM) and fulfilling her duties at roughly the same pay); Thurston is the gas that keeps the engine going at KGO. On the other hand, a suddenly big-time ass-kisser, Rothmann, has gone out of his way to play good and tell Cumulus suits how awesome they are. "He's this era's Ronn Owens'", a longtime KGO source told me. It's in reference to brown toilet-paper Owens who did everything possible to cozy up to Cumulus suits so he could make sure he had it good at KGO. Rothmann is now a defacto Ronnn; all he hasn't done is to do cruise commercials.

*KGO and all the other Cumulus radio station--KNBR, KSFO, The Bone, (FM) are again in protocol zone and hosts broadcasting from a remote location due to the Covid variant spike.

*Rothmann's continued hysterical Covid rants--all legit for the most part--would be far more credible and worthy if he abated his screaming, lecturing and yes, again, almost overtop, hysterical Covid rants to callers. The news on the Omicron variant is nerve-racking; yes, it's far more contagious but it appears, according to most doctors, that its mortality rate is nowhere near the rate at the outset of the pandemic. Rothmann's SCARE TACTICS night after night are HIDEOUS and frankly, DISINGENUOUS.

*I wish Thurston had devoted as much time to the OPD Chief on Tuesday as she did to the traffic issues in Tahoe. Yeah, it snows and yeah, road conditions can be treacherous but hey, it happens.

*Pick one or the other: Andre Senior or Mike Mibach replacing Frank Somerville on KTVU.

*KQED hasn't officially announced its new, 2022 nightly newscast but it should, soon, one day.


  1. When Rothman started out he seemed nice, but now it's Disaster Porn all the way...

  2. Mibach is too white to get it in this diversity crazy era where true ability takes a back seat to diversity.

  3. I want a 3rd option. Both Mibach and Senior are non-entities...

  4. Say what you want about John Rothmann, but at least when he personlly does ad spots for products, they are products for which he makes honest claims, which he has faith are true in their claims. Claims which are backed up by the actual product and product label.
    Contrasting that with Pat Thurston's personally endorsing the Balance of Nature product whose own labels absolutely refute the massive false claims Pat is making daily on the air.
    If she spent even 5 minutes reading the labels she would see how false the claims she makes are. Yet she continues to personally induce listeners, MOSTLY SENIORS, into spending over $100 a month on a product whose advertising is filled with provable lies.
    Sorry but fleecing vunerable seniors is beyond the pale.
    Survival of KGO is no excuse for participating in the fleecing of senior listeners.
    BTW, that product she pushes is the #1 advertiser on "FOX NEWS"...
    Good network to emulate Pat. FOX NEWS, Anti-Vax to listeners, while company demands inhouse vaccinations of everyone, but pushes Balance of Nature for "increased immune systems" to gulible senior audience.

    1. We get it. And we got it the other 20 times you wrote the same complaint. Because you are absolutely convinced Thurston decides what commercials to read and what to reject. Because you don't understand the concept of "condition of employment". And because you think seniors are all idiots. (Here's a news flash, most seniors are not gullible rubes, they've lived a long time and learned a few things.)

      Geez, give it a rest already.

    2. AnonymousDecember 28, 2021 at 9:09 PM---
      NO, I won't "give it a rest"....No one forces Pat to read and personally endorse lies about a product.
      The product is plain and simple, cheating consumers, mostly seniors. Easily proveable.
      Pat regularly bashes PG&E...and other companies for cheating consumers. She is often on her "high horse" when it comes to companies cheating vunerable seniors.
      So if she is lying to seniors and others on the most basic claims of the company, she will be called out.

      You seem to forget how she handled "Online Trading Academy" for years. She not only read the ads but she did hour long weekend infomercials for them, playing the interviewer.
      Then telling everyone how great they were.
      Well, "seniors" specifically detailed in court documents, were cheated by that company.
      They were shut down by the FTC, had millions of dollars in their accounts "frozen" and eventually had to refund customers over $10 million dollars, mostly to "seniors" specifically.
      Suddenly the commercials STOPPED dead..
      Never a single word from Pat to all those lured in and fleeced by following her endorsement.

      So now, it is happening again.
      Yes, I'll keep mentioning it as long as she keep telling "flat out lies" about the Balance of Nature fruit and vegetable capsules that seniors and others are paying $100 a month for.
      What, should everyone just say nothing, knowing that people are getting ripped off?
      AND YES... they are indeed mostly seniors, worried to death about their health. Suckered in by proveably false claims.

    3. Do you understand that Pat is paid by the client to "Endorse" the product? She does not have to believe in what she is selling...she is just PAID to sell it...Kinda like those CAR salesmen who were paid to sell the Chevy Corvair and The Ford Pinto. They were paid to do a job.

    4. I don't care if Pat is paid or not. You don't have the right to tell the audience lies that will fleece listeners, whom KGO considers part of its "family". Mostly seniors.
      Simply put, she tells the audience that if you take the daily dose of 6 capsules, you will get TEN SERVINGS of fruits and vegetables. But the label and simple math PROVES those suckered in will get LESS than ONE SINGLE serving of fruits and vegetables.,
      Seniors buying this product will be getting only one tenth of what Pat is promising them.
      Spending $100, yet cheated out of $90 a month.
      IS it OK for PAT to facilitate people being cheated out of $90 a month...JUST because she is being "paid" to endorse the product?
      The facts about the product are indisputable. Either Pat is willfully ignorant, or she is knowingly doing the lying for the company just for the money.
      All she has to do is to personally stop telling people that they will be getting TEN SERVINGS of fruits and vegetables.
      I welcome ANYONE disputing my facts about this product.
      Michael Finny and Dr. Dean Edell would both agree with me.

  5. Senior. Mibach has no personality and always looks like he's straining on the toilet.

  6. No doubt about it,rothmanns embarassing over the top brown nosing went into overdrive after the chip franklin massacre..

  7. I'm waiting for Rothmann's cruise to Alviso.

  8. Senior vs. Mibach. Is there another choice? Like maybe bring back the late George Reading? Instead of having a man fill that role, what about Cristina Rendon? Let her go solo. It'll give me a reason to watch the newscast compared to watching reruns of "The Bachelor" or what ever brainless dribble is on the other stations.

  9. Replies
    1. 94954 guy I agree. I could not remember his name. I saw him Sunday with Julie. He looks and sounds the part. The pairing seems obvious. But I barely see the guy.

    2. Liggins is too stiff and monotone. He has ZERO gravitas which I know Rich places at a premium.

  10. KGO should just resurrect the 1970's Through The 1990's in taped programming! Yes the news and topics would be dated but Hosts in that era could bring ratings!

    1. And the women were all natural where it counts. Mmhm.

    2. Perhaps this would be good cheap content for an FM HD radio sub-channel. I would love to listen. Does KGO even have 24/7 air checks from the yesteryears?

  11. Andre Senior. Definitely not Mike Mibach.

  12. I also like Greg Liggins.

    1. Seriously? He's been anchoring over the holidays. The guy can barely read the prompter and doesn't sound like he understands what he's reading. Could you imagine him in a breaking story, live, ad libbing, with no help?

  13. Most those KGO archive tapes on the 10 inch and 7 inch reels were disposed of last year, because they no longer had room to store them.

    UCSF had no interest in them.

  14. At 3:22 today, Pat referred to Congresswoman Cori Bush, D-Missouri, as a man. A moment later she said she didn’t know if Bush was a man or a woman. Then somebody told her that Bush is indeed a woman. I guess Bush’s sex wasn’t indicated in the talking points Pat was reading. This reminded me of the time she insisted Russia was part of NATO, and got into arguments with callers who said she was wrong. KGO can do better than this.

  15. Andre Senior - the guy that thought it would be cool to show up and read news with a Mr. T hairdo. Bad look and hard to take serious after that despite the haircut being gone.

    Mike Mibach - about as exciting as watching paint dry. Always looks like he is moderately constipated and waiting for the Ex Lax to kick in.

    Neither are very inspiring choices so I will abstain from a vote.

  16. How about they steal someone from KGO ABC7.
    J.R. Stone has some energy that comes across the screen.
    More energy than Senior or Mibach.
    You know, another person with energy is the ABC7 weather guy, Drew Tuma. He's improved a lot since he got rid of those spandex suits he had a couple years ago. Just train him to be more serious with the regular news.
    Or have two women anchors by taking the best choice of all, Dion Lim.
    Unless there is a problem with two women, she is the top Bay Area choice overall.

  17. hey
    AnonymousDecember 28, 2021 at 2:15 PM

    let the pat, balance of nature thing go LET IT GO

  18. The answer is obvious. Offer Ken Wayne whatever it takes to come back and take over Somerville's chair. (Fox might want to replace the actual chair first, just in case that's the source of the bad mojo.)

    1. Ken Wayne? That robot? Mibach has more charm. R2D2 has more charm1

    2. Which do you want, 11:53? Charm? (That doesn't buy you gravitas.) Or is gravitas more important? (Dennis Richmond was not very high in the "cuddly and lovable" department, but his on-air demeanor did convey gravitas.) Ashley on KGO/7 is the closest locally to having both, Aguirre is also fairly high on both scales. But Dave McElhattan and Pete Wilson took their unique blends of charm and gravitas to the grave with them.

    3. Re: Dennis Richmond, it was the illusion of gravitas, nothing more.

  19. please stop bashing on john. ive known john for 40 years and he is a good man...currently stuck in a not great situation, while doing something he loves to do.
    and if he speaks truth to power, they will replace him with more syndicated fare...which they may do anyway.
    john uses his bully pulpit wisely
    and when was the last time you heard a local kgo host bashing corporate?
    and as for the new variant, while mortality rate is not high, i spoke to a local er nurse who said they are getting overwhelmed with cases, which is again putting a strain on the health care system
    so shut your pie hole and wear a mask and get the booster when you can

    1. Truth to power has got to be the most over used BS saying ever.

      Rothman should be thankful he doesn't have to get a real job


  20. Nobody cares about KGO.. Thurston should thank her lucky stars she hasn't been canned

    1. You are so RIGHT! She thinks she is talented because there is no one there with ANY talent.

  21. City News Support actually has a cool idea. Sort of like old replays of Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell. Weekends carve out some time maybe in the afternoon/evenings and play reruns of old shows like Gene Burns. If selected properly they could be very interesting to listen to. Commercials would have to be edited out if they are the air recordings. Get get some bargain basement sponsors and spend almost nothing to do this. Would be better than some of the crap on the weekends now.

  22. I have to say I never listen to Thurston she's like listening to the CNN, no real critical thinking or discussion. Whenever I turn into Rothman who I generally like, once I hear the "C" word I turn the radio off. I can't take any more of his hysteria on the pandemic or anyone else's for that matter. Moving on to nostalgia 1980s music radio. Somehow it makes more sense.

  23. Andre is the better choice of the two despite the silly haircut.

    I'd say bring in Brian Hackney, but he and Amber Eik-diot would last about ten seconds together. And he's too classy for that chicken-shit outfit.

  24. Rothman doing the same, lame show, "I want to know what you think", which makes it tough to call the station during drive-time. Unless you are Rama who calls every single day and some woman doing an Andria Borba impersonation.
