Monday, December 27, 2021

Cumulus SF Status on Variant Murky

YEAH, Once again, the Cumulus cluster in SF--at Broadway and Battery--is mostly people-less--due to a lengthy list of positive-tested Covid-19 folks. The real news: the variant freaking all those out started from a producer at KNBR who didn't bother to tell his boss his status.


  1. Thinking of you during this lovely ? season


  2. I won't say where, but some genius knew he was sick but came to work anyway, then, at the end of the day, proceeds to walk into someone's office with no mask on(super genius) to ask for a COVID test. Guess who was positive for covid? The genius.

  3. KNBR The COVID Leader

  4. But couldn't anybody just say they tested positive, not have to provide any documentation, then get to take time off during the holidays when normally they'd have to work it? Or maybe some folks are merely stuck in the Reno/Tahoe area due to the highways being closed; just thinking out loud:)

  5. john rothman named dropped, like he loves to do, that nikki medoro was exposed to covid, which might explain why everyone's favorite male yenta chrissy merrill is back, but maybe she's on vacation, there was no mention of it again as far as i know..
