Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Rumor: Keeshan Sick of NY; Wants to Come Back to SF; Ex-Circle7 News Boss

THIS IS ONLY A RUMOR ...but it has legs.

Kevin Keeshan (his unle was Bob Keeshan, yes, Captain Kangaroo) is supposedly sick of New York and wants to come back to the Bay Area. My sources tell me the ex-KGO-TV ND (and now programming news honcho at NBC at 30 Rock) dreads the NY lifestyle and misses the relative charm of the Bay Area. He still has many admirers at Circle7 but I doubt he would be offered his gig back at ABC7. He could go to NBC here (San Jose) and probably help out current ND, Steph Androuny (tired and blase)...either way, Keeshan comming back to the Bay Area would be monumental.

*THE PROBLEM at KGO TODAY (among many) relying on 90's platformas and ideas that are NO USE in 2020 business models...NDs Milt Weiss (who died a few years ago) and Keeshan himself utilized the talents of people like Ama Daetz, Michael Finney, Dan Noyes--in many ways, franchises themselves. Those same folks TODAY are being WASTED because said talent have NO SUPPORT. They are becoming tired and useless because the current ND, worthless Trixie and her loyal band of mutts (like Ming Sze and Laura Anthony and DO NOTHING GM, Tom, The Big Cibrowski--COMPLETELY and utterly USELESS--


  1. - Definitely not like uncle, like nephew. Bob Keeshan loved NY enough to stay for 30 years as Captain Kangaroo.
    - Kevin Keeshan needs ABC7SF, and KGO-TV needs him. Too bad the ABC-Disney middle management can't see that. Didn't know you put Laura Anthony up there with Liz Kreutz, Rich.
    - RL, let me know who you think may become Lead Field Reporter at Circle7 after Freedman's retirement. Not sure David Louie wants the extra responsibilities, but at least two others are worthy of it.

    1. Yeah dont forget Kruetz using company email to threaten people.

  2. Well, I'm sick of Keeshan. He was an a-hole here and I hope he stays in the Big Rotting Apple, where he belongs.

  3. Androuny has always been a big zero. Not ND material. Bean counter material. A proceduralist, with zero passion for news and zero news judgment but a strong desire to drive high end cars and live the yuppy lifestyle from a very young age. She's the female Andrew Finlayson.

  4. Hey 11:39, I too know Keeshan and had dealings with him as a competitor and as you said, the asshole he was, and probably still is. I had the misfortune of having to work with him on projects that required the collaboration of all the different stations. Only reason why I would think he wants to come back is because he "never made it there" so in reality he'll never make it anywhere. He truly was a spineless ass kisser who couldn't make a decision unless it was done by committee. Never one to take the blame if something went wrong. What a looser.

  5. Right on 5:49! Spineless says it best! The Don Knotts of newsrooms! Made big speeches as KGO "Football Coach" destined for the corner office. Disney saw thru the bullshit and sent the water cooler boy off to Siberia. NY was the LAST place he and his East Bay family wanted. But of course, Kev, family with you isn't important. Is it? The old guard Weiss, Ross, Milligan said it best and laughed behind his back. A weak, spineless, office politician with ZERO balls. Better polish those stilettos Steph, Keeshan will F-you over. He's tired, old, and getting bored riding Valari's mid-level heels to obscurity. His "legacy" as NBC ombudsman? Company rat, because good rats are hard to find.
