Monday, September 13, 2021

415 Media Extra: Castaneda Signs Two-Year Extension at KTVU

Sal Castaneda will be ANCHORING and reporting on news and pop culture for KTVU for at least the next few years.

The Bay Area native and veteran traffic anchor has SIGNED a new two-year EXTENSION--Castaneda had an expiring contract in October but secured enough good will from The Firm to fetch another two years. Castaneda is part of the OLD KTVU crew with a flair for the modest check and ability to be funny and humorous without being overly obnoxious like some outspoken media bloggers.


  1. Wonder if there is a clause for a bonus whenever he shows up without five o clock shadow

  2. Replies
    1. Congrats for what? For not getting laid off?

  3. In other news, my dog took a poop.

  4. I don’t get him at all. Always seems like he is trying very hard to be one of the cool kids in school but he just comes off clumsy and awkward. Typical Riordan guy unlike Mibach SI. Go Cats!

    1. "Always seems like he is trying very hard to be one of the cool kids in school but he just comes off clumsy and awkward."

      YUP! Perfect description of him. And he has all the warmth of a bag of ice.

    2. I couldn’t agree with you more. especially obnoxious is when he interviews any male who he perceives as a ‘real’ man (pro athlete, musician, etc.) and refers to them as ‘man.’
      You’re a 50+ man, speak like one.

  5. Funny you think anyone cares about Riordan SI. Oh wait, your glory days were in high school. I get it.

  6. Thanks for dashing my hopes.

  7. I have never understood the real purpose or appeal of Sal. He usually sounds like he is reading the report for the first time. And why do they spend so much time reporting traffic on TV? The people who really need it are already stuck in their cars listening to their radios. Of course, Sal is little help, wasting air time talking sports with the weather guy.

  8. I find him overly obnoxious.

  9. So sad. I had hoped his days were numbered at KTVU.

    1. Speaking of numbers you can always do what I did a few years back. I got up off my poto, and turned the dial to a different number on my RCA Victor Color TV, as to not ever watch KTVU in the AM ever again.

  10. Total waste of money..always looks like a deer in the headlights!

  11. Funny to watch all the keyboard anonymous warriors here comment on every TV personality as if their sad little opinions about them actually mean something.

    1. so says the ‘anonymous’ woman (or maybe man) who fires off her silly opinion about an entire group of people who read the same media blog that she does. LOL

    2. What? I never pretend my opinion means anything to anyone unlike you think it does. You realize the newscasters probably don’t care what we think, right?

  12. I like Sal, Steve, Pam, Gasia, and Dave. They’re not perfect people and that’s ok.

  13. I like Sal he seems genuine, which is sadly a lacking trait in entertainment

  14. Sal ain't nuthin' without Big Rick.

  15. I lost all respect from him after he did that pathetic publicity stunt where he wore a red lace thong just for laughs. So lame.

  16. As someone said above, if you don’t like it, change the channel. I like Sal and the whole crew actually.

  17. That was Aubrey Huff,

  18. The TV stations don’t pay people unless they think most viewers like them. That goes for everyone you see on TV. If someone is unpopular, they don’t stick around long.

  19. I’ve seen people trash everyone written about. None of us would have the guts to say anything like this to them in person or with our real names. I like this blog but let’s keep it all in perspective.

  20. Castanada's job is hilarious! He delivers dated information the moment he announces it.
