Monday, September 13, 2021

Real Reason Wayne Freedman Split KGO-TV; He Wanted a Raise; Growing Tension at Circle7; Frank Somerville's BS Social Media Postings; KPIX O'Donnell Mystery Now Two Months In; Angry Rothmann; KNBR Papa and Lund Feud; Monday Open

THE REAL REASON why KGO (ABC7) VET NEWS REPORTER, Wayne Freedman suddenly RETIRED: Freedman hadn't got a RAISE in three years!

He's not the only one at Circle7 but he's the biggest. Of course, Freedman is BSing about his sudden decision to leave and believe me, he did LEAVE. He even told many friends how he was FED UP about the biz and was ready to LEAVE it and carry on his personal life and begin a new chapter outside Channel7 and even splitting the Bay Area as he has chosen.

MOST people at 900 Front aren't surprised at Freedman's decision to get out. It's only further proof of a GROWING disdain for the Mouse folks and their DISNEY cheapness. The people in TV News no longer make the money they made in the past, that's been a constand for several years now, but Freedman and his 57 or so Emmys, seemed due for some sort of financial reward. He was WRONGO. Building a Better Bay Area without paying some talent is the new reality at KGO.

*Frank Somerville is trying to CHANGE THE TOPIC (and not succeeding) at KTVU with his DUMB, STUPID, social media postings (mostly on Facebook)

Somerville's professional and personal life is the talk at the station as there's RAMPANT speculation that he's back on a mission of self-destruction with more beer-night outs and wild womanizing in Bay Area bars and restaurants. Somerville has begun a new tactic and I guess KTVU/FOX is OK with it. Until it comes back and beats 'em in the ass. If Frank wanted to bury the concentration on his personal life and make a significant comeback, he should stay off Facebook and 86 all the various BS he spouts. It's NOT genuine, first off and coming from a guy with lots of ISSUES, not exactly sincere.

*We're now TWO MONTHS into the MIA status of KPIX Sports anchor, Dennis O'Donnell and STILL, NOT A WORD from BOTH him and CBS-SF.

THOSE IN THE KNOW at 855 Battery INSIST they know NOTHING. I've asked several of my PIX contacts if they've even heard any rumors and they say no. Here's the weirdest and most bizarre thing, you all should know this: virtually all the sources clam up and HIDE when even the mention of O'Donnell takes place. I can't remember anything like this, ever. It's like a SECRETTIVE state mentality is happening. And it only intensifies the MYSTERY and adds to the GLOOM and DOOM which is present-day KPIX.

*John Rothmann is the HAPPIEST man on the planet, well, maybe not. The KGO Radio talker constantly spiels, "there's no place I'd rather be than here"--in theory, perhaps but in reality? NO SIR. Rothmann, the ever good soldier, has PLENTY to be ANGRY about at his KGO bosses, who have taken advantage of his want to stay on the air forever (if he could) and believe me, he's NOT a happy camper.

*THAT "innocent" spat (off the air, of course) last week between Greg Papa and his ass-kissing, KNBR sidekick, John Lund, was anything innocent. It involved Papa lectuirng Lund, the imbecile, juvenile 54 year-old teenager, to lighten up and not take things so seriously. Lund told Papa to "go shove it." A KNBR producer told the guys to be ready to go back to air. DEAD SILENCE. Then the two resumed their on-air folly. But there's a little tension.


  1. Maybe Lund is finally realizing that he doesn't have to kiss Papa's ASS, and that its okay to give his opinion and stick with it. Bring back Gary and Larry. Problem solved.

  2. - Sounds like even Circle7 viewers are being ignored by the middling middle management at ABC-Disney. Until Turd Tom and Terrible Trixie (and Ming) leave, the misery continues at KGO-TV, despite Ashley & Finney's best efforts. Sad.
    - The Firm is realizing that Somerville has no mental toughness, especially off the air. An anchor with multiple 10-win years on the air is carrying himself in a 2-win manner (excuse the Niner History metaphors). I wonder if even the worst KTVU personalities from Eikel to Gasia to HH are starting to see Somerville's rock bottom all too clearly.
    - Next time you talk to your PIX sources, remind them of this: Viewers are very aware of two O'Donnell facts - 1. He had been slurring a lot during his broadcasts this year; and 2. His family has a history with dementia/Alzheimer's, a subject that O'Donnell has always been sensitive about. Unlike most of our blog readers, most PIX viewers, many of them long-timers thanks to the two-decade roll that the CBS network continues on, will not ignore this subject and will continue to press for proper clarification, regardless of privacy laws or other privacy factors. I may not be too concerned about this, but the viewers who have followed O'Donnell's entire career and may literally know him personally deserve to know more.
    - If you are a broadcaster, never, ever fawn about your job. You will be taken advantage of. Rothmann isn't the first, and will not be the last.
    - Might Greg Papa be finally fed up with Lewd Lund? Regardless of Papa's personality on and off the air, sounds like even he has had enough. Don't surprise if the Knibber hears Papa out, and eventually the Lewd one will finally be off our airwaves, regardless of ratings or other contract complications.

  3. Wayne ain't worth the bucks. His reporting has gone to "phoning it in" in the last ten years. No big deal.

  4. How can the mutt Lund disrespect Papa? Papa runs the show. The mutt should be put down!

  5. No way John Lund can talk to Gregory like that. Lund is out of line. Through some fertilizer on him and kick him out

    1. Josef the San Mateo MenschSeptember 13, 2021 at 2:32 PM

      Craig is spot on, never liked John Lund he looks like a middle school gym teacher that is not sure what gender 'he' is.

  6. How does Lund keep a job? He's such a sophomoric moron.

    1. I will give John Lund credit. He does do a decent job on the Niners radio pre and postgame shows. Even when he was on with Tolbert, he was ok. With Greg Papa he can act sophomoric.

  7. I have grown to really enjoy Rothmann's show and try to tune in as much as I can.

    6 months or so back you would write articles about how great Pat Thurston and John Rothmann were on the air. I would pile on the insults like a few others here. The last month or so I've really started to enjoy John's show. You were right, I was wrong. And I'm glad they're on the air.

  8. Anonymous (Of Course)September 13, 2021 at 3:21 PM

    You're absolutely correct, Rich. I worked at KPIX for nearly 20 years (not there now) and have many, many people I still stay in contact. NOT A SINGLE ONE will tell me anything. They all insist they know nothing. I'm sure that's the case for many of them, but I'm less sure about a couple folks. They claim they know nothing, but I do not believe them. To maintain my relationship with them, I've dropped the matter. It's really irritation, considering how well I knew Dennis. Now I can't reach him either.

  9. This is what happened to Dennis O'Donnell—I have it on good authority:

  10. Rothmann carries himself like he's intellectually superior. Not the worst radio I've ever heard, but his 24/7/365 Trump hate is too much and I don't even like Trump.

    1. You need to listen to Rothmann more, I listen often, the past few weeks, he has talked about Covid, the recall, global warming, lots of shows on Afghanistan, and being critical of Biden. He also have talked about the San Francisco school board. I would say now that Trump is out of office, he might spend and hour or 2 a week on Trump, and only some weeks. If Trump is in the news, or there is a new book on him, John will talk about it, but it is hardly 24/7.

  11. Good authority, but bad youtube link

  12. so monday night rothmann was droning on about another election protest event this saturday in dc and one point he said " my only regret is i wont be on the saturday to cover it" or something to that effect..thats not the first time he's made comments like that..maybe his way of taking a dig at lee hammer..

  13. No one mentioning Frank in the comments says it all.

  14. Dennis O'Donnell is still in the KPIX news promo, which suggests he's coming back.

    My life is too short to follow Frank Somerville on social media. I like his voice when he reads the news. I like Ken Bastida's voice,too

  15. "Lund" is a slang term in Hindi for the male privy member.
