Tuesday, September 14, 2021

The Day Ronn Owens Threw Norm Macdonald Off The Air on KGO Accusing Macdonald of Being High Even Though He Wasn't; Full Interview

Norm Macdonald, the uber-talented, extraordinarily funny comic --best known for his SNL (Saturday Night Live) stint and comedy tours, died today. He was only 61.

A FEW YEARS BACK, Macdonald appeared on Ronn Owens' KGO Radio program. It was an interview that went south when Owens arrogantly, essentially threw Macdonald off the air, complaining during the interview that Macdonald was drunk, on drugs, or under the influence--all categorically WRONG because both Macdonald and his manager told Owens and a KGO producer, (before the show) that he was taking Nyquil to treat a cold.


The most galling thing about the Macdonald-Owens interview is Owens' chutzpah to insert a mattress company spot plug he did at the time --at Macdonald's expense. So while it was OK that Macdonald seemed high (according to Ronn) it was still OK to use him to get in a cheap plug for a mattress company that's now out of business.

So Ronn essentially USED Macdonald all the while ridiculing his on-air persona. Owens will probably brag about the affair but it was Ronn himself that sounded loopy.


  1. Very saddened by Norm's passing. Like so many, I loved the guy.

  2. I was a big Ronn fan, but this was one of his worst moments. I heard this live, and even if not on cold medicine, Norm sounded like Norm always does. Ronn clearly had not heard Norm interviewed before. Ronn was way out of line. In retrospect, may have been one of the first signs Ronn was on the decline as a radio host.

  3. Loved Norm. Hated Ron. Always thought he sucked and was a little whiny b.

  4. Ronn would break wind in the studio and blame it on Ray Taliaferro, from the overnight shift. Nasty bastard.

  5. Norm just sounded way out of Ronn's league. He came across as frustrated, defensive and ultimately condescending because he didn't know how to "play" at Norm's level. Terrible radio from a host in over his head.

  6. Norm was Letterman's hand picked final stand up and is basically known as one of, if not the, best guests on talk shows. I wonder who might have been off on this one.

  7. I don't think I heard the interview. I did hear Ronn talking about it, he said his producer came to him and said Norm was high as a kite, which my be the cough medicine. Anyway the Mattress Company, changed names, I think they merged with another company or got bought out, in any case they didn't really go out of business, as the locations they had are now Mattress firm, or at least most of them.

  8. Ronn Owens would never get Norm Macdonald.

  9. I heard the interview and was quite disturbed and surprised at Owens actions and comments. He sounded like Norm Macdonald to me and clearly Owens had no understanding of him. The worst line was something from Ronn Owens like, "are you high? you can tell me"

    Just another pathetic example of Owens taking himself way too seriously.

  10. So who has a grudge against Peter Finch and why? Seems kind of pointless.

  11. What a prick Ronnn Owens is. Little snide comments, almost under his breath, and his "we're done here" remark was the height of arrogance. I wonder how Ronn Owens' time at KGO will end. Oh wait....it did. In the most unceremonious way for a man of his self-important stature.

  12. Hey Ronnnnnnn, is Norm dead or just "ripped"? Whaddya think?

  13. Ronn Owens was the Joe Manchin of radio.
