Thursday, September 9, 2021

August Radio Ratings; KNBR (Thanks Giants); KCBS Tanking; KGO; Meh; "The Game" Still Sort of Awful; KSFO, Who Cares

GOOD LORD, KCBS, if this isn't more proof you are LOSING IT, I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS!

August Radio Ratings are out. Ho hum, KNBR, you have the Giants and finally figured out how the hell, not to screw it up, congrats for absolutely NOTHING.

The "Game", 95.7 FM, slightly better than awful. Maybe another Kate Scott offering--she can opine on Afghanistan with Damon Bruce, proud father.

*KGO: flatlining, but doing it with style.

*KSFO: only thing missing is a casket. PS: who cares.


  1. Peter Felch and son Davis Felch at KCBSSeptember 9, 2021 at 9:43 AM

    While Kate Bolduan was seen at Tadich, her co-worker Jeffrey Toobin was spotted at Folsom Gulch, telling people “I’m not Jeffrey Toobin. My name is Robert.”

  2. The A's are doing pretty well. What station are they on and have their ratings gone up as a result?

    1. 960 bloomberg..and the station comes in poorly in the south bay, i dont know about san francisco it might come in better there..

  3. 95.7 needs to die already. Move these schmucks over to 1050. It's been a decade now and the ratings are actually worse!

    1. What are you talking about? They are crushing the SF School District station.

  4. Not much style at KGO when super sub-par sub Chris Merrill is on. Sitting in for the admirable Pat Thurston, Mr. Shouty has just been wondering if the Jan. 6th QAnon Shaman will one day be remembered as a hero "like Guy Fawkes is in England." Even I didn't think Shouty capable of making such an asinine analogy. [In a country still officially Anglican, Guy Fawkes is considered anything but a hero. Which is why on Guy Fawkes night ("remember, remember, the fifth of November/Gunpowder, treason and plot") effigies of him are burned on bonfires.]

  5. Why is KGO's John Rothmann giving up his Saturday show after Saturday's 9/11 one?

    1. rothmann isn't giving it up on his own..lee hammer made the call, rothmann was groussing about it the other night..back to get rich real estate tax scams taped programming

  6. Just curious Rich, is this the first time KGO has cracked the top 20 since they experienced that unforced-error fender bender ten years ago?

    Re: 1:27's comment about Chris Merrill. Remember, much of his prior experience is w/ hard-right talk show stations. Switching to center-left will take some time. One this Mr Merrill has going for him, a good sense of humor. He may turn out ok, time will tell.

    Re: 3:10 pm's comment about John Rothmann giving up his Saturday show. Mr Rothmann explained that already. The Saturday show was KGO's Covid programming accommodation, expedited by the support of the advertiser that sells high end radios. C-Crane I think. As Covid appears to be on the wane in the Bay Area, the Saturday show is no longer needed. KGO is a business, and I expect the management there would be happy to keep the Saturday show if that time segment's profits were on par with whatever programming takes its place. Apparently that's not the case. Add to that easing the 6 day a week schedule burden for Mr Rothmann.

    1. Lol..john rothman wants to work seven days a week, let alone six,its no "burden" for him, he's openly begged to cover extra shifts from the other talk show least that's the impression he gives

  7. Why even give a rats ass about KGO???

  8. KCBS must be really bad these days. I switched over to KGO where Chip Franklin was on and he was actually interesting. Unlike KCBS with their commercials occasionally interrupted by traffic or weather, Chip talked about one subject for the entire segment, then had an interview about the election next week. I am sure this was fluke--Chip used to drive me to change stations faster than a Kars 4 Kids Kommercial, but these days my standards have gotten so low, he wasn't that bad.

    1. I agree, Chip Franklin has grown on me too. And he's much better when he's solo. I didn't like him when he was teamed up with Medoro.

    2. They weren't "teamed up".. She was the female sidekick with no equal billing... Sidekicks are an insult to the main talent and to the slaves.

  9. 3:10PM John giving up his Saturday probably was not his choice.
    I know nothing about Guy Fawkes except what you just wrote, but I DO know who Piers Morgan is. I like him (most of the time).

  10. How are the ratings for KRONon? CBSN Bay Area?

  11. I still can't believe some of the people who are on KCBS. That's why their ratings have tanked

  12. The farther the Giants go into the post-season, the less attention KNBR can give the 49ers. It could be halfway thru the season before they even broadcast a game.

    1. The Giants are the only reason to listen to KNBR at this moment. The regular shows are awful. BTW, Greg Papa is unlistenable on 49er games.

  13. You give 95.7 too much credit. The morning show in particular is just an embarrassment, but the entire lineup is trash.They claimed to be the As station initially and then blamed them for bad ratings. We'll the As don't even get mentioned now, how has that helped ratings?

  14. KGO is just outright bad and ridiculous as their advertisers. Totally AGREE that KCBS has noticeably-obviously gone down hill. KNBR is proof that they want to control the narrative (ie. 49ers) to convince Sport Fans they're right and anyone with a differing opinion - non existent. Bay Area Radio is so bad, I'm finding more joy in old Lucille Ball "Lets Talk to Lucy" on SXM Podcasts!

  15. Re: (8:32 PM) "KGO ... ridiculous.... advertisers."

    For the most part I put up w/the advertisers. After all they are the folks paying the bills. But I'll grant there is ONE advertiser who's money-give-away spiel is starting to grow old.
