Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Media Wednesday Soup; Lousy AM Radio in the 415; CNN's Gorgeous Kate Bolduan Tadich Sighting; KRON Power Team Liviakis and Lodes; Darts Here and There


Bay Area radio used to be really good and not in the crummy state it is now. I have rarely ever listened to such GOD AWFUL offerings as I do now. No wonder most people TUNE OUT terrestrial radio. It's truly HIDEOUS. And it's especially hideous in the Bay Area.

First off, you have KCBS and its traffic, commercials and MORE COMMERCIALS! spaced around two seconds of news and BORING, BENIGN, Holly Quan and her AWFL news anchoring. Quan's greatest asset is that she's not Jim Taylor. How wonderful. If KCBS were more outright TERRIBLE in the morning, they'd be slightly more interesting than lunch at Santa Rita.

KGO isn't better with AM sleep inducer, Nikki Medoro, whose greatest asset is talking about her kids every day and lobbing softballs to Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf. Medoro and her whiny voice is no day at the park but at least she serves a purpose: she MUTES out the INSUFFERABLE Bret Burkhart, an alleged news guy with the personality of a drunken cat. My god, why is Burkhart on the air? He's about as serene as a Concord Arby's.

On KNBR, we have the usual PATHETIC gruesome twosome known as "Murph and Mac", but on the street, really, "Smurph and Crap." Murph (Brian Murphy) thinks endless love bits about his UCLA Bruins is compelling radio. Yeah, Murph, we just love your SoCal fratboy drivel, can't live without it.

*A Kate Bolduan sighting: The be-YU-Ti-Ful CNN anchor was spotted outside Tadich the other night.

*KRON still has not hired a permanent News Director but rumor has it one day soon, we'll have an announcement and it could be a LOCAL name.

*SPEAKING OF KRON: Power TV couple, the gorgeous Vick Liviakis and Grant Lodes: an underrated team that combines BEAUTY and GRACE. It's not only a network quality look but a cohesive newscast that is straight, simple, and equisite to watcch. Dear lord, if I get too much in love with a KRON news show, punish me with a tofu scramble in Yuba City.

*I wouldn't be surprised if Countess Eilel, the embattled KTVU ND is updating her resume at the end of the month. The senior staff at Fox2 have had just about enough.

*FUTURE Cal Football radio play-by-play broadcaster: Kate Scott. Which can only mean less Cal football on radio listening for me.

*Chip Franklin, you of KGO fame, the morning gig with your bud, Nikki, is savable if you bud in and you know it. So does she but her EGO is in the way.

*90 days away from KGO massacre 10-year anniversary: Dec. 2, 2011, day that will live in Bay Area radio infamy.


  1. Foe some time now I believed that Cal sports were going through tough times financially. Hiring Kate Scott just confirmed it. That must have gotten her cheap and she sucks!!!!

    1. On her very BEST day, Kate Scott has a chance to achieve
      mediocrity. That is her absolute ceiling.

    2. Wait, Cal hired Kate Scott? When did this happen? Isn't Joe Starkey calling Cal football games? Maybe she will fill-in for him from time to time?

      In a way, I can see that. Kate is a huge Cal fan and she is a proud Cal alumni. That job would fit her well.

    3. That explains the Cal Bears cratering in their season opener at home against the Nevada Wolf Pack.

    4. where did that come from? joe starkey and his color analyst pacific coast termites did the game last week

    5. She will probably quit like she did at knbr and kgmz when the going gets tough kate gets going.... out the door to her next job.. She is terrible absolutely the worst

    6. Re: Anonymous 11:47
      Cal is not a football school. Their slow demise is at a time when college football is dissolving into the haves and have nots. Sound familiar?

      "Cratered"? Cal lost to a Nevada team that over the last 3 seasons is 22-13, played in 3 bowls and has a NFL prospect at quarterback.

  2. Speaking of KCBS commercial hours... now they have DuckDuckGo commercial that has a four beep alarm noise that would wake up the dead. It irritates me as much as the Kars for Kids and the attorney commercials. I'm guessing at least a half hour of commercials in an hour or kcBS.

  3. Any word on what Pero's doing these days? Starbucks? Chevy's? Wendy's drive-thru?

    1. I got a free pizza from him last week because he was 30 minutes late.

  4. No tongue lashing for KSPO's Armstrong and Getty? I actually prefer them to all the other morning shows. Every time I listen to Nikki Medoro, I last about 10 minutes before I have to change the station.

  5. Saturday should be an interesting day - I predict an abundance of Disaster Porn presided over by Rothmann...

  6. KGO Radio Infamy, as famous as the CBS Rural Purge??

  7. KRONs Grant Lodes comes across as a pompous ass!!

    1. Re Anonymous 7:43
      Anyone who would refer to Grant Lodes as such is completely, absolutely and entirely wrong.

  8. Kate Scott the ultimate signal of wokeness...she is lucky that she is gay and a woman because without both she couldn't get hired in her chosen field because she has no talent as a play by play announcer or a radio talk show host....just simply horrific!

    1. Eh, I'm not totally sure about that. She's worked hard to get where she is and she has gotten good reviews from people who have been in the industry for years; Tim Roye, Greg Papa, and many others.

      I mean yeah, maybe her being a gay woman might've played some type of role as it's always pointed out when she's mentioned, but she has worked hard.

  9. Same old crap on KGO. Fill in sucks. Rothman is meh. Chip avoids crap and focuses on Covid and linking everything to GOP and trump. Bay Area radio is pathetic. Pat can be topic to topic. Nikki. Why bother. I must be lame but WOR 4-7am, A & G to 10, KFI 10-12; Tom Sullivan; Chip the Prick and Conway. Obviously too much time working

    1. Don't you just love the one note samba predictable lefties on KGO? They rant, and moan about Republican attempts in Texas and elsewhere to make voting take some effort, claim that they want every voter to have voting rights. Then along comes a California recall election, and they pull out all the stops, saying they hope repubican and independent voters who don't dig the ultimate elitist,Gavin Newsom, don't show up to vote. hmmmThey never mention that tens of thousands of democrats signed petitions to enable a constitutional recall process, or that all Californians can vote.No one is stopping them.They neglect to talk about any of the candidates to replace, other than Larry Elder.They neglect to tell their listeners that this recall would only affect about a year of governance, as the regular gubernatorial election is a year away.They neglect to tell their audience of progressive lemmings that Calfornia has a solidly democratic legislature and that no one who replaces Newsom could do anything. There final argument is how old Diane Feinstein is, neglecting the hypocrisy of supporting the also senior leader from our state, Nancy Pelosi. Do they think she should quit now also, because they are ageists? I thought the left hated "isms"?

  10. Nikki and Brett - what a bunch of winey losers. 4 hr show daily and at least 1 hour spent daily talking about their kids, husband, wife and Brett's commute. Brett is a clueless newsman. Wonder how he graduated from Chico university.

  11. Regarding Murph and Mac, yes, they are a hard listen nowadays, but they are an institution in the mornings on KNBR. They've been holding it down in the morning hours on KNBR for what, 14, 15 yrs now? I was in college when they started. Now I'm in my mid-30's working full-time. Just think what you were doing 14, 15 yrs ago compared to what you're doing now. People's lives have changed the span they have been on in the mornings on KNBR, so far.

    There's something to be said for their longevity and success even though their show is not the same as it once was. They really peaked in 2010, 2011, when the Giants were at the beginning of what turned out to be their championship runs last decade.

    But yeah, Murph and Mac is not the best morning show, but you have to give them credit for how long they've been able to hold it down in the morning hours on KNBR, when on other stations, they probably would've been gone a long time ago, or after the Giants 2014 championship.

  12. Brett Burkhart probably has more on-air speaking time than any other radio broadcaster in the Bay Area. Hitting the mic hard 6 am to noon every weekday. Maybe he's just a little over-played is all.

  13. The morning show blows.

  14. Kate Bolduan is one of those femi-nazis who would have jumped at the chance to shut down your website had she been employed locally.

  15. Just discovered your Blog. I can't believe someone thinks almost like me, especially when it comes to Bay Area Radio specifically KGO, KCBS and KNBR (which after many years I did not include in "my favorites" in my new car!). The only thing I have to say is I can't stand CHIP FRANKLIN and I'm as "Blue" as they get! I have my reasons, but won't get into it now...Can't wait to read more!

  16. The news director at channel 2 ain't gonna be let go. Since when does the senior staff at the station get to dictate what the NY bosses have been doing since Fox took over? You are dreaming if you think Eikel is going anywhere. LOL! That's a good one, KTVU employees input are heard in NY. Ha ha ha!
