Friday, September 10, 2021

The New Mellow Darya; Seelig Killing KCBS; Wieder Excites on Medoro KGO Show; Soledad O'Brien; Jill Clayburgh; Allen Martin; Sept. 11, 2001 Memory; Friday Flash

SHE HAS ADAPTED A NEW IMAGE; whether intentional or not, Darya Folsom, she of the KRON morning show and ultmate yenta is suddenly quiet and withdrawn. Maybe because her boyfriend, Aaron Pero was fired from the ND gig in July. Folsom doesn't talk much latley, hell doesn't talk at all, according to my KRON spies. And that's good. Because, and this is sort of cray: when Darya sticks to the basics, she's actually not that bad. (Call the cops, I'm complimenting Diva Darya) --I mean, she's not Barbara Walters in her prime, but she reads copy fairly well. Let's put it this way, if Darya suddenly found a new non-drama persona, I'd be all over it. Thanks Countess.

*Jennifer Seelig, the ND and programming boss at KCBS should be sent packing, like yesterday. Seelig has DESTROYED a once proud news institution that KCBS used to be. Now KCBS is a daily DISASTER, a radio QUAGMIRE. You want a good laugh? Tune ino KCBS and listen to a bunch of frauds and JOKES. The all-news joke is tough even for a few seconds. And Seelig is responsible for this MESS. She should have been fired months ago but somehow gets a pass. Gees, I wonder why.

*Former KGO-TV ace reporter (and KGO Radio) Jim Wieder, called in to Nikki Medoro's KGO program Friday morning and it was, for a change, RIVETING radio. Wieder discussed his reporting from 9/11-era Islamabad, Pakistan. Wieder's descriptive account of the days post 9-11 were both awesome and chilling. And I'll give both Medoro and her news guy, Bret Burkhart, a rare salute. Why? For letting Wieder talk and engaging in stright talk and real, sincere, powerful conversation. How refreshing for a change.

*By the way, yeah, get this: REAL CONVERSATION, what a concept. There's a lot of people, myself included, who DIG honest, straight-forward SIMPLE talk. NO exploisions, no FAKE sound, sound effects. Artificial buffoonery for the sake of shock, is a TOTAL DISASTER. It's why intelligent people TUNE OUT radio these days. Because they want genuine people and genuine, AUTHENIC, interaction and human touch, NOT manufactured BULLSHIT like the mutual MUTTS on KNBR.

> *Hey Chris Merrill, see above item.

*Soledad O'Brien is a frequent reader of 415 MEDIA, she used to be an old KRONvict; migrated BIG TIME to CNN and now has an Internet-based talk show and forum out of NY. If she were to come back to the Bay Area, that would be swell but O'Brien is too big for the 415.

*Dear Allen Martin of PIX: were you not so sullen and gloomy, I'd believe and respect the notion that you're a solid news man and that you're really a swell guy. The problem is, and this is not unusual at KPIX, you give off the impression you're a real jerk. Maybe it's the water at 855 Battery, I don't know.

*Jill Clayburgh OOZED class and dignity. The images I have of her still stick out even today. Clayburgh died much too young (she was only 66); she had a beautiful, alluring and genuine persona. That's major SEXY in my book. I have no idea why I was thinking about Jill Clayburgh today but I was.

*September 11, 2001. Twento years ago on Saturday. I can't believe stinking twenty years. My goodness. And then some. Never forget.


  1. Allen Martin is actually a really nice guy.

  2. Some are going to say this is a sexist comment. I don't give a damn: Notice how every news institution in the Bay Area taken over by a woman declined *immediately*? KTVU, KGO, KCBS. Only KRON under Stacy Owen was worth a damn. Women aren't very good managers, sorry. You know who dreads interacting with a woman manager? My wife. She'll tell you men are better, period. But I know it's not a very popular opinion.

    1. Women are lousy Managers because their metric is based on emotion and not facts. Mean are realists. Women prefer males as managers because men are problem solvers.

    2. hmm KTVU has great ratings, so does ABC7(KGO). Your wife is lying to you.

    3. "Mean are realists"? Did you want a list of bay area male media bosses and their inability to solve problems? That's easy.

    4. I also suspect womens' promotions are based on metrics as well...and not any that have to do with competency.

      "Do we have enough women in this department? Enough women in 'leadership roles'? Then plug some in! Put women on the board because somehow this is going to change the company's direction. Make sure our most visible people (spokespeople, company representatives, PR flacks) are WOMEN OF COLOR." If they're transgendered, multiracial, and disabled (oh, I'm sorry, "differently abled") then JACKPOT!

    5. 11:23's comment reminds me of this classic SNL joke.

  3. Replies
    1. Silver Streak. Drop dead gorgeous and one Hell of a funny movie with Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor. The bathroom scene kills me when Gene applies shoe polish and pretends to act "Black".

  4. It's Bastida that gets me, not Martin. Bastida thinks he's smart and clever yet whenever he ad-libs you can hear he's dumber than a brick. Don't know how he got to the top when there are others, even at KPIX, far more competent.

    1. Mrs Felch, wife of Peter Felch at KCBSSeptember 11, 2021 at 12:10 AM

      Bastida reminds me of when Dave McElhatton’s pacemaker would short out every time he was near the microwave oven in the KPIX break room.

  5. Irritation Central Brett Burkhart on KGO 810 am
    Good time NEVER.

  6. "[Jennifer Seelig] should have been fired months ago but somehow gets a pass. Gees, I wonder why."

    Are you implying that she's sleeping with the boss, like Darya Folsom?

  7. You're right. Darya can read the news quite well. Take away the BS and she can stand on her own. She could even qualify as a morning reader for CBS5 and ABC7. She'd be a damn side better than the blandness on KPIX and the people at KGO.

    KCBS sucks. It has fallen faster than a runaway car going down Nob Hill.

    1. But she's still ugly -- the original face made for radio.

    2. > KCBS sucks. It has fallen faster than
      > a runaway car going down Nob Hill.

      ...that crashes into a Fresno Nordstroms with a yenta behind the cosmetics counter. ——You have to finish it the way Rich would.

  8. "When she's good, she's very, very good, but when she's bad she is

  9. - No wonder there were so many wrinkles in the Darya photo above.
    - Is Seelig part of the Audacy board?
    - Sad but all too typical that unintelligent (and often ignorant) people continue to run most terrestrial stations. Which explains the intelligent listener exodus.
    - Wow! One of HBO's best Real Sports journalists reads Rich's blog. Sounds like Soledad has similar stories to Lieberman's young years.
    - Martin is part of the middling employee crew at PIX. It's not just middle managers, it is staff at all levels. No wonder Black Rock seems so paralyzed about how to handle these contracts. Or are they dismissing the PIX troubles through the sadly successful ratings of the insufferable Big Brother, Love Island, & publicity hound Dr. Phil series?
    - Might RL have seen or recently remembered An Unmarried Woman or Jill Clayburgh's movie with Burt Reynolds titled Starting Over? #cancersucks
    - Never Forget. Even my insurance office where I was working at had a moment of silence in the back of the building. That terrible day shocked Tom Brokaw, brought Dan Rather to tears, and made Peter Jennings go back to smoking after he had quit for 4-6 years, which cost him his life 4 years later in 2005. My own tears came strangely enough when reading China's condemnation of this act.

  10. Be nice to have Soledad back in the bay. Imagine her anchoring KPIX news during Primetime...she alone doing a solo anchor would be intriguing and actually watchable! Right now KPIX is like a snoozefest...

  11. I had the *worst* crush on Jill Clayburgh. Swoon.
