Monday, July 26, 2021

The Mark Thompson KGO Radio Show is Still Lousy

Mark Thompson's 10-Noon talk show on KGO is now chock full of slop. I'd love for it to be a cohesive news-talk nugget. Thompson can't help himself there. There's NO newstalk really, just a barrage of fluffy minutiae and banal chit-chat with an insufferable news guy and an amateur producer who we're told is clever and funny but in truth is boring and insipid.

I've tried many times to like Thompson, I really have. But his show is baseless and just plain boring and dumb. I have no clue what Thompson's missive is. Is he an interviewer? Nope because he doesn't do many interviews. Is he a "news-talk" commentator? Hardly, because lately, Thompson doesn't talk much news-talk. His show is now prtty much Thompson playing off Bret Burkhart which is difficult because Burkhart is neither interesting or entertaining. Neither is Thompson so you get a combo deal. In fact, the show is basically Mark playing TV soundbites from YouTube and making sure his insufferable producer, "fresh-faced" Albert gets in a word or two. I don't care for Albert but at least he mutes out Thompson and less Thompson is good.

Thompson could do a good show if he just cared enough about his program but he can't help himself. He's too busy overly-modulating because Thompson is in love with his voice, that's a constant on the show. If Thompson were to examine news items of the day and void out the pop culture wonder bread, then the show might be worthy and good radio. Instead, it's a hodgepodge of the same nauseating crap we've heard the last few years.


  1. Yup, it's just a 2 hr. BS session with Burkhart. And, on occasion a dumb "why don't you just text it" thrown in by "silly" Albuurt. Which begs the question, Hammer is OK with this crap?

  2. Thompson ain't squat without Paymar and Radnich.

  3. Even the "retired" Bill Martin is more interesting to listen to.

  4. Hey for what it's worth, at least Nikki Medoro likes him as she is required to laugh at his shouting when he comes on at the end of her show.

  5. Peter Felch at KCBSJuly 26, 2021 at 2:21 PM

    I can’t stand Thompson. If I have an obstructed bowel movement, I turn on Thompson, then Blammo!!!

    1. Hilarious! And I agree, Thompson induces lots of unwanted physical reactions. He obviously has enough money from sources he and Brett hint at occasionally, so this KGO gig is purely a vanity exercise. I just said that whole thing so it must be true.

  6. I've never listened to Thompson on KGO but it sounds like he's trying to emulate the KFI Conway show (that he's on once a week and has substituted for). He's bad there and it sounds like he can't pull it off at KGO either.

  7. They royally suck from 6 to 12 if you count the yenta queen medoro who I really believe would talk four hours on what her kids hate to eat for breakfast

    1. Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, this morning Nikki Medoro's brilliant commentary focused on how often her kids bathe.

  8. It's insufferable dogshit, utterly unsuited for a Bay Area audience. It might work in Fresno, as long as there was no competition. KGO has options.. They should use them.

  9. The best word to describe the broadcast that Rich critiqued: Why?

  10. It might not be everybody's cup of tea, but I continue to find the program interesting & entertaining. And you have to admit the show sports some good continuing politics experts, like David Kay Johnston most every Tuesday. The downside, Thompson takes very few on-air listener calls. It's a compromise.

    1. David Cay Johnston is a blowhard know it all. He'd be nothing without the other blowhard, traitor Trump.

    2. I agree with 4:35 Mark Thompson is no Gene Burns, but several segments of this show are interesting or entertaining. There is no one else at that hour, Dennis Prager is a big bore, whoever took over from Rush don't know him and haven't felt the need to listen to him. David Cay Johnston is an award winning journalist and if you listen to him he does his share of reporting negative stuff about democrats. Mark has several people on that I find interesting Joe Firullo (not sure about the spelling) a couple of others as well. Compared to some of the other hosts KGO has had on since 2011, Tim Montemayor, Drex (he was the worst) Mark is far superior.

  11. Who listens to AM anymore?

  12. Oh, yeah?!? Well, YOUR show is lousy too.

  13. Well... I like Thompson a lot. It's just a water cooler bs session, but he covers a lot of what's going on in pop culture and politics. I liked it better when FFP Albert did not speak. He actually has good chemistry with Burkhart, compared to Pat, who has terrible chemistry with him. He comes up with a lot of clever terms.
