Sunday, July 25, 2021

KPIX's Darren Peck Has Options; KNBR's Tolbert Mocks Callers; Circle7 Jobina Gets More Notice; The Olympics TV Dud; KCBS Nothing Burger; Martie Lurie was Already Good; Vic Lee, Rita Williams Notes; Chronicle Food Section: Yawn; Sunday Scrambled Eggs


KPIX weekend weather guesser, Darren Peck, wants a top gig. He's probably not going to take over the Mon-Fri gig so it's hardly any secret Peck might be wooed back to either Sacra-tomato or Seattle, places on Peck's resme and where there's relative tranquility compared to PIX's friction-central. Oh, and the money is probably better.

*The other day, KNBR PM host, Tom Tolbert, decided to take calls. Imagine that. A sports-talk station taking calls, what a novel idea! Only Tolbert did the unthinkable. After taking a doofus call from some bloated guy in Lodi, he (Tolbert) decided to mock his own audience by essentially saying callers are buttheads and questioned why he went that way. Tolbert could have done worse: he at least allowed a Bay Area sports fan base a break from his tired, relentless essays on beer. What are those odds, "Tommy?"

*Jobina Fortson is getting network demand from El-Lay, notably a KTLA-like outlet that loves her work and screen presence but my Circle7 spies insist she's quite happy in the Bay Area. That's what they all say.

*If Tolbert were smart, he and other KNBR tonsils would listen to WFAN and WIP, in NY and Philly, and see how intelligent sports-talk hosts mixed it up with equally intelligent sports talk callers. They would then discover how the back and forth can be extertaining radio and not hijackeed by insufferable and idiotic sound bites and host indifference. KNBR is saddled by mostly dumb white guys in Livermore saying the Giants should trade the third-base coach to the Angels for Mike Trout. You can make better callers by hiring good producers who don't moonlight at night driving for Uber.

*The Olympis are getting killed in the ratngs so NBCBay Area (NBC too) will lose BILLIONS. I'm not watching the Tokyo Gmaes, I'm looking at Russian women soccer instead.

*Word on steet wisdom: even if Frank Somerville returns to KTVU in the fall, he's probably gone in March, '22 when his contract is up and The Firm decides to look for another Ron Burgandy.

*I talk about KCBS quite a bit because not so long ago, they were instant
listen-to" when a breaking-news item occured. Now, KCBS is a giant nothing burger polluted with boring and tepid characters masquerading as news presenters. It's too bad. And yes, KQED Radio is much better alternative and lots more exciting and informative also.

*The guy lawyer, Omar, who talks about the judge and how the judge thinks he's a good lawyer, is beginning to really annoy me which is about the 10th reason I'm turning off KCBS.

*Martie Lurie got inducted into the Bay Area Radio HOF but I already liked Martin enough. He didn't need a BARHOF induction for my endorsement, thanks anyway. The BARHOF award is sort of NorCal Emmy-lite in terms of how you actually "win" an award. Ask Wayne Freedman.

*Is retired but should still be working, in my book: KGO and former old KRON reporter, Vic Lee. Miss you Vickster.

*And Rita Williams? You too. By the way, am I the only guy who thinks Rita and Jane Curtin are the same ladies?

*To think Rita Williams, Lloyd LaCuesta, George Watson, Dennis Richmond, Randy Shandobil, were once part of the KTVU family is mind-boggling only because KTVU has fallen so fast and furious.

*I've said this a million times, bears repeating: the Sunday Chron food section was appointment reading for the Mike Bauer restaurant review. Mow it's littered with some woman who thinks tofu is real food. And her "reviewss"are about as exciting as a Redwood City Shell station.

*Among other issues, the Chron wants Bruce Jenkins to retire and Bruce doesn't want to retire just yet. Bruce might want to ask his co-workers about how Jon Carroll "retired."

*The story was Duane Kuiper returjing to the Giants broadcast boot on Saturday night but the STORY should be about how dramatically DIFFERENT the booth will be in '22.

*Maybe the nicest man on planet Earth: Retired Circle7 news anchor/reporter, Don Sanchez.

*Miss you too, Dianne Dwyer.


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  1. Looks like former Uber driver Covay is gonzo from 95.7. He's been absent about a month. They have a couple of new guys and Dickinson. Let's give it up for Covay, though. Lasted 2 1/2 years. Longer than the 8 months he lasted at 680.

    1. Good riddance. What a douche

    2. I believe covay was filling in the morning with his Irish frat "brother" butcher

    3. ah, ok. Didn't know he was a fill in. Means he will be back to normal time slot probably. Noooo. More Covay!

  2. What issss shakin Tolbert? Not much. And what’s with the dead air at the beginning of every show?

    1. Tolbert’s show is not as good as it used to be, but it is still much better than the Bruce show on 95.7 at the same time

    2. Dead air is better than Damon Bruce

  3. Tolbert is fine. He has bad cohosts so it’s not his fault. The mutt John Lund is the real problem. We need more Papa and less Lund

    1. F'n Lund needs to swallow Papa's nutsack and get it over with. Geez. That dude gets on my nerves.

    2. Is this Lunds new wife?

  4. I think the show works better with just Tolbert and one other guy. Three guys together is always a little odd and just doesn’t work.

  5. I hope me Jobina Fortson don’t leave. She’s good and got some groceries if you know what I mean!

  6. I wish Martie Lurie still did the post game show. I like him better than the new guy.

  7. Jane got a little more junk in the trunk then Rita

  8. The Chronicle is no longer worth the cost of subscription. I used to be subscriber. The entertaining columnists and competent journalists have left or retired. The Sunday paper is thinner than a pancake.

    1. The Chronicle hasn't been worth the cost of a subscription for at least twenty years.

    2. "The Chronicle hasn't been worth the cost of a subscription for at least twenty years."


  9. Kate Kelly?? Hello???

  10. Actually, trading their third base coach for Mike Trout would be a good trade if the Giants could pull it off.

  11. Jobina is solid on the air. I could see her going to a bigger market for sure. Especially if she is from LA

    1. I love Jobina but she might be getting to be a big fish in this pond. LA would be great for her

  12. I hope the new PD at knbr fixes Tolberts show

  13. - Peck will be another to leave PIX until CBS HQ forces a middle management major change. Is a Bastida retirement around the corner sooner than one would think, regardless of recent contract extensions? Doesn't help that CBS is stuck with bloated reality, which unfortunately scores undeserving ratings.
    - Tolbert has been mailing it in for years. Trade him to Tucson's sports talk station for one of theirs? Knibber PD needs to let Lewd Lund go. And that's not all. Long laundry list for the new guy.
    - Could Fortson have a bigger role should Ming be shown the door?
    - This Livermore reader knows that Trout is still recovering from a calf strain, and is ashamed to be associated with any fellow caucasian who would be that stupid in person, let alone on the air.
    - Saw Osaka light the torch, will see Biles' last gymnastics performance, and probably both golf tournaments, but other than that, especially in part due to the pandemic, I don't have any interest in the Olympics. I'm here blogging, preparing for the week, catching up on MLB, while listening to Bruce Springsteen. Oh, and speaking of Springsteen, one more Olympic exception - Bruce's daughter Jess going for Gold in Equestrian with her horse literally named Don Juan.
    - Should we let Will Farrell know about The Firm's opening next March? That would be hilarious!
    - Jennifer Seelig is in way over her head. Just ask Eric Thomas.
    - Never heard of Omar at KCBS. Glad I haven't.
    - BASHOF always boasts about broadcaster longevity. Marty Lurie is the latest example. While people like Lurie & Freedman are deserving, how many BASHOF inductees are most UN-deserving? Love to read the responses to that question.
    - Vic Lee retired, because 1) it took too much physical energy to run at all the stories; and 2) he knew the industry has long since taken a turn for the worst.
    - Rita is far sweeta than Conehead Jane (pardon the Rod-Mod-Bod-Faces-Stay-With-Me spelling). Nothing against Jane Curtin, whose career has been solid. But Rita Williams is a news reporting treasure within our Bay Area landscape. Always lights up the room.
    - Sigh, to all aforementioned-by-RL KTVU alumni who are missed. What an ongoing crash it is at Jack London Square. Perhaps the City of Oakland should have given the A's that second Tax district just to give The Firm notice. Nah, would have been futile.
    - "Tofu is real food"? HAHAHAHAHAHA! At least the Mercury News/East Bay Times writes decently, even if the stories don't always excite. At least the food writers know what they're talking about; helps that they hit the road and truly socialize with the real foodies.
    - Don't know who has more leverage between the Chron & Jenkins. Are Killion and Ostler giving their two cents about this? And whose side are they on, regardless of how it turns out?
    - Duane Kuip's return present was a bit too brown Saturday night. The Giants atoned Sunday, but the Dodgers and Astros come to Oracle this week, and the Champs are unbeaten in SF, while Houston has just one Bay loss all season against six wins.
    - Don Sanchez, one of a kind. He and his ex-KGO colleague, Evan White, remain a big part of the city landscape in retirement.
    - Diane Dwyer doesn't miss the industry, either.

  14. Peter Felch and Brian Copeland-Felch on KCBSJuly 25, 2021 at 9:11 PM

    I always wanted to see Narsai David vs Gene Burns on Celebrity Deathmatch. Narsai in 2 rounds.

  15. Ignoring the Olympics too. They should've been cancelled. Rather watch a shopping cart race at the local Krogers!

    1. In the '60s and early '70s, Wide World of Sports used to cover the shopping cart races at Krogers. Then ESPN picked up the event for a few years, in the early to mid '80s.

      Shopping cart races, arm wrestling tournaments, demolition motorcycle derbies, Amish rake fights, wiener dog sprints, lumberjack challenges, punk rock slam dance marathons. "Spanning the globe, to bring you the constant variety of sports."

  16. There are NO intelligent sports callers... Andrea the astrologer anyone?

  17. I would dearly love to see Jobina Fortson pack her bags for L.A. I hope a deal can be worked out quickly.

  18. Darren Peck is very good, if sometimes a little overenthusiastic over relatively minor weather events. However, I hear he's a pill around the newsroom. Too bad, because he's talented.

  19. From day one, Darren Peck had more personality than
    Paul Heggen.
    Peck, not Heggen should have been the main weatherman.
    Weather is weather, the personality is the difference.

    Not the same for other reporting. There, competence can take more importance. For example, Da Lin at KPIX... not a huge personality, but always a competent delivery of the facts. Often including parts of the story that others miss.

    1. Yeah, but the local canine community likes Heggen's personality. And that dog walking recognition.

  20. "I'm not watching the Tokyo Games, I'm looking at Russian women soccer instead."


  21. Agree with both comments of 12.40. Darren Peck most always makes the weather interesting with his enthusiasm and presentation. Paul Heggen is fine, but hard act to follow after Paul Deanno who left.
    Mary Lee is just too sweet. No one cares what cities she has to say "good morning" to, please. Always better when Darren fills in for her.

    I am a big fan of Da Lin. Always so serious in his suit and tie, a competent news report with interesting details. You are getting the real deal with him. Kiet Do is another competent reporter. More laid back that Da Lin, but gives a good report. He grew up in the area and sometimes throws in appropriate past history--and always includes the team with him "We are live in..." They have good people...hope they stay.

  22. Rich, perhaps for a future "scrambled eggs" column, I think channel 4's (relatively new) weather-person is doing a great job. She speaks loudly and clearly, no mumbling, very easy to understand. And she gets to the main points quickly. Some kudos are in order.

  23. If the Chronicle tries to whack/retire any folks in sports that will be a suicidal gesture. Many of us older farts prefer an actual newspaper in the morning than so digital piece of crap

  24. A couple of years ago Jobina Fortson was kind to my kids when spending time interviewing them for a local interest story and even invited them to Front St. for a tour. It was clear she was a pro and destined for larger markets.
