Tuesday, July 27, 2021

KTVU Wars and Nothing To Do with Frank Somerville; Ibanez and Martin; Haener Issues; KRON Anghst; Raj Mathai in Tokyo Pisses Off SJ Crowd; Tuesday Taco Short

IT'S NOT JUST THE FRANK SOMERVILLE RETURN this fall (assuming it's all go) that is on the mind of KTVU brass; the growing disconnect between the other THREE that has The Firm and their network amen corner, WORRIED. Julie Haener is increasingly irritated by the whole "Frank thing," as a FOX2 source put it. Supposedly, Haener is weary of Somerville's return because she hates being drawn into the whole mess. Breathe deep, Jules, there's more. Mark Ibanez and Bill Martin are at WAR! Ibanez, for years, has grown to HATE Martin and Martin can't stand Ibanez. They're quietly worked together but the whole giggle and smile is a FARCE. Ibanez makes fun of Martin off camera and Martin likes to poke at Markie Mark when the camera is off. What a happy family at The Firm's Oakland compound and we haven't even mentioned Frank and Jupromientlie's personal deal. We will, soon.

*At KRON, a PROMINENT anchor whose seen both sides of the fence is pondering early retirement because the fumes are becomming too difficult to manage. It's not who you think.

*The older rank and file at NBC Bay Area is ROYALLY PISSED OFF. Why? Because at a time when NBC (San Jose is a O and O) is still busy cutting back and made it a point to CUT personnel, the suits sent Raj Mathai to Tokyo to cover the Olympics. "Why in the hell did they need to do this?!", an ANGRY staffer told my spy. The Olympis are an integral part of NBC's Summer package only the RATINGS Have been a DUD. Mathai being in Tokyo seems to be goofy --I heard just expenses alone, Mathai's Japan trip cost half a mill. Bronze medal for San Jose.

*ABC7 has a growing feud of its own: the number of folks ( a lot, off the screen) who are FED UP with "Trixie" (tracey Watkowski) the ND with the people skills of a diseased parakeet--looking at KRON: " if they can ace out him (Aaron Pero) why can't we ace out her?" --They have momentum now.

*Reggie Aqui probably didn't want anyone else to know he sent his resume to the San Diedo ABC aff, but I know. Good luck.

*Just what makes me wax poetic: Foodie Chap describing the luxory of River Islands. Yeah, that divine aroma of the Central Valley, hold me back.


  1. So you are implying that the ABC 7 news director's behavior matches Mr. Pero's? Is she showing favoritism towards some talent in the talent stable that she is sleeping with? Please. ABC 7 is still on top of the ratings. The news director is obviously doing plenty right.

    1. They're "Building A Better Bay Area," one hookey report about people o' color at a time.

  2. Where is Frank? Why is KTVU silent? Frank's quick to report and provide perspective and judgement of others but when it comes to himself and KTVU, there is no accountability. Why don't they just "report the news" and why are all the other Bay Area news stations silent on this... some kind of code of reporting on reporters? -Confused

  3. Why does Mathai even need to be in Tokyo? Seems senseless and a waste of money. Ah yes, the "foodie chap," the guy who looks like he just creamed his shorts when he takes a bite of his French Dip sandwich as he sticks his hand up to his puckered mouth...he never met a free meal that he didn't love.

  4. Veronica De La Cruz will be poised for KRON!! Ken and Veronica, a perfect pairing!!!

  5. I sure hope Reggie Aqui stays put at KGO7. He is one of the anchors I enjoy watching the most.

    1. If Reggie goes to SD or anywhere else, will he then be known as Reggie Allá?

    2. That's funny. I'm surprised it wasn't deleted.

  6. I just found out that these news anchors who report the news don't actually write it, but just read what someone else wrote. So why do we care who is reading it to us? Anyone should do that, right? Or just let us read the teleprompter. Maybe we need to be more particular with who is actually writing it.

    1. Really? You just found that out?

      Loni Anderson isn't a real blonde either.

    2. So this means that anyone could read the news, even Loni Anderson. So why do we care about Frank Somerville? He is not a real blonde either.

    3. > Loni Anderson isn't a real blonde either.


  7. - The Firm needs to stop dragging its feet and put Kyla Grogan in place of Bill Martin ASAP!
    - Heenan? Wayne? That is, if it's not Moore. Liviakis always keeps it very close to the unflappable vest.
    - PR issues at KNTV? Nothing new here, unfortunately. And RL didn't even mention Aguirre and Wang stuck with each other!
    - Go, Dan & Michael and the rest of Circle7! Time for the vultures to snag Trixie out of Front Street, and send her somewhere where her awful personality is a better fit.
    - Donny in a real Marie-land that is the Bay Upside Down, aka San Diego? Why not!
    - Haven't been following PIX lately. Is the Chap still staining the struggling SF Eye?

    1. "- The Firm needs to stop dragging its feet and put Kyla Grogan in place of Bill Martin ASAP!"

      Can I get a halleluhja?

      "- Heenan? Wayne? That is, if it's not Moore. Liviakis always keeps it very close to the unflappable vest."

      He said early retirement. That rules out Heenan, who's probably both the oldest person and the oldest employee at KRON by this point.

      "Time for the vultures to snag Trixie out of Front Street, and send her somewhere where her awful personality is a better fit."

      Too good for her.

    2. t9 anonymous at 7:01, if she
      could pronounce the local words, it might help her cause, the ssme with orozcco,
      they're both the same, hicks
      from the valley

    3. Kyla's from New York City. I used to watch her there. I think that might make us the 'hicks' LOL. I think Rosemary is from Sacramento. I am from the south bay where we know how to capitalize letters.

  8. "I heard just expenses alone, Mathai's Japan trip cost half a mill."

    What could you spend half a million on in expenses, especially with journalists in lockdown??? I seriously doubt that story, even if they filled his hotel room with hookers.

  9. I hope Reggie leaves, I have my fingers crossed. His cuteness is repulsive. His replacement should be the one and only Rich Liberman. Rich and the Ming lady would make one of the greatest News teams of all time...can you imagine!

    Trying not to offend anyone...what is her correct name? Is it Ming Sze, Kristen Ming, Sze Kristen, Sze Ming, Ming Kristen or Kristen Zee,(from goggle)? Is she from Okinawa? Sure speaks good English.

    Asian women wear the short/slit dresses the best, it's in their DNA. Does Justine Waldman have some Asian DNA in her system. From what I am seeing, I certainly approve.

    The World is a better place, Rosemary is back in the 'full body' format, as graceful as ever. One of those women you can't take your eyes off.

    The Women Are The News.

    1. You are such a creeper. Collective vomit echoes across the bay area.

  10. Half a million for Raj in Tokyo? Maybe $50,000, tops. He would need to ring up at least $20,000 a day in hotel bills to come anywhere close to that amount. Simple math.

  11. "Rosemary is back in the 'full body' format, as graceful as ever. One of those women you can't take your eyes off."

    I can, no problem. A 50+ hoochie who still thinks she's hot.

    1. ...And O-rose-crow could not accurately tell the weather with a Kestrel meter in her hand. "It'll be 80 in San Jose today...." Hours later...it's 93.

  12. "Trying not to offend anyone...what is her correct name? Is it Ming Sze, Kristen Ming, Sze Kristen, Sze Ming, Ming Kristen or Kristen Zee,(from goggle)?"

    It's Palpatine.

  13. OMG, on KGO radio at 1 p.m. on Wednesday Pat Thurston went into a rant about menopause. She was asking her listeners to call in and comment on whether women going through the "change of life" should receive special accommodations at work. I'm not making this up. And she wasn't trying to be funny. She was deadly serious. I could only listen to about 10 minutes of this before I wanted to blow my brains out. Every time I tune into KGO, I think this station can't get any worse -- and then it does.

    1. She was actually discussing a news story out of the U.K. about claims of workplace discrimination. Oh no, she talked about a subject that affects 50% of the audience?!? Oh no, we can't handle even one segment! Sorry about that, bro.

  14. Haener, not being mean here, but she looks cold to me

    1. Cold in many ways if you get my drift

    2. She's actually very nice to work with. Total maintenance free pro. Trust me they all are NOT that way.

  15. Haven’t seen Dennis O’Donnell on recently. Thank goodness. Have they finally pulled the plug on him? His speech has gotten worse and worse.
