Wednesday, July 28, 2021

KRON Looks to Hire New Anchor

KRON --more specifically, its Nextstar parent, is PLANNING to hire another NAME anchor. It may (or may not) replace an existing anchor who might be leaving. Don't know the specifics yet but am working on it.

The atmosphere in the current KRON newsroom at 900 FRONT remains calm and cheerful. There are those who expect some jarring news to come out of the Aaron Pero firing but nothing is of the case. Pero's 86 from the scene has taken full effect and so far, the sea of serenity is in full force. A few name talent have quietly expressed dismay over the current lack of cohesion. That may have accelerated the look for a new anchor. KRON also looks to hire a few more reporters. Thankfully, weather and traffic reporters are not on the list.

Ken Wayne and Pam Moore, the senior news anchors have executed the "mums the word" policy. Both have remained QUIET on the news front. The producers and writers are amazed. Only thing on agenda: GM, the new guy, Rose is about to meet with staff for a "rally the troops" encounter. Everyone but the mayor is invited.


  1. Regarding the KRON anchor who may or may not be leaving...

    It's gotta be Liviakis. It's not Moore or Heenan. For them leaving wouldn't constitute early retirement. It's not Lodes or Waldman...for obvious reasons. Wayne would be a possibility as he's still the "new kid on the block" and not as invested in being at KRON as the rest. Folsom has all the reason to leave with Pero gone but she might need the gig. Liviakis makes the most sense. She definitely doesn't need the money. And that would be a shame as in my view she's the one that KRON can least afford to lose in the evenings.

    1. > Folsom has all the reason to leave with
      > Pero gone but she might need the gig.

      She might, but the atmosphere must be unbearable for her now and maybe she thinks a clean start in a clean city would be better. Where can she go now that her boss daddy's gone and there's no one to shield her from her awfulness. I'd put my money on her, with Liviakis second.

    2. @1:28 PM: Are you Vicki Liviakis' accountant??? Just how do you know, she doesn't need the money?

    3. I'm Vicki Liviakis's longtime lover. She definitely doesn't need money. She owns a huge plot of land in Lafayette, complete with horses. She could finance 10 people's retirements on her savings alone. She does the news out of love. I should know.

  2. Paging Frank Somerville. Get your resume in!

  3. KRON also needs to definitely hire a New Sports Director. Jason Dumas who replaced the talented Mark Carpenter in 2019 is simply Atrocious. On each of his evening sportscasts Dumas AKA Dumbass always seems to mispronounce names while stumbling over sports highlights. Last night set a new low for Jason. At 6:50 pm while live on air his cell phone starts ringing--it took him about 30 seconds to finally shut it off. Dumas said "it was his Mom & this is what happens sometimes when you're live on air." Really "Dumbass" Cardinal Rule Number 1 for any TV news anchor/reporter is to make absolutely sure your cell phone is turn off when you live on air. Jason Dumas AKA Jason Dumbass is an Abomination. Rich: Your Blog is Great!!

    1. He probably works for Starbucks wages. As such an employee, he's pretty safe at KRON, so long as he doesn't do something really stupid like announce the new Giants' infield as Sum Ting Wong, We Tu Lo, Ho Lee Fuk and Bang Ding Ow.

  4. Jason is an idiot. All flash and no substance or ability

    1. On 7/29, he said the Giants 'got out of a jam with the bases loaded and 2 on...uh, 3 on, sorry.' Mr. DOO MOSS needs to go finish 8th grade.

  5. You're right, Rich. Weather and traffic folks are fine, however
    KRON is woefully lacking in good field reporters.

  6. Most likely this “hiring new anchor” is to replace the recently retired “great bay area news legend” Marty Gonzalez...

    1. It's not. Noelle Bellow is taking his weekend spot

  7. $20 says Pam's had it, she realized while convalescing that the job wasn't worth it, and she's decided to enjoy life. No, make that $200.
