Thursday, July 8, 2021

Post KPIX Veronica De La Cruz; Staffers Indifference --She's Mulling Options

Veronica De La Cruz has been absent from the KPIX anchor desk for months now; she'd been recovering from a personal crisis and begun her post-gig CBS-SF life, that much is clear.

You might think her status at PIX would be a source of interest. You'd be wrong.

As PIX personnel return to their 855 BATTERY studios, the feeling among most staffers about De La Cruz is, sadly, there is NO feeling. In blunt terms, they DON'T CARE. Part of it stems from VDLC's past drama and her inability to cope with everyday issues. In her (De La Cruz) case, it seemed to be problems surfacing every other day.

Battery spy: "She lost a lot of cred by failing to show up for work and making excuses." Even her latest crisis, which was just plain cruel and unfathomable, left some co-workers sympathetic but nonetheless skeptical. I'm aware of what happened and I'm deliberately keeping that private.

De La Cruz is thought to be still living in the East Bay and taking a look at her post-PIX work options. She's also contemplating a return visit back east where she had multiple gigs with noth CNN and MSNBC.


  1. Common grifter at work

  2. Wonder why she would stay here? She burned bridges in mews business. If she wants to marry wealthy she can find a human on east coast. It's strange she hasn't been seen out in Bay Area now that we can be out and about?

    1. How do you know she hasn't? Do you keep tabs of every person who goes out?

    2. Because Rich seems to know alot about her and what she does. Rich keeps tabs so we don't have to and why we read his blog. Have a great day. ��

  3. I won't miss her because, all her personal melodrama aside, she had no talent. A senior undergrad from Chico State could read the news better and would have about about as much street cred. She brought nothing to the table, and I'm puzzled why any of the suits at PIX thought she was worth bringing all the way from the east coast. They could have driven to the local community college and got ten for the same price.

  4. VDLC still on suicide watch?

    1. Jamie Spears has placed her in a conservatorship.

  5. If I'm PIX brass, it's a no-brainer: Juliette Goodrich- all day, every day & 4 times nightly.
    Jules is the goods. Movie star looks, extraordinary professionalism, epitome of grace & a mega watt smile that brightens the universe.

    1. Agreed, but she doesn't want the weekday anchoring gig, I don't think. She's living the good life, riding her horse and only dealing with the pressures of being inside the newsroom on weekends, when management isn't there. It's nice, trust me.

  6. The viewers are, at best, indifferent as well.

  7. No sympathy for those that decide to be the architect of their own misery. Shed Crocodile tears. F, her. Chum the water off the Farollones and be done with it.

  8. I want to hear more about the "Farollones".

  9. There is no "secret". She had a miscarriage.

    1. Yeah -- she wrote about it on Facebook, which is pretty public. Sorry, Lieberman, you don't get to manage her "secret".

    2. Thank you for telling us because I was getting more than a little annoyed at Rich! I hate it when people do that - dangle a secret out in front of you like a carrot and you're a horse! If you know something in confidence or feel it’s just not for public consumption, then don't share it. Period! If it's not told to you in confidence but, for whatever reason, you still don't want to share it then keep your damn mouth shut. Lord knows there’s plenty of other stuff to dish about. Stop it with the “cruel,” “unfathomable,” tragic, sad, scandalous hints, innuendos and ambiguities! What is this? Eighth grade?! Either say it straight out or not at all!


  10. She should go back to the East Coast and ask her ex for child support and force him to marry VDLC. She must be so bad, he ex or whoever the child father is ran away like Forest Gump. All she cares is finding love get pregnant and start a family to give some pride for her son. VDLC, a bad mother, a bad reporter, a good liar with excuses, no other TV station should hire her. And, yes, she is still in the East Bay rich enough to live in a luxury house.

  11. Pretty harsh shit being spewed.
    I find it hard to believe that all the folks here making rude comments, go around acting this "dicky" to complete strangers (semi famous or not) in your everyday lives.
