Thursday, July 8, 2021

The Greatest Anchor Pairing in Bay Area TV News History Won't Take Place at KPIX; Goodrich-Cook Dynamic Duo; To Hell With Conventional Wisdom

THEY'LL NEVER DO THIS; Of couse They Wont. It makes too much sense.

KPIX (CBS-SF) could JOLT the market and create instant BUZZ and it wouldn't be just Bay Area buzz, but national recognition; talk about en fuego. It's a creative dynamic that would cross conventional barriers and put an end to PC style run amok--in the OPPOSITE extreme.

But sadly, it'll never happen. It should.

Juliette Goodrich is WASTED on the weekend at PIX where no one watches the local news. She should be on Monday-Friday at 6 PM and she should be paired with emerging star, Liz Cook. It's not in the cards because it's against the law to pair two women anchors, let alone two White women. This is not about race. It's not a Black/White/Asian/Martian thing, it's all about common sense and creativity, of which KPIX has ZERO.

Goodrich, I'm told, doesn't want a prime time gig from M-F, she's content to work the anchor desk weekends and report in the field on the other days. She has teenage kids and a life with a hubby and loves her living, devoid of dealing with bald, middle-aged men, NDs and other less talented schmucks in the biz.

Liz Cook has improved her craft enough to the point I could care less her daddy got her to the news desk. Who cares? She can read the teleprompter and she's markedlybetter than she was when she first started at PIX. That says a lot, particularly at a place where mediocrity seems to rule the day.

Goodrich is equally compelling. An innate ability to read the teleprompter, do a decent toss, interview and all the while, look and sound intelligent. Again, a foreign concept at PIX where good anchors and decent reporters are a commodity. Goodrich has the chops to attract a wide audience and Cook knows how to rock the boat without actually rocking the boat, if you know what I mean. It's called chemistry with a capital "C" and that makes a whole lot of sense.

But it won't happen.

But it should.


  1. Like you said, Goodrich is happy as is. So, why raise a stink??

  2. Goodrich is writing her own golden ticket. Anybody that is able to upgrade from one palatial manor to an even more palatial manor during a worldwide pandemic is living the charmed life. Some would say, living a fairytale.

    Still, we can all dream.

  3. Goodrich was on last night [Thursday night] coanchoring the 11pm news. That being said, while I can somewhat agree that Liz Cook has improved, Goodrich, on the other hand, is a known ego-maniac MILF who still doesn't know how to put on her eye makeup. She continually looks like she just finished crying and it is annoying to look at. While she does seem to still have a do-able bod, and I admit I wouldn't mind hitting that thing one time, still, to me, she is intolerable as an anchor. But I still like what you do, Rich!

    1. As someone who once knew JG inside & out (until it was no longer in her best interest to have such a relationship), I must say she is the antithesis of an egomaniac. If anything Goodrich goes above & beyond to put others first.
      As has been said, JG has a good thing going...she's living the fairytale...and simply doesn't want to give that up for what some would deem greener pastures.

      As for your other b.s. comments... You'd probably be best served to save your breath in order to optimize whichever inflatable sex doll you're currently "hitting".
      OD out

    2. Have to agree with Mr. "inside & out". I worked with Jules for many a weekend shift. She is sweet, kind, friendly, and NOTHING remotely close to an "ego-maniac MILF". Methinks Mr. "do-able bod" is jealous because Juliette hasn't responded to his hundreds of crayon-scrawled missives and his countless fantasy entreaties during self-tugging sessions.

  4. Two female reporter, ok to watch. Two male reporter, turning to a different station. KGO did it with Reggie and Maureen Naylor husband.
