Friday, June 25, 2021

Local TV Rep Predicts No Sportscast on Circle7 in a Few Years


But the more you think about it, it isn't.

A veteran brodacast official--someone who has worked on and off the air--tells me that there will be NO sports report on the ABC7( KGO) newscasts. It wasn't anything about money, it was just more that news drives the product. Nobody watches local TV news stations for sports reports. That's been the case for years now. Gary Radnich had it right moons ago when he said that he was lucky KRON gave him so much time (almost five minutes) to anchor his sportscast. Radnich also ample shtick and was the only reason to watch KRON those days.

Circle7 sports? Talk about who cares. And now we know why.


  1. "Gary Radnich had it right moons ago when he said that he was lucky KRON gave him so much time (almost five minutes) to anchor his sportscast."

    Beats hiring writers and editors to produce REAL NEWS. KTVU has decided on the endless phoners to fill their time. "And we have Dr. Bibblebutt to talk to us now about how to stay cool in the heat."

  2. It's already happening on KCBS radio. Most of the sports segments during the night are recorded and live local updates are done by whomever is anchoring.

  3. This is why I don't get IbaƱez's giant ego. He doesn't seem to get that the custodial staff is more essential to KTVU than he is.

    1. If you had a "vinyl room" that impressive, you'd have a giant ego too!

  4. I predict, in a few years Weather Segments will be gone. Look out the window or go to
    KPIX seems to pre record the weather spots.

    1. Not on weekday mornings, sadly. We're subjected to Mary Lee LIVE! with her giggly squeaky Minnie Mouse voice and mini skirt twice every 15 minutes. Which is why I switch to KGO as soon as the local news starts at 5 a.m. -- at least Mike Nicco is fully dressed and talks like an adult.

    2. Wrong. All research shows that for whatever reason weather is the ONE thing people still watch local news for. Even though it's on your phone people prefer weather from a live person. That's why the long weather segment is held until almost the end of the show. In some cities they now do sports before weather to hold the audience longer.

  5. There are several local TV stations in the country that have already did away with sports, it is nothing new and makes total sense. I don't know why there is traffic either. Do viewers actually change their commute from what they saw on TV? By the time a driver leaves the house, the incident is either over, too large to do anything about, or just the regular stuff. The reason local TV news is still around at all is because it serves as a background noise and habit at home. People don't sit down and watch and they get a majority of their information online, albeit often from local TV journalists and station posts somewhere. I don't see the reason for the constant worry and focus on TV talent and the product. I haven't watched a TV newscast in well over 8 years. I do get my news FROM them by what they post online and makes it into a news feed be it Google or Facebook. But for an actual newscast, worthless.

  6. I drove down to Santa Barbara a year, or so, ago and listened to KNX, the sister station of KCBS. I was interested to hear the sports report and wondered if I had nodded off behind the wheel and missed it. I listened more intently over the next hour, or so and finally realized they no longer broadcast a 60 or 90 second sports report...damn!

  7. Rich, did you see Heather Holmes on Fridays 10 o’clock newscast? Omg she was wearing leopard printer sleeve shirt, large gold necklace, purple/black top skirt. I think shopping at Forever 21.

  8. KNTV has eliminated the sports anchor during the daily newscasts and Anthony Flores covers sports on the weekends. I usually use the internet websites for sports.

  9. actually you could get rid of that
    pos mouse7, biased news, biased
    reporting, and they can't even keep
    the streaming on constantly, CRAP

  10. Can we get rid of Cole Kuiper and his puke show! Support your dad hasshat. Danon, you too!

  11. KRON On is where it's at!!
