Saturday, June 26, 2021

Larry Beil is Mighty Irritated at Circle7; Dion Lim Still Getting Love; Somerville Anxious LOA at KTVU; Saturday Schmooze

LONGTIME KGO SPORTS/NEWS anchor, Larry Beil, is beginning to have it out at Circle7 --he's apparently "had enough" of being an eternal number 2--the ABC7 news reader wants a permanent gig or has threatened to leave the SF (Bay Area) ABC O and O. Only Beil has a problem: NO ONE at Channel 7 seems to care if he were to go.


Among other reasons, Beil's veteran status at KGO would seem to make him prime for a lead gig at a prime time slot like 6 only Dan Ashley isn't going anywhere and other more demo-friendly anchors are also in a fixed position. So Beil is screwed (n his mind)--he can continue to bitch and moan or test the waters outside KGO, hey KPIX, you could use a fresh face, even grouchy Beil would be an improvement.

*Dion Lim watch: her majesty at 900 FRONT continues to get deluged with offers from ABC and outside the market, incluiding several from her last stop in Florida--Lim doesn't want to go back to Florida; she's in love with the Bay Area and wanted to get a longterm post at KGO where she's beloved and respected. Only KGO better pay her and do so fast and furious. The price is getting higher.

*SOMERVILLE (Frank) watch at KTVU: his Q rating seems to be taking a massive hit. While Frank is still popular he's begun to sink in the sympathy code, both with viewers and co-workers at KTVU. Somerville, as I predicted, took a LOA in early June to get some help with loads of personal issues and hoefully, KTVU/Fox2 also hopeful, that time will heal all wounds. But Frank is weary and wants to put aside his much-pubbed slurred ona-ir incident in May. Only KTVU and Fox wants him to mellow out and looks for either a September or early fall return. That could all be just wishful thinking as no one expects him back without some personal fine tuning.


  1. Sommerville is absolutely not missed in the household. Our favorite in-house substitute for him so far is Alex Savidge.

  2. Time to move on for each side. Somerville at KTVU, Bastida at KPIX - long-time respected anchors, one slurred on Memorial Day Sunday, the other still adequate but does he deserve to match and surpass his late predecessor Dave McElhatton in PIX longevity (currently 23 to 21, Mac)? Somerville sealed his fate with his May faux pas. With his current vacation break as Allen Martin has been filling in most of the past week, it is time for Bastida to reflect whether he wants to keep doing this or not (more about the long hours than the peers where there continues to be mutual respect for each other).
    The Firm doesn't seem too worried about how long their decision will take, while Black Rock must be disgusted with the lack of Eye direction By The Bay.

  3. Somerville was an overpaid stiff, lucky to hang on as long as he did. Zero presence on screen, phony voice, insincere blog posts, and no newsgathering chops.

  4. Henry Tanenbaum and the BackDoor BoysJune 26, 2021 at 8:46 PM

    If Frank comes back, I think it will be in a smaller capacity and his contract won’t be renewed in May 2022.

  5. Wow, a new low.
    KTVU's Saturday night newscast at 10pm has ZERO bay area local news.

    It starts with the Florida condo collapse.
    Then jumps to the Portland heat wave.
    Then some Rocklin firefighter who died of Covid.
    Then some recycled PG & E report.

    ZERO...Bay area news
    You suck fox 2

    1. I think that's refreshing. I know they're local news, but most of the time local news rarely ventures OUTSIDE the Bay Area, often manufacturing (lame) stories when it's a slow news day. ("Have you ever wondered what happened to all those Cabbage Patch dolls? Tonight we take a look at a warehouse in Redwood City that houses thousands of them.") The stories you listed, though not local, were definitely the big items of the day/night.

    2. What about the shark attack story? That was local.

  6. People who work in the media carry themselves with an aplomb as if they are doing the most noble work on the planet. Most, like the mentioned Summerville, Bastida and other anchors, are simply news readers. I do give Dion credit, she has done some fantastic work highlighting the struggles in our community (I only wish it was more inclusive and she expanded her focus). Outside of the anchors, the reporters and stations portray themselves as objective and fair. There is no question the media presents messages from the perspective it wants to present. Nothing is without bias. On top of that, many are spoon-fed stories that are public relations and marketing items rather than news.

    1. > On top of that, many are spoon-fed
      > stories that are public relations
      > and marketing items rather than news.

      FAR MORE THAN EVEN YOU KNOW, unless you work in the business.

      It's become what I call press release journalism. Almost NO news is enterprise reporting anymore, because that actually costs money. Instead the reporter comes in, is handed a press release, maybe googles for some add'l info (if there's time), is told who to contact "for sound," meaning a talking head, and is even given suggested script. Most reporters, because they can't write their way out of a paper bag, just paraphrase or "copy-and-paste" the press release script.

      Everything from a plea for fire safety from some official to the opening of a new restaurant or curio shop, to the adventures of some old man who's going to boat across the ocean on his own, to a group organizing to "defund" police...this is how the information is gotten. Someone (not in the biz) once asked me when I had to to fact check and do independent research to find out if I'm broadcasting the truth. I literally laughed in his face.

      Corrections are mostly issued only if the mistake has legal consequences, ie, they get a phone call from the lawyers upstairs saying "We could get sued for this." THEN we quickly go on the air and apologize. Otherwise TV news, on all stations and at all levels, is full of falsehoods and misrepresentations; quite often it's not an overt "agenda" (though lately it's becoming more that way) but rather just you have to work fast, you can't really think, the other station's there too and they're wrapping up already, so get it finished and feed it, feed it, feed it! Or if it's a writer or producer inside the station doing a story, same sort of pressure. No time to reflect on even obvious faults. Which is why something like this gets through:

  7. LMAO @ Larry Beil. Not sure why people hold this clown in such high regard.

  8. Can we get rid of Kuipe's Kid and that Sunday Abortion? Worthless waste of space.

    1. And that rich girl Karmen? wish my daddy had money to put me on radio and tv....

  9. How does Sommerville recover from this disaster? Completely irresponsible and reckless behavior. Even if we are to believe his “sleeping pills” explanation that’s a PATHETIC excuse akin to the dog ate my homework. This is the most insincere newscaster I can recall. On Facebook he claims to be color blind as to race meanwhile for years hammered us ad nauseum about his adopted BLACK daughter as well as the time a BLACK guy at Berkeley high kicked his ass badly. A sanctimonious and insincere prick is how he comes across. Give the spot to any of the fill-ins and let Mr Hair Plugs slide into early retirement.

  10. But Larry Biel was supposed to be in Hawaii!!! What happened there???

  11. Why do people say these tele prompter readers are respected? Summerville is a hack He can read off a screen BIG DEAL... when have any of these clowns done anything but sit in a studio and bloviate?
