Friday, June 25, 2021

Bill King and Lon Simmons: The Simple Truth

Could you imagine Bill King or Lon Simmons telling listeners that they had another gig and, sorry, they had to leave because they were under contract so "take care, it's extra innings, this game is 5 hours long--gotta go."?

Hell no. Why? Because it would have NEVER happened.

'Nuff said.


  1. Holy Toledo! Bay Pro Sports Broadcasting hasn't been the same for decades! Tell It Goodbye!

  2. Neither one of them would have put up with that shit, because neither one of them would have been placed in a position to have to tell their listeners, "I'm in my home studio in SF and frankly, I've gotta go." Rich knows that as well as anyone. And if any of you reading this have a brain and a fucking clue, you'd know this, too.

  3. Maybe Dave Flemming should only schedule himself for one game a day in case something like this comes up. A five hour baseball game is not unheard of. Perhaps it's time for him to choose between KNBR and ESPN.

    1. Agree 100%. Flemming can't have it both ways. He seems to broadcast local team with a national announcer's sensibility. It just doesn't work in this market. There is a disconnect between him and the fan base.

  4. Mark in Mountain ViewJune 26, 2021 at 11:04 PM

    It's not like Lon or Bill K didn't work other sports during the year, but yes, it's time to have a better plan B (like bringing SJ Giants' Joe Ritzo into the radio mix).

    I wish I was listening to Flemming's panic-cast, but I was "on assignment" that day.

  5. Once upon a time, the Giants radio/TV announcers were the best. Not so sure now. People like Al Michaels, Lon Simmons, Russ Hodges, Hank Greenwald. Dedicated types. But blame the fragility of the business for Flemming needing to spread his wings. He needs to keep his options open. Can't blame him. Got to take care of No. 1.

  6. I may be wrong, but did Lon Simmons lose his sh** when the 49ers were playing a game overseas that went into OT. Lon was mad because OT during a preseason game was stupid plus it was going to delay there return home. Anyone remember that?
