Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Ask Rich Lieberman


  1. Rich, why do you relish the personal problems of local media personalities so much? You've been positively gleeful about Frank Somerville.

    1. First off, I don't "relish:" anyone's problems, even yours and I don't have any "gleeful" thoughts either, By the way, Frank is a PUBLIC figure and thus he is subject to any and all news like having a public incident on the air and so, yes, I write about it and people out there want to know and ask questions. If you can't handle that, then maybe I'm not your flavor of choice.

    2. That's why you have 12 posts about him?

  2. Rich,who going take Stan Bunger's spot now that he is retiring?

  3. Rich,now that Stan Bunger is retiring , who is going to replace him?

    1. My pick would be Dan Mitchinson but KCBS is so damn PC. Might be someone outside the Bay Area.

    2. Dan is a standup guy from the 916.. I listened to him on our local news radio station.

  4. Any middle management or news director changes on the horizon? And how many of these changes are stuck in contract/litigation red tape?

    Thank you as always, Rich, for providing a much needed service here.

    1. Thanks for the nice words. I keep waiting for a new ND at KGO but I think she's got pictures, so...Nothing else on the horizon.

  5. Does Terisa Estacio have the sexiest shoulders in local broadcasting?

    1. Terisa is always wearing tops that show her shoulders and the definition in her arms. Rightly so, she's so damn beautiful.

      Darya does as well. Whenever she has to do a spot where she's standing she always holds her arm at an angle to show her muscles. It's funny. And she's been doing it for yearsssss. She can't just let her arm hang down naturally. Her arm doesn't even appear that muscular due to her age.

    2. I would like to be the meat in an Estacio/Holmes sandwich.

    3. Terisa is one of the better news people at this gong show. Everyone talks about people such as Pam Moore, Catherine Heenan, Vikki Livvakis and Justine Waldman, but Terisa holds her own very well. She's solid in many ways.

  6. Rich, did you get my earlier question where I asked you about KKRON4 part time female weather forecaster, Mabrisa Rodriquez who always yells at the tempetures and other things???

  7. Any hope Reggie Aqui will find a job in another market?!?!?!

    1. No because only KGO and Disney can put up with him. Draw your own conclusion.

  8. Would Betty Yu be a better fit at Channel 2 or Channel 7? She's definitely a solid reporter but I can see her be the anchor for one of those stations. Also theyre the only two that can actually throw coin her way. Discuss.

    1. Pass on latter statement. Yu is going national any day now. She's got game. CBS or KTVU, I'd still go beyond that. Will Yu? Watch out.

  9. What do you think of KTVU getting Terry McSweeny from NBC Bay Area as their alternative to Frank Somerville? He is experienced as a reporter and anchor. I have always have felt he has been underutilized at ABC7 and NBCBA.

    1. I think MccSweeney would be great --what a terrific choice --good pick.

  10. How about Alex Savidge as an anchor? Seems to have enough gravitas and reading skills. Liked him last night at 10.

    1. Like I've said, savidge is good but not BIG enough to carry a 10 PM show. He needs more personality, that would help.

  11. He IS an anchor --I think he does a good job but as a LEAD anchor at 10 PM< I don't think he's got a big name and I don't think he's a Primetimer just yet. It's more than mere anchoring, you have to have a name.

  12. Ethan in the CastroJune 8, 2021 at 12:18 PM

    Hey Rich, what is Bob Fitzgerald up too these days? I miss the scoffing and the arrogance of a Fitz, I find it oddly appealing ya know?! I wonder if he would do a meet-greet...champagne coolies on me!

    1. Man, you had to bring HIM up? Maybe he's in Toledo selling solar to row house owners.

  13. Not saying I'm missing her, but for giggles, have you heard from Christine lately? My theory she has a crush on you, but knows she couldn't handle it if you two ever hooked up.

    1. Please, don't encourage her. No, I thunk she's just waiting in the wings to rip me for whatever reason.

    2. Christine seems to have disappeared after the ocean comments but I may be wrong. I hope she is in good health, it's a crazy world right now.

    3. Christine is so weird. Yes Christine the one, and she's a lawyer she should know, had her "big win" overturned.

  14. Christine in Santa MonicaJune 8, 2021 at 1:17 PM

    What's up with the fat black woman with dyed blond hair KRON keeps parading out to do weather and weekend anchor duties? Do they really think people are tuning in to see her?

    1. If I watched KRON on the weekend I deserve torture. And I have no idea of the woman you're talking about which might be the best thing for everyone concerned.

    2. She's on weekday mornings as well.

    3. Obviously you're watching her Christine LMAO

  15. Craig in San CarlosJune 8, 2021 at 4:39 PM

    Can we all agree that Greg Papa is the best looking sports anchor? Is he single these days? Also is his hair real or is it astroturf?

  16. With Greigo leaving the market who gets to be the Captain of the KPIX morning Titanic?

    1. whoever is chosen by the boss and wants a career-ender, that's basically it.

    2. Kpix morning news has been a disaster ever since Syndie Kohara was fired before Michelle replaced her.

  17. How much does KGO-TV pay per episode to telecast Jeopardy ?

  18. Is sfgate going allow reader comments again? Why they disable it?

  19. Was watching YouTube clips of old TV news shows recently and I got 3 questions: 1) Whatever happened to TGI4's Patrick Vanhorn? 2) It appears the great John Hambrick did time at KRON in the late 70's. How was he received here? 3) What the heck was 'San Francisco Evening Tannehill' (as in Ray Tannehill, in huge freaking letters like a newspaper masthead on the back wall of the set) on pre-Van-era KGO?

  20. Who do you think will replace Frank Somerville?
