Sunday, May 2, 2021

Sunday Coffee; Ira Blue KGO Talk Giant Early On; KSFO Oldie But Goody; Jan Wahl Yenta Supreme; Gabbert Could Have Saved KGO; Cumulus Stations Powerless on Friday; Martin Still Retiring on KTVU

I ONLY HEARD SPORADIC thoughts IRA BLUE voiced. I grew up in the 70's and began listening to KGO and Blue was a powerful presence hosting a show called "Clergy on the line" and his own weekly program. It was my first taste of what KGO was and how powerful and compelling it would become later on, not only in the Bay Area, but nationally.

Blue was a sort of eccentric figure who loomed larger than life. He was very popular and his show began tracking latge segments of the Bay Area. His politics were largely middle-of-road but he appealed all over the political spectrum. As indicated, I didn't hear much of his work but when I talk to some of the oldies, his presence on KGO was commanding and indelible. Blue was easily one of KGO's most popular talk hosts in the 60's and early 1970's.

*JOHN ROTHMANN likes to tell people the :lines light up" when JAN WAHL is on Saturday night (she appears 7: 30 -8PM) but I doubt it has to do with Wahl's appearence, more just people wanting to talk about the movies.

I've never been a Wahl fan. She's a prime reason I switch the channel whenever she comes on, be it radio or TV. Wahl used to opine films for KCBS and KRON --both outlets eventually fired Wahl too because she's insufferable and that's being diplomatic. I wish Rothmann would stick to NEWSTALK and 86 Wahl but looks like he's Wahl en fuego, oh well.

*It's not so much the old KSFO was a truly "sound of the city", it was authentic and very uniquely San Francisco. I didn't have the pleasure of hearing it in its golden oldies' days but just from listening to the video I posted Saturday, damn, I wish I could have been there, live and local. GENE NELSON, LON SIMMONS, old SF GIANTS days, what a tradition.

*Reminds me, JIM GABBERT has the money and chops to BUY KGO (for dimes on the dollar) and RESTORE a local legacy station but Gabbert apparently wants to die RICH. He made a vast fortune purchasing KOFY-TV 20 and used it as his retro toy. Gabbert is a renaissance type of man; he could be a hero and go back to some old, vinatge KGO elements but again, not in the cards.

*YEAH, all the CUMULUS radio stations were off the air on Friday. A MASS Poweer OUTAGE hit KNBR, KGO, KSFO, KFOG, "The BONE" and KNBR (1050) --maybe God doesn't care for Cumulus like most of the rest of us.

*Another Rothmann irritant: his propensity to express outrage when bringing up a subject involving TRUMP edicts. For example, Rothmann was incredulous over the fact that a majority of Republicans (acccording to a poll), felt the election was rigged and that Trump really was the winner. Rothmann took calls and spoke to a few meatballs disguised as people who talked the silly and droned on and on; Rothmann must have said a hundred times, "this is unbelievable." No John, what's unbelievable is you take some yo-yo's seriously. I could go on the Internet and say eating jello makes a guy's thing 20x bigger and it would be mass-tweeted. That's the world we live in, come on John.

*We're about to get infected with a plethora of DROUGHT news because the COVID story seems to be waning. Unless you live in India or Brazil.

*STILL THE BEST no matter your political stripe: Sunday NY TIMES. A national treasure.

*I'm essentially center-left and can't stand CHUCK TODD. I still watch "Meet the Press" mostly out of habit. I'd watch more CHRIS WALLACE on FOX NEWS SUNDAY but KTVU moves it around the time slot so I have to wait and see. And hope.

*BILL MARTIN was suppose to officially announce his retirement on KTVU a few weeks back, but FOX asked him to stay on as they continue to look for his replacement.

*KQED, worth roughly $500M asks for MONEY, more than 10X a day. I am a blogger worth about 7 apples and have to plead for 50 bucks, I ask you all, if you like 415 MEDIA, then PLEASE, make a donation.

*THAT LAWYER that advertises on KCBS with the fatherly preaches has to STOP immediately and put a ceasefire on his ANNOYING ads.


  1. "BILL MARTIN was suppose to officially announce his retirement on KTVU a few weeks back, but FOX asked him to stay on as they continue to look for his replacement."

    OH GOD! His replacement is already there and her name is Kyla Grogan. Instead they'll probably hire someone as dead-below-the-neck as Paul Heggen.

    1. If they bring in someone from the outside for Bill's replacement then I'm done watching KTVU. None of the newly hired people there are any good.

    2. Did Roberta Gonzales apply??

  2. Or they could try to get Mary Lee and all "that sunshine!" I keep a tally, the worst more than 6 times in one forecast.

    1. Shows that the suits don't know talent when it bites them. Chimps could do a better job.

  3. I like picking up the NY Times to read the corrections on page 2. It's absolutely jaw dropping the things they get wrong. And of course the only things they correct are those errors that would lead to a lawsuit. The worst error I've seen in the past few months was when the Times' admitted that the main figure in its Caliphate podcast had made up his gory history with the Islamic state. The times not only had to retract the whole podcast but they were forced to return a Peabody. Just another day at the New York Times.

    1. Funny you bring up corrections. On Saturday, tne NY Times, Washington Post and NBC News all ran embarrassing retractions of a story claiming the FBI had warned Rudy Giuliani that he was a target of a Russian disinformation campaign, as if he was a stooge of the Russians. The stories claimed that the FBI had "warned" Giuliani that the Kremlin was using him. It turned out to be completely false. It's a big retraction but, as is often the case, it appeared on a Saturday when readership and viewership is lowest. The stories, of course, were based on anonymous sources. I think when the media is betrayed by their anonymous sources, they need to identify them so we know who is engaging in dirty tricks with the help of friendly journalists.

  4. - Besides Ira Blue & Owen Spann, I would love to hear more stories of KGO Radio in the 1960s. I wonder how underrated they were, while going against KSFO, KYA, and sometimes KFRC, KNBR, KCBS, even KDIA.
    - Given past comments by RL & his readers, I guess Rothmann can take the movie critic world's biggest "No. 2".
    - Would love to hear Rich's take on Don Sherwood's legacy.
    - Gabbert, not a fan of today's demographics?
    - Cumulus Clowns have already crossed God's red line long ago.
    - Cumulus Clowns still tight with Disney, other red conglomerates. Rothmann may have no choice but to embrace lesser pro-Hair threats.
    - Even during the worst of the pandemic in 2020, wildfires did bump the virus off the front page and video news headlines.
    - I do wonder how big an impact the NYT still has as they stand up to the falsehoods and false prophets trying to spread their conspiracy theory and sedition diseases.
    - So, Rich, you prefer Wallace over Brennan (who you have complimented before) and Stephanopoulos (respected by blog readers)?
    - FOX has already pretty much FOX-ified KTXL 40 Sacramento and KCBA 35 Salinas. But they know that Oakland viewers and activists watch their every personnel move closely at KTVU 2. They better get Martin's replacement right, lest they face further scorn than they already get from a community that respects them less and less every day, even as their 10:00 News still leads (but for how long?).
    - I sent a private Facebook message to KQED's CEO, asking him to have the station be more honest with its viewers. No response, of course. Board watches him like a hawk. Sigh.
    - I always put on a record in my vehicle, precisely because of KCBS' insufferable ads, and their having to balance Biden news with worsening falsehoods from the other side. Music is very therapeutic.

  5. Rich, you're probably the only person I've heard say they watch those Sunday morning shows. When I worked at NBC back in the day, I remember asking my boss why MTP was even on the air given its abysmal ratings. He said the audience consists of U.S. Senators and House members and the commercials are purchased at high rates by defense contractors who want to sell the government new weapons systems or aircraft. But those shows are insufferably boring with pompous, snooty hosts who think they're the high priests of journalism sitting an Ivory Tower. The only exception was Tim Russert, an excellent conversationalist whose down-to-earth demeanor drew a sizable audience. He was an instant hit the day he took over MTP in 1991. Had he not died at age 58 in 2008, he probably would have gone on to host Today or replace Brokaw on Nightly. But with his departure, all of the shows have reverted back to snooze fests. The guests recite talking points that guests of the same party repeat on the other shows. The questions are boring and you almost have to wonder if the guests are told what they'll be asked in advance.

  6. Rothman still has this weird obsession with Republicans and trump..he has even claimed he is going to teach a course about in the future..he's still struggling to move on and talk about other politics

  7. I asked Gabbert about buying KGO and he said his money has already been transferred to various land preservation trusts. He gets enough to live on, but doesn't have that kind of cash on hand.

  8. Rothman name drops too much

  9. Kyla for weather at KTVU.
