Saturday, May 1, 2021

Sound of the City KSFO San Francisco--Saturday Radio Breakfast Wake-Up


  1. That's a classic. If only radio and tv were like that today.

  2. The much-missed Dave Morey used to insert this into his "10@10" feature regularly.

  3. You should do an entire blog posting...hell...weeks of blog postings on John Rothmann's show Friday night. The journalist with the stories about corruption in SF politics that goes back to the people running our country is mindblowing. Corrupt Democrats running our country and state? Who isn't shocked?

  4. From the days when radio stations weren't owned by some selfish monopoly. Sadly, those days are gone. We'll never see quality radio like it was in the 1960s across the nation. We'll just have to suffer through listening to conservative nut jobs, no content newscasts, babbling fools on sports radio and people praising the Lord. Glad I've got satellite.

  5. ... a vestige of the "World's Greatest Radio Station" which had the people to back up the claim.

  6. Very nice. There is nothing wrong with loving your city, and being proud to live in it. Great Elevator Pitch.

    This well done acapella performance was made more effective with that soft echo effect all the way through. Sounded like The Four Freshman in a huge auditorium.

  7. KSFO had it all going in those days...Giants, 49ers, Don Sherwood, Jim Lange, Dan Sorkin. Ratings through the roof. Few stations owned a city like KSFO did in its hey day. Thanks, Rich, for the memory. Fantastic station jingle...always loved hearing it back when I was younger and my Dad had the station on.

  8. Dan Sorkin living in the Syanon House, Jim Lange coming on the air with the Stripper, wondering if Sherwood was going to show up. Hap Arnold, in the KSFO airplane. Bonbing Sacramento. The Johnny Mann singers with the sounds of the city. Grew up with all of that. Guess you can't go home again.
