Friday, April 30, 2021

Pam Moore had a Fall; KRON's Unsatisfactory 'Response'; NFL/Niners Draft Show on KNBR Good, ESPN Not So Much; Franklin-Medoro KGO Union Makes Sense: Here's Why; ABC7 Propaganda is Vintage Disney BS; Reilly Bought the Ex to Expand his Wings; Friday Media Extra Extra

YES, Pam Moore, the longtime KRON anchor had a fall; she's apparently oK and is recovering at her home, although the fall was serious enough that Moore has been absent from the news desk for well over a month.

I suppose it would have been OK for KRON to have put out a notice acknowledging Moore had a medical situation but that she was fine and would be back but I guess that would have been expectiong too much. And yes, I know about privacy laws, especially when it's medical-related but sorry, you can't have it both ways, NEXTSTAR (KRON's owner).

When a prominent Bay Area anchor, as Moore is, is GONE from the airwaves well over a month, people wonder. And speculate. Do they have a right to? Legally, no, but on a human level, yes they do. And I can assure you, those that e-mailed me and/or were concerned about Pam Moore's sudden disappearence have no ill will, including me. Get well, Pam.

*NFL DRAFT COVERFAGE: on Thursday, sports dominated the media landscape here and across the nation. The NFL had its mega-April party and it took over the Bay Area too; KGO-TV (ABC7) took the feed from its ABC/ESPN motherhood and predictably, the coverage was way over the top with little substance and way too much style, more NOISE and STUPID bravado, but sorry, I didn't need KINGS OF LEON concert --I'd have much preferred

news. Oh well.

I switched over to the NFL Network and got a good dose of draft and basic commentary and analysis. Sorry ESPN. The 49ERS took their North Dakota QB of the future, TREY LANCE, throwing a slight curveball into the night. KNBR Radio's (all sports, 680 AM) proceeded to tell their audience they knew all along the pick would be Lance, and not MAC JONES. Well, they didn't but they DID talk out of both sides of their mouth. I'll give KNBR credit for, overall, a solid B for their draft night show. The back and forth chit-chat was pretty solid and the NFL/college nitty-gritty provided by nerdy LARRY KRUEGER, was just fine. Even JOHN LUND and GREG PAPA were above average; good job, fellas.

*I'VE NEVER said a potential NIKKI MEDORO-CHIP FRANKLIN pairing on KGO would set the Bay Area radio community on fire but it would accomplish two things: it would lift KGO's Morning Drive into relevance and offer a much-needed LIFT; not only something worth listening to but something far more important: ENTERTAINING too. This has ZERO to do with woman vs. guy. It's called common sense. Franklin is still annoying but he knows how to drive the car. Medoro needs a co-pilot, nothing sexist, just plain-old logical. The TWO have worked together and they both SHINED in a sort of terrestrial radio sort of way. Moreover, by pairing Medoroa Franklin, PD, LEE HAMMER, can put on his magic-marker, CHRIS MERRILL from 3-6 PM, whom he seems to love.

*KCSM does a great servive with its "Morning Jazz" ensemble, especially SONNY BUXTON, on Saturday. The longtime Bay Area jazz guru (and ex-KGO talk host) has an awesome voice; like coffee-cigarish with just the right amount of spices. Combine all that with some cool jazz and you have magic. The breakfast tastes better.

*ABC7--KGO-TV is owned by DISNEY therefore, yes, it has to broadcast the NAUSEATING PC-run-amok "Building a Better Bay Area" and the other propaganda race reporintg. You're a NEWS organization; you report the NEWS! You don't instituute, however well-intentioned, a press release mantra into your news reporting business. It's not the right fit. Moreover, the public will rail on you and are wise to you. They see BS and they know it. Yo, Disney, you want to really change the world? Then institute this: do some lengthy, hard-hitting Town Halls; invite guests and have the public over to ask questions and stir real debate and information; can the contrived BS racial/BBBA stuff and stuff it nto the circular file. You'll accomplish wonders.

*PETE WILSON, the Circle7/KGO anchor would have had a field day with BBBay Area crappola; think "circular file, en fuego."

*The SAN JOSE MERCURY NEWS, part of the BANG (Bay Area News Group) newspaper owner, is struggling along and it shows. LESS reporters, less content (digital and print) makes for a potentially awful multi-personnel layoff at the intersection of FATE and REALITY.

*BOB FITZGERALD survives namely because he has the BACKING of the owner (Lacob) and a guy named STEPH CURRY. Go figure.

*GREG PAPA wants you to know he's the smartest man in the room and if you don't believe it, he'll tell you. And if you cross him, you'll become another JOHN LUND. The money is decent but you have to laugh even if the jokes aren't funny. I know first hand, "Pop's" ego is BIGGER than the United terminal at SFO.

*CLINT REILLY didn'nt really buy the EXAMINER to make it a leftist, NY POST sans SF; no, the real reason he took over was that he could USE the tabloid EX as a means to spreading both his POLITICAL/SOCIAL influence here. Even a terrible fishwrap like the Examiner could do that. Nobody I know reads the Examiner.

*I MISS HERB CAEN, sure we all do but SF never had a MIKE ROYKO or STUDS TERKEL; Caen was great and knew his bread and butter was a few dots; entertaining it was to read who was shtupping who at TADICH, an indepth prose-a-thon of SF-centric stuff like the BURTON machine and WALTER JOHNSON union subjects would have been nice. Caen stopped short of JIMMY BRESLIN too but his ZODIAC pieces were close.

*Yes, VINTAGE SF CHRONICLE in the wild 1970's: Caen, ART HOPPE, CHUCK McCABE, ART ROSENBAUM, GLENN DICKEY (sort of), STANTON DELAPLANNE (although I never got his shtick); yes, the CHRON was entertaining even if the paper was flimsy and the butt of JASON ROBARDS (Ben Bradlee, WASHPOST) jokes.

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  1. Speaking of BANG, it is so sad that Oakland and the Eastbay doesn't have it's own daily anymore. The Eastbay Tim..err Merc is awfully unreadable.

    Speaking of which. WHAT. THE. HELL happened to the Eastbay Express??? While it was a little further to the left for my liking at times, they DID produce very good Oakland and Eastbay muckrack most Wednesdays. Now it's 80% weed coverage. Even the food reviews have declined. The EBX used to be must read on Wednesdays. It almost made up for lack of coverage by the Trib... er Eastbay Times. Oaklandside is trying but is too limited.

    1. BANG is also awfully expensive. Merc subscription for home deliveries is through the roof.

  2. I’m just glad Pan is okay. She’s my favorite at KRON

  3. We need more women of color like Pam to be at the front of entertainment!

    1. Dear Maya, a news program is not entertainment.

    2. KRON is pure entertainment. It might as well be a college tv station. Darya is a joke. My larger point is that more women of color should be visible on TV as a way to promote diversity.

    3. Pam is of color? I never had a clue. BTW, what color is she?

  4. Bob Fitzgerald thinks hes "The Worlds Best Broadcaster", but he has a thing or two to learn from me.

  5. - Heartsick for Pam Moore. Total class, despite the crap show she has put up with at KRON for most of the millennium.
    - Didn't watch a single minute of the NFL Draft. Lance from North Dakota State was Shanahan's final call as far as deciding Jimmy G's successor goes. I'd rather have a root canal than hear Mel Kiper Jr
    - Sad that Hammer considers Merrill his magic-marker. So I guess those left listening to KGO Radio are toads?
    - Glad there are still at least a couple of decent radio stations in the Bay Area. Too busy with life to keep up with classic jazz.
    - Have KGO-TV listeners complained about BBBA? If so, it has gone one ear, out the other. Today's media board is too much image and not enough information. And sadly, that won't change anytime soon.
    - If the real 2007 heart attack wouldn't have taken Pete Wilson, the BBBA mandate would have.
    - I wonder how the current sports columnist somehow now known as "The Deets" would react to the likely FATE-REALITY layoff splurge.
    - Lacob & Guber supporting Fitz, I understand. But Steph? It would be the biggest disagreement I would have with the leader of Basketball's Royal Family, but Mr. Curry might be continuing to stay cognizant that Fitz has been a widower for years, and that when Fitz lost his wife, Curry might have been one of the sympathetic ears. So blog criticism of Fitz probably doesn't carry weight as a result.
    - One habit Papa caught from Fitz is the ability to schmooze his way to new contracts and support from key parts of the 49er Faithful.
    - A left-sided NY Post? The SF Examiner will never be that.
    - One part of Caen I don't remember is the Walter Johnson Union story. I respected Royko, but never warmed up to Terkel. Breslin was sometimes on his own NY planet.
    - For whatever reason, Stanton Delaplanne escaped me. Never remembered the guy. The others I do remember, as well as the Robards/Bradlee dissing of the Chron, both in the great movie and in real life.
    - I might change my view on PayPal if adding their name to the Epicenter Soccer Park leads to the San Jose Earthquakes winning the MLS Cup in shocking fashion by the end of 2021, sending off all-time leading goal scorer Chris Wondolowski into the ultimate retirement.

  6. I’m just glad cancel culture didn’t get Pam Moore

  7. I see there is one good comment of Papa today. Fair and balanced Rich. Calls it right down the middle. I like it. Praise when good. Criticize when bad. Well done.

    1. Craig in San CarlosApril 30, 2021 at 12:43 PM

      Papa sounds weak voiced on the radio today. What gives? I saw his show last night and his hair was as lustrous as Kentucky blue grass! I love it!

  8. AntMoOak aka CenterLeftLeaning BrothaApril 30, 2021 at 11:31 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Please no Chip in the morning, Medoro is ok.

    Chip likes to make fun of everyone. I have one for him. Every time I hear his commercial about the termite company found termites the previous termite company missed. I always think, I don't think so - they missed the biggest termite - and he is still talking.

  10. I quit watching abc7 News "Building a Better Bay Area" it has to be one of the worst news stations in the Bay Area.

  11. Like many here in the Bay Area, I watched the draft on ESPN. I thought the coverage was solid,but the noise level in the background was over the top. The music was to loud to be able to hear the analysis speaking. GET RID OF THE MUSIC, ROGER!!!!!

  12. I got so sick of KGO's "Building a Better Bay Area" that I quit watching several months ago. KGO news is more indoctrination than news these days.

    If Pam Moore wanted her medical condition made public, she would have tweeted it or something. It's not KRON's call to tell people what's going on. The only local news broadcaster that I remember making their medical issues public was Faith Fancher, and she did that as a public service to publicize issues with breast cancer.

    Now that I think about it, the closest thing we've had to Herb Caen since he left might have been Willie Brown's column. Willie had the personal connections to local bigwigs, which led to some interesting and amusing stories, that the other Caen-wannabes never had.

  13. If the fall occurred at work hopefully this doesn't turn into a nasty workers comp suit...

  14. Rothman is screwed tonight - the phones have been out most of day at Kay-Go. They blew a 6SN7 tube on the console and Lee has been searching for a replacement, however he can't seem to find a drug store that still has a tube checker...

  15. You really think lee hammer is that much of a masochist that he would give merrill his own show?!?! what he should is pair up merrill with nicki, two annoying yentas who can go back and forth on her brat kids who she cant seem to stop talking about

  16. Your "vision' of KGO radio would only further erode the listenership. Sidekick radio shows are insufferable. One host wants to talk about ersatz substance and how politically correct they are, so white he is almost black. The other wants to talk about baby poop. Neither is interesting or ever says anything unpredictable. This is true of everyone on that station currently.

  17. Trey Lance went to North Dakota State, not South Dakota

  18. Get well soon, Pam! And I miss Herb Caen.

  19. Lee Hammer needs to get his yellow pad out and takes notes from Robin Bertolucci about making a winning program. Lee, Chip sucks, stick him with Nikki so I can turn kgo off for good. Commute radio sucks. Get a good news department like KFI and have a slew of good fill ins. Hate the Chip lecture everyday. He is the only good white guy apparently. Fuckin rubish. Stay in San Diego Chip, its funny how you try to make people think you are still in the bay.

  20. Lando Calrissian in Daly CityApril 30, 2021 at 10:43 PM

    Your right Rich, KCSM is a fantastic service to the people. I open up my balcony doors overlooking the Daly City hills, clouds rolling in, listen to the smooth morning jazz vibes broadcastin on air waves. Oh and Pam I have a message...You are absolutely beautiful!

  21. draft mostly ''guy talk'' and very little about players IN ''the draft''.knbr also. puffery ,not much draft.

  22. I miss those days watching “circle 7” with Pete Wilson and Ana Chavez behind the anchor desk...

  23. KGO is dead. It should have had a ratings bounce during the election last year, but it flatlined. When Chip or Pat or "President of the United States" comes on, it's Lecture Radio. Poorly-informed national politics for people who apparently can't access stations like CNN and MSNBC. The format doesn't work. There's no point in hiring local hosts who do non-local talk.

  24. I won't listen to either one- together or solo

  25. "people wonder. And speculate. Do they have a right to? Legally, no,"
    um, last time I checked, the first amendment is still in place, though just barely. People want to speculate, they can speculate all they want. No law against it that I'm aware of.

    I don't get the disdain for Bob Fitzgerald. His love of the game, and the Warriors, is infectuous, and his banter can be hilarious. I think he's a great asset, but hey, others don't like him, maybe it's illegal for me to speculate...
