Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Thurston Scores SF Police Chief for Rare Interview on KGO Thursday

Bill Scott, Chief of SF Police doesn't do many interviews --and taking calls from people who might have a few pointed questions, is something you you don't hear every day.

Until now.

KGO's Pat Thurston has snagged Scott for an entire HOUR --on Thursday from Noon to 1 PM and it should be entertaining radio, I'm looking forward to it.


  1. You mean to tell me you'd rather listen to this meaningful conversation than see that flaming turd Mike Lindell with Jimmy Kimmel tonight?

  2. Scott was interviewed last week on CNN and CNBC.

  3. Dion Lim had a very heated interview with the SF DA!!

    1. San Francisco doesn't have a real D.A., it has a pro-criminal/anti-citizen clown installed by George Soros with the help of dumbshit low information voters, just like L.A.

  4. Pat Thurston used to be on 95.7 The Express (KPIX FM)
