Wednesday, April 28, 2021

A Dead Rush on Radio is Better than No Rush At All

I GET THIS QUESTION every other day: who will replace Rush Limbaugh?

Stations that have run Limbaugh (like KSFO here)h= have continued to air Rush even after his death, a sort of "Best of" forever--and the ratings have been pretty good. Which is sad to some degree because it shows there really is NO replacement --in fact, when a guest host has filled in, the ratings crater.

So for now, dead Rush Limbaugh shows will continue to air --the numbers tule--they always have, but seriously, there's something sort of bizarre about all this, don't you think?

I do.


  1. Yup, there's something bad about this. The red wearing conservatives are wearing out their grip on one of their last icons. It also goes to show how money rules the day. Sensationalism sells.

  2. Yes, bizarre in some respects. But people are listening. Rushbo had/still has his fans, of which I was not one. Perhaps this could set a trend, i.e. "throwback" political commentator segments (similar to what is seen on religious networks, with airings of old sermons and other archived programing). We can tune in, and again listen to George Putnam, William Buckley, Ronald Reagan, or Alan Colmes, Mort Sahl, and/or Dick Gregory!

    The Limbaugh Loyalists will likely never get enough of their man's work.

    1. Mort Sahl lives in Mill Valley, and performs weekly at the Throckmorton, also in Mill Valley. A great comedian.

    2. Thanks for that update, Masked Poster. Nice to hear that Mort is still performing, and going strong!

  3. What the show is doing is quite brilliant. It is using his thoughts and commentary, and using them to address today's issues by way of a guide/host. The host talks about what is going on and how Rush discussed it previously or how his words relate now. History repeats itself. There are many conservative radio hosts but none will ever compare to Rush. you have Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Ben Shapiro, and Dan Bongino...the later of which will be taking over Rush's time slot locally.

  4. 3:12--BRILLIANT? A dead canned opinions...edited to fit the day's news? I think it's pretty stupid.

    Maybe for tomorrow, EIB can find Rush ranting about "What a stupid choice? Liberal San Francisco...headed straight down the sewer!"...and then edit it right after NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell says, "With the third pick in the 2021 NFL draft, the San Francisco 49ers select...Mac Jones...Quarterback, the University of Alabama."

  5. One voice I miss is Charles Krauthammer. He never ranted and was very reasoned.

  6. I agree I often enjoyed listening to Krauthammer, he was more conservative than I am, never the less, he was reasonable and very intelligent.

  7. RUST LINTBALL is buried. So too should his lousy radio show.

  8. Just goes to prove Rush listeners and for that matter most conservative radio listeners can't think for themselves. They still need a dead man to tell them how to think. How sad is that.

  9. The same Limbaugh fans who listen to these re-runs (and will probably do so for the next 50-years) are the same folks who only watch John Wayne and Gary Cooper movies...and list these two as their favorite actors.

  10. Was never a fan of Limbaugh, could never understand he had so many listeners, and does not all have to do with his politics, since I listen to other conservative hosts at times, even though I lean left. However, not fair to equate Limbaugh with movie stars, many of the old movie stars and old movies are worth watching. Casablanca never gets old.

  11. Maybe Rush can be the 21st century Max Headroom. Somebody should be able to distill the archives into an Artificial Intelligence algorithm so that "Rush" could respond credibly to any question or current situation. It could become a litmus test of sorts for political positions; does it pass the "Rush AI" test.
