Sunday, May 2, 2021

Character with a Capital "C": Bay Area Radio Legend Myles Cameron

You might be munching on a pizza tonight and sipping a glass of decent merlot; even if you're not, it's a good time to read about a legit, authentic, Bay Area character; wait a minute, a SAN FRANCISCO character who graced the airwaves ON radio and TV; a guy I had the pleasure of roaming around the Fairmont a few times and cowtowing with LARRY KING and some other VIPs

MEET the one and only MYLES CAMERON.

If that name sounds familiar, it should. If you listened to Bay Area radio in the 70's, 80's, 90'and 2000's, surely you heard the distinctive voiced; HIS voice! Cameron was a BIG-TIME DJ (when they were REAL) at K-101, KFRC (he worked alongside DR. DON ROSE), and KOIT. Cameron didn't stop there; he also had news stints at KCBS, KGO and KSFO, the latter station when KSFO was its legacy heritage.

Myles Cameron was and still IS a real card, a guy that used to walk the streets of North Beach with the likes of good friends like BURT CONVY and ANGIE DICKINSON--he met Angie on a movie set in LA where he was playing as an extra in a small film and she was being plain, sultry Angie D.

But Cameron's real schtick was dominated by his place on San Francisco's once-cozy radio world; a time before non-romantic, antiseptic, ill-guided corporations spoiled great radio stations like the old, vintage KSFO and KGO. At KFRC, Myles ruled both the day and nght with combonation human combustion energy and non-stop humor. It WORKED namely because there was NO gimmick: Cameron was the FUNNY BONE and nothing was phony. It was genuine and unique.

Today, Myles Cameron enjoys life and love with his wife, Kathy; he met her, naturally, at a radio station and they make their home in Telegraph Hill. Life is good. And the character element of MC hasn't faded. It's something that's CONSTANT and will be an indelible part of his personality; believe me, I've had first-hand experience.


  1. What was Myles Cameron's radio name? He doesn't sound familiar.

  2. Great write-up! As a friend of Myles since the mid-70s at the UofO in Eugene OR, I can attest that it's all true, and then some!

  3. Great blog Rich. You really captured Myles wonderful personality & love of life. Thanks.

  4. I think I met the guy once. Nice fellow!
