Monday, May 3, 2021

Ask Rich Lieberman

YOUR QUESTIONS about Bay Area (and a few national too) TV/Radio --are ANSWERED HERE; please, NAME and TOWN always gets to the front of the line.


  1. Former South Bay resident. Now Chico ca. Do I have to go to confession cause I am sick of Greg Papa? Every time he loses a job (Raider's) he comes to S.F. and takes over every damn sport. He is over the xposed IMO

  2. I agree, Gino.

    I've never questioned Papa's knowledge but yes, as far as the multiple shows he hosts on NBC BA, I'm too, a little sick of him and that obnoxious TD call. It's so LOUD and forced. Not my cup of tea.

    Papa --I'll give him credit, he's been able to work here several years. But I'm not a fan overall, you too. There's plenty of us out there.

    1. Greg Papa is a smarmy shithead who should never work in Bay Area sports again. But for some bizarre reason he keeps getting work.

  3. From Sam, Castro Valley: I am eagerly awaiting Bill Martin's departure from KTVU-2. Is there any news on that front?

    1. Hi Sam: he's retiring, as I mentioned on Saturday, KTVU asked him to stay on for now, until they hire his replacement. So hold off the party for now.

  4. Hey Rich; What are your thoughts on TV personalities doing their shows from home? I want the news anchors to return to the studio, but I think The Late Show with Stephen Colbert is great from his office studio. Hit or miss on others? What are your thoughts?

    1. I guess I'm more old school. I like stage, desk, live audience. I couldn't imagine Johnny Carson doing the monologue from his living room--then again, since I can't watch the current batch of late-night shows, i'm not bummed. Even Colbert, a guy I used to like, is kinda boring now.

  5. When do we at KGO finally get rid of Tom sit in his office Cibrowski and get a GM who has actually done the job before?

    1. Well, since at Disney, they prefer morons who don't have the chops to do their gig, you're out of luck...for now at least. I'm astonished at Cibrowski's incompetence but I shouldn't be surprised, after all, being a mutt at ABC seems to be in demand.

  6. Maria Medina.....real or bolt ons? She is gorgeous and a great reporter.

    1. I have no idea. No interest either.

    2. Anon 10:20 Show some respect, she just lost her teen age son recently.

    3. That sure didn't stop her from posting a picture on a boat with her cleavage hanging out surrounded by 5 guys on instagram.

    4. What happened to her son?

  7. Are there likely to be more budget reducing layoffs of anchors and/or reporters from the local stations in the near future?

    1. Yes, particularly, NBC and PIX (CBS) because we're still in a pandemic (even if it's getting better) and a tough economic environment --plus, it's the nature of the business. Even when times are good, they still CUT, cut cut.

  8. Why you callin' a loyah ? Any info. on how Len Tillem is doing ?
    Steve, Concord, CA

    1. Hi Steve, I think Len is OK but I think he's battling some medical issues--when you reach a certain age as you get older, it's inevitable. I hope Len is not suffering any pain.

    2. And while you're at it, anything to report on Bernie Ward's situation?

    3. OF course he's suffering..Did you think being ninety plus was a breeze?

    4. Aren't you in a nice mood today (by the way, look up VIN SCULLY, and see about those pushing 90 and above)

  9. Any Idea what's going to happen at KGO radio?

    1. They're probably good for another year and after that, I have no idea. Uncertainty would be my observation right now. They don't have any money, I keep hearing that and when you have no cash, it makes it hard to plan.

  10. Hey Rich, what is Bonnie Jill up too these days? She always seemed to have a strange obsession with horses and 1990's black athletes.

  11. Who would you choose to replace Bill Martin?

    1. I'm not the Kyla Grogan cheerleader as is the case here from some of her fans, but I do like her. Nut you're asking me to pick someone and right now I'd pass. Maybe it's because I don't think weather is that big a deal. Maybe they feel the same which helps explain why they might be looking for someone outside the market.

  12. Does Maria Medina deserve a shot at the desk to replace VDLC?

    1. I think she's quite happy in the field as a reporter but I could be wrong. Everyone, at least in theory, should have a shot.

  13. Is Liz Cook related to someone in the KPIX or CBS upper hierarchy? She doesn't appear extremely talented in broadcast journalism.

    1. Her dad is a high-up at Disney and has led to speculation his position maybe helped to get to the promised land. I think she's actually improved a whole lot but yeah, did she have help? Yes. Probably.

    2. Before she was very stern and very robotic. She has loosened up and she is actually joking and laughing at the end of the newscast. Word on the street she is happy now that she finished up a rough divorce.

      Rich, I remember in the good old days, when Big Vinnie had clout in town.

  14. With Podcasts everywhere and any music genre you want to listen to on your phone, you think radio is a dead medium? Any Podcasts you listen to and recommend?

    1. I'm more of a quick listen and therefore, the concept of podcasts don't interest me. That's not to demean the idea of long, free-form radio it's just that if I'm interested in a subject matter or an interview, I'll take it in any ANY format, doesn't necessarily have to be in podcast form--I'm constantly on YouTube watching interviews and subjects that are out there and recommend highly.

  15. I would be interested in updates on other former local anchors, like John Kessler, Sydnie Kohara, Cindy Chavez, just to see what they are up to now.

    1. Kessler is doing investment banking in upstate NY, Kohara and the other person, I simply don't know.

    2. Cindy Chavez, we hardly knew Ye

    3. You can't know who John Kessler is without knowing who Sydnie Kohara is -- she was that woman sitting next to him, aka "co-anchor". I do share your ignorance of Cindy Chavez, unless the reference is to the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors member.

    4. Marla Tellez does everything at FOX11 in LA. I mean she can do anything, anytime, including weather and traffic besides anchoring on the same show. She does COVID special reports and covers for another host that was injured. A Superwoman anchor!

  16. What are your thoughts on KCBS' Tim Ryan?
    Darrin in Rohnert Park.

  17. Saul in HillsboroughMay 3, 2021 at 12:49 PM

    Any chance of another guest blog from Lowell Cohn. Lowell is a mensch.

    1. Would love it but sometimes politics and fear get in way. I asked Lowell Cohn to do another column--he politely declined. I'm open to any/all suggestions.

  18. How come some stations KRON and KPIX are coming back to near normal with anchors and reports on set and in the field and others like KGO7 and KTVU stuck inside? When are they going to get back to field reporting and and on desk anchoring?

    1. They all have their reasons and own particular financial and way of processes; some are money-wise, OK and ready to proceed but maybe waiting out to the very end for logistical reasons. It's not a easy process so I respect that, hopefully now, you too. Not everyone is the ssame. It's a unique process.

  19. Do you hear any rumblings about reporters investigating the Jeff Adachi death? I know the Chronicle and the local TV stations won't touch it, but anybody from outside the market whose chain can't be yanked by the SF big wigs?

    1. You're on to a whole lot of stuff; there's LAYERS of stories here and I'm myself attempting to sort it all out, stay tuned.

    2. Rich go listen to Rothmann's show Friday night. Get in touch with the Marin reporter that covers all of the SF scandals she might be of help. It's all corrupt. Democrats are great aren't they?

  20. What's the deal with NBCLX? Has anyone seen this crap??

    San Francisco

    1. No and based on your assessment, Ray, probably the best option.

  21. abc7 "building a better bay area" please make it stop!!!

    Dry east bay hills.

  22. Walter from SF,
    Rich, Later this year I'll be moving back home to NYC after 43 years here. Which is top rated local TV news in NYC?

    1. I believe its the NBC O and O, WNBC, for sure, check out 1010 WINS and all-sports, WFAN, good luck in NYC, thanks Walter.

    2. I think your right Rich it could be WNBC in New York but another one I could think of is WABC “circle 7”

  23. I have reconnected with Lowell and Grant on twitter which I just started using. I watched a hour video between him and Grant about the 49ers, I believe they do it couple of times a week, it was great, can't believe I watched the entire 60 mins show, mix of old school and new stuff. Great to hear Lowell with his old stories with his personal touch.
