Thursday, April 22, 2021

Mitchinson Would be Solid Pick to Replace Bunger on Morning Drive at KCBS

DAN MITCHINSON would be a great pick to replace the soon-to-be-retiring STAN BUNGER but KCBS brass won't give Mitchinson the gig. Why so? I'll answer later on.

Mitchinson is very polished, very crisp and heady. He's very good, almost too good. I've gone hot and cold with the guy, now mostly hot simply because having heard him for months now, he would make an outstanding MORNING DRIVE anchor. I had a disagreement with a KCBS staffer who thought Mitchinson was good, but that he didn't have much of a personality or big name to carry on in the morning. I don't concur.

Mitchinson is so dry and polished he can sound robotic at times. Like I said, having heard him quite frequently, I understand that observation but I also hear some innate qualities. First off, Mitchinson is a SUPERB INTERVIEWER. Being that he'd have to ask a lot of questions on the live line during immediate and breaking news, Q and A is mandatory. Mitchinson is solid there and can think on the run. I'm 100% certain he'd be dynamite from 6-10 AM.

He's also got a dry sense of huor and can inject it when needed--that works well when you have to interact with the traffic and sports anchor and Mitchinson, who broadcasts all time slots obn KCBS would be a natural. Sure, he's a little mechanical; he doesn't have a BIG name but he's steady and a fine news reader. You get a big name and there's a possibility that person's ego gets in the way. Mitchinson seems to have the necessary professional and personal chops to handle PRIME TIME.

But KCBS probably will want someone who is more PC and you can guess what that means.


  1. My money is on Tim Ryan. He's a heck of a guy and well respected.

  2. You keep trying to Program KGO, now you're meddling with KCBS????

  3. Dan Who? Never heard of the guy, let alone heard him on air. It will be Taylor.

  4. I've worked with Dan, and I can tell you there is no ego there at all. He's what I call a pain in the @$$ but in a good way (like me) because he insists on getting it right, and there's nothing wrong with that. That's what you want in a news person especially in a drive time anchor slot. Maybe you get someone with ego who doesn't sound "mechanical", but I guarantee you get more factual errors over time with that person than with one like Dan, and you definitely don't want that. He's not that robotic. He sounds just fine. There's also a part of me who says people who have been a KCBS longer and have been waiting for that slot to open up also deserve a fair shot, but so does Dan. I worked with him in morning drive. I agree he is well beyond capable or he wouldn't be working at KCBS in the first place. If you haven't heard him on the air there, you don't listen very much because I don't even live in California anymore and I've caught him on the air several times. A so-called big name shouldn't be as important as the talent and skill to do the job. Any station worth its salt would do a big promotions blitz anyway, so his name will get out there.

  5. Why not Kim Wonderly? A nice lady with a great speaking voice.
