Thursday, April 22, 2021

I Rip Greg Papa, Of Course I Do and Here's Why

I'VE RIPPED GREG PAPA, of course I have. And when I see fit, I'll CONTINUE to rip him. I've also LAUDED him too. I'm an equal opportunity critic --you know that.

Papa's TD call, as I've said too numerous times, I DON'T LIKE. It's too over-the-top for my taste. It sounds forced and contrived especially considering Papa's 20 years with the RAIDERS as their PBP broadcaster. Papa has been a 49ERS broadcaster for 2 seasons. He's hardly got Niners' roots yet he sounds like he's been a 49ers' faithful for years. It's artificial identity. On the other hand, Papa stylistically, is SUPERB --there's no doubt he knows and understands pro football. I respect that, always have. I just don't like his TD call, there.

I also have issues with Papa's bizarre personality on his KNBR Talk show (10-2 PM, Monday-Friday) Papa's frequent VOICE inflections sound utterly BIZARRE. He sounds like a little girl sometimes. I wouldn't make a big deal of it if Papa didn't do every two minutes as he does. It's not a speech impediment, it's just a WEIRD personal habit and it SUCKS. I've used this analogy about Papa's crazy voice inflection: it sounds like someone who's gargling and speaks into a mic; imagine that sound and you get Papa's nutty voice inflectionn and yes, it drives me nuts.

Papa knows sports, not only football but basketball and baseball too --I respect that, I just wish he would talk more about sports and swear off talking about foolish subjects like banal toilet humor and off-sports issues that aren't very becoming and make Papa sound foolish. Fine, Papa has an EGO, we all do, that doesn't mean you have to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Papa might wwant to check one of those files as much as he checks his nutty 49ers touchdown call.

I'm very pleased when Papa comments on non-sports issues like the pandemic situation and the 60's-style CIVIL UNREST we've all experienced and its impact on our lives and livihood. I appreciate Papa's penchant to step outside the sports boundary on his KNBR show, and offer his own perspective. It's not only right, it keeps things in proper perspective. There are times when sports is a legitimate distraction but there's also times when it take a back seat to real life. Papa gets that. I appreciate it. And I've told him that in person.

So yes, I RIP Papa. Of course I do. Which is one of the reasons you come here to read me.


  1. TOUCHDOWN (Insert Team Name)! - Isn't that every announcer's call?

  2. Agreed. Turned off by both Papa's TD call, and by ex-perfect game pitcher Dallas Braden's "Powtown!" call after Glen Kuiper's "That baby's gone!" home run call. (And I'm an A's lifer!)

    With that in mind, I want to change Oakland media subjects. Rich, may I hear your viewpoint after Chuck Barney's column on Betty Ann Bruno's storied career? I actually don't remember Bruno continuing on the air at KTVU past the Oakland Firestorm. But I do remember both the firestorm and other reporting storms like receiving threats from criminals because she did such fine detailed work. I didn't know that she was a child actor, a CIA informant, or even at near 90, a hula dancer instructor.

    1. It's "Pound Town" - and you call yourself an A's Fan?

    2. can someone explain the appeal of brody brazil? his hair is longer then brandon crawfords and he comes across as a guy who tries to hard to sound funny or edgy..the A's could do better with a different pre/post game host

  3. Bottom line: You don't like Papa because you are butt-hurt that he calls games for the 49ers now.

  4. I love Papa but hate Lund.

    1. How about replacing Lund with Bonnie Jill Lauflin, that little Yenta!

    2. Mr Mayate....I agree....Leave the Lund, take the Papa

    3. I heard Bonnie Jill got fired for taking a dump in Murph’s bathroom

  5. He's full of himself and his arrogance is over the top. Thank God he does 49er radio and not television. People would have to watch the games with the volume down.

  6. I think you are underwriting Papa’s sex appeal. I give him two snaps!!! Mmmmm

    1. Gregory is very handsome!

    2. Craig from San CarlosApril 22, 2021 at 5:56 PM

      Papa’s hair is as thick as a nicely irrigated lawn. I’m turned on by it!

    3. Hey Craig....Your over here like...Come on, baby. I'm faded, feeling X-rated. It's Mr. Nasty Time...with Greg Papa?! Thats disgusting!


  8. He stole that call from Veronica De La Cruz ... GAME ON!!!!

  9. his ego is the size of his..never ive said before, gregy is the middle age divorced dad who is hitting on his daughter's college age friends

  10. The response on this post is hilarious, not to mention true. Gregory is a legend in his own mind. He walks around the press box like he's the man. So far from it. He's just lucky he has friends in high places.

    1. Or just plain HIGH friends in many places
