Monday, April 26, 2021

Janelle Wang's Thirst for More Prime Time at NBC Bay Area has a Huge Problem: Jessica Aguirre


JANELLE WANG will toe the company line and, if asked, say she's having a grand old time in San Jose at NBC BAY AREA. Money is relatively good, nice family, job security, cozy relationship with everyone at the Bay Area NBC O and O but she'd be lying too and Janelle never lies.

I'VE LEARNED through my Southnay peacock contact list, Countess Wang wants more of a "prominent role" at the station, only one problem: JESSICA AGUIRE ain't going anywhere anytime soon and that presents a problem because Madam Janelle wants to anchor more, precisely at 6 PM (she currently holds down 5) and would love to SOLO one day soon, but that's very unlikely now.

On the outside, both ladies are projecting warmth and fuzziness. Nothing could be further than the truth. Janelle Wang hasn't issued an ultimatum to the boss at NBC BAY AREA, but it's definitely getting more likely as time moves forward. Only one problem: Yang has ZERO leverage. Which makes for a potentially ...very INTERESTING situation.


  1. Don't how many RL Blog followers are Lester Holt viewers, but I bet a majority of them are seeing the obvious - Wang anchors in a desperate-acting manner. RL criticism of Mathai? Probably because Mathai has had to be the referee in the middle for a few years now.
    And though Aguirre isn't going anywhere - and rightfully so, if we read Rich's comments regarding her long time work along U.S. 101 (as in KGO-TV, then KNTV) - why has it taken so long to sign Aguirre to a new contract? Or have the middle management at NBC 11 become as imbecilic about this as the folks down south at the Academy?

    1. "why has it taken so long to sign Aguirre to a new contract? Or have the middle management at NBC 11 become as imbecilic about this as the folks down south at the Academy?"

      They get "imbecilic" every time a female anchor passes 40. Male anchors can have hair plugs and bang female interns and no problem!

      These idiots don't realize that 40+ anchors are the most beautiful *and* talented out there.

    2. I agree -- the tragedy of YouTube TV is that it doesn't pull in KRON, so I can't see Vicki L and Catherine H anymore -- great newscasters and easy on the eyes.

  2. I actually like both of them. Hope there is some sort of compromise. Sounds like this is a commo problem in newsrooms.

  3. Janelle is one staff on KGO 7 never been respected or get a good spot except for that 3PM show with Spencer, NBC 11 always overrate any KGO reporter to prime time.

  4. Get rid of both. New faces would be refreshing. Why don't they just read their prompter and quit trying to be the personalities? Just read the news girls.

  5. So if men are ambitious, that's wonderful and manly,but if women are, it's a cat fight...Can't you ever put your misogyny away?

  6. Love Jessica, no contest.
