Monday, April 26, 2021

The Oscars Travesty on ABC


One of RONN OWENS best segments, even when he was about to retire from KGO, was his annual OSCARS Monday-after TRASH. It was usually funny and spot-on. And timely too.

If there were ever a time to trash the Oscars, last night was proof positive. What a disgrace. Travesty really. And as far as "social distancing", why? If you put on an awards show, especially the Academy Awards, either do it and do it with authority, forget this pandemic version. It looked downright silly and absurd. I don't mind creativity and different approaches but ABC and the acamedy should be ashhamed.

What would JOHNNY CARSON have thought?


  1. It was horrible from the get-go. No clips, weird camera angle, bad lighting, all the stupid feel good stories about everyone. Everyone in attendance looked bored as heck. It was pathetic and I only watched about 15 minutes of it. Why did they even waste their time.

  2. A nothing burger show.

  3. Nick Gerz in the TLApril 26, 2021 at 10:20 AM

    Yo Rich, jus anotha white privileged show IMHO. My brothas and sistas in Da 5 bloods got bamboozled, why they always doin Spike Lee like this?!?!

  4. I didn't even know the Oscars were on last night, and I can't name one picture or "talent" involved, that's how much I care.

    1. Black this or black that with a Korean thrown in. There, you didn't have to watch. No-one else did either.

  5. Where's Sacheen Littlefeather when you need her?

    1. While they didn't have Sacheen, they had plenty of Tyrones and Queen Latifah's. You feel me dawg?

  6. Joke of a show.

    They're trying to force diversity and people see right through it. Instead of being organic it's contrived and coerced. I bet they come back with record low viewership.

  7. Even with all of the forced diversity this headline just hit...

    "Oscars Ratings Crash To All-Time Low; Viewership Falls Under 10M For First Time Ever"

    Oh, the humanity. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have scheduled a press conference to condemn the lack of viewership. Nancy Pelosi has introduced legislation in the House.

  8. All time low viewership. But but they had so much diversity? Hilarious.

  9. Sir Anthony Hopkins may not be amused by the political sarcasm posted above, but even he had an incredulous look at how dreadful the ceremonies were. Hopkins knew he didn't need the Oscar, which should have gone posthumously to Chadwick Boseman. What he and most other witnessed - I was not among them, thankfully - is a complete waste of air time run by imbecilic board members.
    Sounds like too many local Bay TV and radio front offices.

  10. Pretty fair on the awards with almost all races getting a reward and Anthony Hopkins winning at a very old age. But, Will and Den (2 actors) will probably be speaking out how unfair this result was not getting 90% of the awards.

  11. The self-promoting Academy Awards have gradually devolved into virtual irrelevance. We haven't watched them in years and obviously haven't missed anything. The Grammys and Emmys are even worse.

  12. I watched 3 minutes of it. Didn't know any of the pictures nominated during our lost year. Don't know, don't care.

  13. Honestly, awards shows are not interesting anymore. It doesn’t matter the medium. With millions poor and homeless, they are irrelevant.

  14. anyone hear Smurph at KNBr ranting over the Oscars? What a joke

  15. The worse of it is listening to Thurston with Tim Sika AGAIN, talking about it.
