Thursday, October 8, 2020

As Long As I Live, 415 Media Is Here, All Day, All Night; But Help Me; Fight Censorship; Don't Let Them Take Me Down

10 big examples of online censorship in China this year


That said, I need all of you to please, HELP ME, by $tepping up and making your support count by donations to 415 Media --that's what really counts.

The self-anointed prima donnas went after my advertisers and THREATENED! and harassed both my local and national sponsors at Google. I paid the price now and they specifically TARGETED those that make this blog possible, in addition to you all. I'm up against all odds and now I understand what programmed CENSORSHIP is all about, courtesy of the establishment SF Bay Area media elite.

Again, PLEASE DO HELP and make a contribution now by going to the "DONATE"/Pay Pal Button on the right side of the blog. It takes less than a half a minute and it's completely safe and SECURE. I will call and/or e-mail you THANKING YOU for your donation and help.

**ABOUT THIS BLOG and those trying to take me down:

I will NOT GO AWAY. 415 Media is and will always be here for your enjoyment and vehicle for independent journalism --a REAL NO-SPIN zone where you'll get the INSIDE and NON-DOPEY info you despise. 

I CONCUR. Which is why I'm HERE. 

For YOU.

THEY TRIED TO SHUT ME DOWN! They PRESSURED the owner of the Marina Times (just one example) to abandon me and take away my RIGHTS to publish --and they did it under the radar. Cowards they are.

You don't always agree with me and I welcome that. Heck, I don't always agree with me but the information always gets out and is there to read and observe. I will always lampoon, make fun of and take issue with their display and hypocrisy --it is not me that publishes pictures of women TV anchors and reporters parading their half-naked bodies on Facebook and Instagram --all forms of social media.

They are their own WORST ENEMY! I'm just there --here--to chronicle it and CALL IT OUT. And I do and I will --as long as I have your HELP and $UPPORT! PLEASE MAKE A DONATION NOW!

I will continue to write and give you my opinion --you may disagree and be upset but you know you will always come here because I will always give you the real deal and no BS and propaganda that infiltrates the Bay Area news domain.

I will continue to call them all out. They need to be watched and examined. You know that and so do I.

Now more than ever, HELP ME. 


  1. What is happening to you is exactly why a lot of people support Trump. It is not so much that they like the President, it's that they know the other side is so dangerous. Did you see or hear the VP debate last night, where Kamala Harris whined that Mike Pence "mansplained" her? You think a Biden/Harris administration will protect you, or do you think Ms. Harris will work to silence all the Rich Liebermans?

  2. Let me see if I understand this. The guy who censors comments on his blog is complaining about being censored?

    "You don't always agree with me and I welcome that". No, Rich, you don't. If you did, you would censor comments.

    "I will always lampoon, make fun of and take issue with their display and hypocrisy". So it's ok when you call out hypocrisy but not when your hypocrisy is called out, Rich? You know that makes you a hypocrite, right?

  3. The prez is like a cult leader and his followers will listen to every whim he has. Sadly for the media, we don't have the professionals like back in the old days and ones that are left are retiring out. I'm sure there are a few current ones that are decent, but seems many now get their egos bigger then Jupiter.

  4. When will you apologize to all the ladies? Then and only then will I donate.

    1. Agreed.
      That and censoring comments. I know mine get censored, have no idea of the # of others who come here to contribute to the topics and find that their 2 cents isn't published.

  5. I'm pretty sure that Kamala Harris isn't interested in Rich Lieberman. There is nothing illegal about asking advertisers to not advertise somewhere. The advertisers aren't required to not advertise, right?

    1. For once I agree with you Christine! Unions can ask consumers to boycott products. Same idea here. No one is being forced.

    2. For a proud McGeorge Law grad, you sure are clueless about the issue. Do "bleeding cash" parent companies like the Mouse allow employees to Goofy off during work hours? They are paid to get product on the air. That's it. The HR implications and Richie's Cause of Action are solid. If you don't like someone or something, use your own F-ing IP address on your own F-ing time. Rich get a real LAAAAWWWYER, Len Tillem?

  6. I would consider contributing if you didn't censor every goddamn comment that was in opposition of your viewpoint. #weak

  7. Rich does censor comments. To be fair he has not censored ALL my post of being critically of him. Sometime if I rewrite my post it makes it to this blog. More than censoring comments that are critical of Rich, he also censor comments that defend people he does not like, especially Ronn Owens, some do get posted, most do not, and I have to be very careful how I word my support. Yet Rich will post comments that are very crude, sexist and a few racists ones, which surprise me, since I don't believe Rich is a racists.

    1. Rich ain’t racist. He treats everyone the same.

  8. Rich:
    It appears the chickens are coming home to roost. Your censoring unflattering comments here is being noted by others, and I'm joining them. Even though our comments may not be nearly as objectionable as those you post concerning others, they're being censored, nonetheless, which is your right as the owner of this blog, but don't complain and whine when those you continually mock strike back at you. What goes around comes around.

  9. This is San Francisco and Democrat's state, what do you expect???

  10. John Gullbunny jammin in Hunters PointOctober 8, 2020 at 1:45 PM

    Yo Rich, I play guitar, some people call me the Black Eddie Van Halen. How about you come down to my hood and we'll do some hustlin on the streets to fund the 415, waddya say my man?!

    1. If Rich censored critical comments about him, how come all of these comments are posted? Seems like he posts all. And as for someone saying he allows racists comments, that is not true either. He loves black women more than Wilt Chamberlin!

    2. Rich loves Wilt Chamberlin? Do tell.

  11. Rich you should do a spoken Vlog on YouTube! You were great on the radio!

  12. If you criticize Bay Area television media, be prepared to be hit in the face while you are sleeping by some hired thug. I speak from experience.

  13. I hope everything is ok with Rich. I'd hate to see those pro-censorship NAZIs at KGO force his blog off the internet.
