Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Another Yenta Hit Job: KGO/ABC7 Anchor Liz Kreutz Threatens Me/415 Media --Marina Times Letter (Need Your $upport)


For the time being. In fact, a few lawyers have called me but I don't want to sue, I don't even think there's a case but I'm angry because they (and they include this latest nincompoop, Liz Kreutz, from KGO and ABC,  have gone after my advertisers and harassed them with this BS)

Kruetz is part of the ABC7/KGO cabal --including prime instigator, Kristen Sze (and a few significant others) --who are about to be on the receiving end of some major pushback from the Disney/ABC O and O (owned/operated) TV station Top Brass who don't like any headlines like this that don't feature the Mouse.

Meanwhile, they have SCREWED with my little ads as it is; the Google ads that have disappeared --but again, I'M STILL HERE!

If there were any time (now, especially) I were to ask you all for SUPPORT? Readers please help.

This ain't going away.


  1. Apparently there's a lot of thin skinned newsroom bitches with too much time on their hands around here. They should redirect that energy into improving the shitty product they put on the air.

    1. > They should redirect that energy into
      > improving the shitty product they put
      > on the air.

      Actually they don't have much power over that. They're robots who do as/go where they're told.

  2. She includes her email address so that YOUR followers can SCREW with her. Don't these people realize tbat when you go after you, that it keeps them on your radar longer. Oh what a tangled web....

  3. Happy to hear that, 415 Media Blog, "ain't going away!"

    1. I agree and they need to stop messing with advertisers of the blog too.

  4. Another one of these people who think they are sooooo important. Shut up and just do your damn job and get over it. Bunch of crybabies,

  5. This type of shit is going to be your world under Biden & Harris. Sad.

    1. it is our world now under trump/pence extremely sad

    2. Wow, B&H get blamed for things (like Coronavirus) that happen when Trump is president? How does that work???

  6. Rich, what she says about you in her letter is true. You express your view; she expresses hers.

    And I know you won't print this.

    1. Does not matter if its true. Only matters if its legal. Liz and Katie seemed to not have read their employment contracts. They go out of their way to identify themselves as a reporter for a station using that as an influence to make a threat.

  7. Man RIch, I just emailed Liz Kreutz as she gave her email address in the email she sent to marinatimes. I doubt she will read it, but hey, we all need to FLOOD her email box and especially, those of DISNEY over this! I wish I had the appropriate person to email at Disney. Now THAT would be great to do!

  8. Sure looks like a form letter to me . . .

  9. Nick Gerz fightin' for Rich!October 7, 2020 at 12:23 PM

    Rich your like Tom Brady...'WE'RE STILL HERE!' We got yo back homie!

  10. I worked with Liz Kreutz and all I know is she smelled like old cheese. Fine as hell but stank like cheese.

  11. Welcome to the gynocentric world we live in today. Soy boy, thumb sucking mama's boys in suits playing the PC card. The contemporary male is a Eunuch! NO BALLS! Fire the useless life support system for a vagina and move on.

    She was a Hillary toady.

  12. Hmm, her sending this from her ABC account during what may have been a work day opens up some intriguing vistas...John Burris, are you reading this?

    1. I filed a Standards of Business conduct complaint to Disney on her

    2. John Burris only takes a case if it will get him airtime (free advertising). Rich is a white older male. No interest. They don't exist as far as the r̶e̶v̶e̶r̶s̶e̶ ̶r̶a̶c̶i̶s̶t̶ progressive world is concerned.

      But yeah, I can't believe all these dummies are using their work accounts. Maybe their mommies won't let them on the computer at home?

    3. John Burris typically takes cases involved with allegations of racial injustice, where he can get a big payday. Does calling someone a "yenta" qualify?

  13. They are making Rich a sympathetic figure, perhaps the Peabody Awards will establish a new category for this unforeseen event?

  14. File you Liz Kruetz complaints to corporate Standards of Business conduct

  15. Rich I think you need to write a letter directly to the CEO of Disney (cc: to KGO-TV GM) that you object the attempt by Disney (their employee is identifying their employer and thus acting in an official capacity) to interfere in the operation of small business such as yours. They are trying to strong-arm advertisng dollars away from small business. Disney needs to realize that all media outlets need to be able to compete for advertising revenue and this action by Disney (after all it's their employee) is anti-competitive and may be a violation of law. You should be able to get some big bucks$ in a settlement.

  16. There are BIG deep pockets at DISNEY. Their employees should not try to dissuade businesses from using non-DISNEY advertising. This is anti-competitive. The feds need to shut the mouse down.

  17. Richard?!? I'm checking in from Liuzhou, Guangzi, China, where I've been for past couple of months (family affairs ... ) and am enjoying this trifluffle this "newsperson" is instigating. Hey Liz??? Even we in Sacramento don't want you after you bomb out of the Bay Area. Try Modoc County, I hear they ... 7 people watching the news there, your kind of audience...

  18. Rich: Keep us posted on how Susan R is handling the pressure. Hope her lawyers are giving her First Amendment assurances. Very disappointed in Kreutz's actions.

  19. I dated a news reporter about 20 years ago. The most narcissistic, self-involved woman I've ever dealt with.

    The sex was fun, though.

    1. Does she comment on this blog under her own name?

  20. @6:08 - try doing it with another person. It’s even better!

  21. Sorry to see this happen to you Rich and the threatening of this blog. I myself find it very interesting and very entertaining to read daily blogs on various news and opinion from this site. I don’t understand why local news general managers, anchors and reporters cannot take a persons opinion. Now I will not judge anybody on looks as they appear on television but I do have a problem how general managers handle their personal in the news department. As example sorry my opinion but I think KPIX (CBS) is a complete mess. At least KRON 4 (MY TV) is more watchable for news than KPIX is. Keep up the good work Rich and thank you for keeping us local readers informed...

  22. Never date anyone with a gummy smile, Kristen and Liz K and always date someone with a big smile, Ama and Dion so far never voice their opinion against Rich and holding a strong position as a main anchor.

  23. Since Liz was so nice as to use her work email address, I emailed her and asked her to provide examples of how Rich Liberman has "For years, he has been writing extraordinarily sexist, perverted, and malicious (not to mention inaccurate) things about female journalists in the Bay Area." 

    I pride myself on being objective and analytical when evaluating topics of interest to me.  While I don't hold out any hope that she will actually reply, making claims without evidence to back up your position is never a good look. In this case it just looks like she is intimidating a business, alluding to possible retribution for failing to do as she suggests.

  24. Here's the deal.. IF you want to tell advertisers your concerns about the placement of their advertisements, you can. They can consider what you say, and make their own decisions. No one is forcing them not to advertise on a blog.

    1. Lets call a spade a spade. If Liz had written this email not about Rich but

      I am complaining that you are advertising on KTVU because Frank is playing footsie with Interns. Liz would be walked out in 5 min and hosting community access in Wyoming.

  25. Women who go by "Liz" or "Katie" professionally are always complete twats, just like guys under 55 who regularly wear bow-ties.

  26. Not clear to me, Ms. Craft. "No one is forcing them not to advertise on a blog" -- do you mean "No one CAN force them..." or "No one IS TRYING to force them"?

    Kreutz's intent is clear, and her shielding herself under the aegis of ABC7NEWS makes the pressure clear. This probably does violate corporate standards of KGO and Disney.

  27. And you think they're fukked up in the Bay Area...

  28. OK, this Kreutz comment is late to the game, but: I happened to see the “4 at 4” on ABC7NEWS on the day, 6/22/2020 (or maybe a day or two later -- sometimes they’re slow to catch up to “breaking news”), that the company marketing Segway scooters had stopped production. Surely someone can access the footage of that segment.

    One of the eponymously anonymous “4” that day was Liz Kreutz. On hearing about Segway production stoppage, she jumped in with a fun non-fact, something like, “Hey didn’t’ the inventor of that thing drive it off a cliff and die?”

    It was a wonderful moment of fake news creation. I just wonder what Dean Kamen -- American hero, owner of over 1000 patents, inventor of the Segway, of stair-climbing wheelchairs and hand-trucks, of the first drug-infusion pump -- would have thought if he knew that a low-grade, backwater Valley Girl type of “news” anchor had pronounced him dead? I’d like to hope, paraphrasing Mark Twain, “[Idiots’] rumors of my death are greatly exaggerated.”

    Sorry, this has been bugging me for some time. Who gives an open mic to an empty head?
