Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Anatomy of a Professional Hit Job: KPIX's Katie Nielsen Threatens Me --Asks Marina Times' EIC To 'Cease' Ads on 415 Media; Violation of CBS Standards and Policy

 First off, what's Nielsen doing here? If she was a true news reporter, maybe she would have contacted me and asked for my take? Not at all.


Nielsen, in fact, made herself the story and not only that, went after me and harangued a friend and possible would-be advertiser in the process. You want to take issue with me and challenge my reporting, my opinions, fine, I can take it.

But Nielsen went overboard and that's not half of it. I'm being kind and diplomatic. But, as they say, actions have consequences. Especially those that affect me. Moreover, I do believe Nielsen's act more than ever violates CBS (which owns KPIX)policies and standards.

This is quite revealing. 

As they say, stay tuned.


  1. #karma is coming for her.

    1. Good candidate for 4th wife of Donald Trump.

  2. Congrats Richie! This could be Ralph money! CBS has deep pockets show this to Cardoza, Christine Craft? You now have "cause." Among other things, that ditzy blonde is not authorized to use company E-mail for anything other than "company" business. Is trying to close a local blogger "company" business? And don't forget to add Kristen Sze, the Mouse is loaded with cash.

  3. What an amazing response from the co-owner of Marina Times. She makes great points. I don't live in San Francisco and have never read that paper but I am going to regularly check it out.

    1. 1:25...I could not agree with you more. I hate to give anything or anybody a passing grade. I like to flunk everything and everybody. My self impose title is, 'Bad Review Specialist,' and I'm really good at it!!

      I'm awarding Susan Reynolds a grade of A+. This Vietnam veteran salutes very few people, I salute Susan...job well done!

      Intelligent women are 'extra special' and she certainly is one of those!

      The Women Are The Newspapers.

  4. Good job standing up for yourself and what's left of journalism.

    I'm an ex KPIX photojournalist and I can personally state "journalism" is the last thing that concerns KPIX management.

  5. Look in the mirror and ask herself, should I (referring to Katie) head to Victoria S (the store) and maintain some serious connection with the boss, executive, Allan and Ken to get a main anchor spot just like how the intern obsess Frank on the rival station. The result, running out of KPIX in tears trying to promote woman's rights in SF.

  6. Looks like another registered Democrat is having a hissy fit.

    1. Ummm...nice trym Trumptard. I work at PIX. She is 100% MAGA all the way.

    2. KPIX is a liberal cesspool. Sad reality.

  7. Katie needs to be spanked, and I volunteer to do it. (I don't mean that in a sexist or misogynistic way.)

  8. K.N. Career suicide. Didn't read the fine print of her contract.

    Enjoy the cosmetic counter at Kohl's.

  9. To the ringing sounds of the late Eddie Van Halen's guitar (RIP): Somebody Give Her A Doctor.

    As for my Fab Four thoughts (John Lennon would've been 80 Friday):

    - I am very impressed with Susan's rebuttal. Great namedrop involving the Quaker Pirate's abuse troubles (bet the Wonka actor's Rolling Stone friend Keith Richards has dropped him from his speed dial; no more Ike Turner-like friendships for the newly clean Keef), superb independent thinking, and a spot-on reminder that....
    - Ms. Nielsen must fall for nearly every conspiracy theory. Average reporter at best, clueless at worst
    - Note that PIX's three best voices Did NOT Sign that letter. Two have been praised by Rich, the other is respected for her anchoring.
    - Can't wait for the investigation to be completed. Hope to see a ton of pink slips from not just the Eye and the Mouse, but also the Peacock, and even the Firm, if the latter has the you-know-whats (Nah! Unlikely; they prefer to catch and give COVID, though not locally).

  10. Wow, I think she just dug her own grave. Just goes to show you these women have a IQ the same as their shoe size, Really not smart.

    1. Yep...She stepped over the 'fine line' and shot herself in the foot. These foot shooting people amaze me. She's now a member of the, 'If I could do it over again club.'

      One of the all time best foot shooters, Colon Kaperdick. Had everything the World could offer and threw it all away, for absolutely nothing. ????

      When you shoot yourself in the foot, the shooting will follow you for the rest of your life...Jane Hanoi Fonda.

    2. And they're voting for Biden & Harris with those low IQ's.

  11. Oh, please, could you all just climb into a pit and piss all over each other, and leave the rest of us out of your personal trifles? Good effing lord.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Please don't censor grandma.

      I wonder how her black ex husband will react?

    2. I don't have a black ex husband. I'm not a grandmother. You can't handle what I wrote.

    3. Christine, In this political climate if you disagree with someone, especially Trump supporters, you are treated like you a were a witch from the middle ages. They don't have a good counter argument so they retort to name calling and lies. Sounds like our President, sadly.

  13. Quite the reply from Susan Reynolds! Now, THAT is the kind of woman I admire, no man hater!

    1. She handed Katie's ass to her. It is not any of reporter's business.

  14. If she were working as a reporter for The Associated Press or Reuters she would be walked out the door by a human resources rep within 24 hours. Both news orgs have published and specific policies prohibiting their reporters from making public statements in support of boycotts, issues, causes, candidates and even forbidding the signing of petitions. I'm sure CBS has the same or similar policy. Not to mention, she sent out her email on the company's email, likely on company time.

    Then there's that separate restraint of trade issue.

    This being uber politically correct San Francisco, I suspect she won't be fired, but if she had any real reporting acumen, she wouldn't have sent out that email.

    I don't necessarily condone what you write, or how you write it, but you have every right to write it.

  15. How is she not within her right to write such a letter and make that request? Not that I condone it or not, just curious.

    1. The issue I think is that she did it on her employer's email. That and she messed with Rich. Don't do that. Not even Trump would be crazy enough to do that.

      However, I'll also say I think the reply from the newspaper chick was overly harsh and defensive. I'd hardly call the letter "harassing." She sounds like a real Karen. I'll bet she berates the coffee staff when her latte is just a little bit not to her liking.

  16. She looks like a wax doll in that photo. Reporter Barbie?

  17. "... should I (referring to Katie) head to Victoria S (the store) and maintain some serious connection with the boss, executive, Allan and Ken to get a main anchor spot just like how the intern obsess Frank on the rival station."

    Anon 10/6 @ 6:02pm, what does "intern obsess Frank" mean, and who is Frank? Sounds like juicy gossip but I don't speak gibberish.

  18. Katie Nielsen, Who is she? a second team player, called in when somebody is sick?
