Monday, July 13, 2020

Nikki Medoro Audio Carnage on KGO Radio Continues

Nikki Medoro - KGO Radio added a new photo. - Nikki Medoro - KGO ...

KGO --about 8: 15, Nikki Medoro was back from a week off (furlough) and sounded her usual banal only it was worse.

Once again, Medoro did her usual pandering-act to parents --she must have mentioned her kids and family at least twenty times. It was all about whether kids should return to school in the fall--a timely topic, great only Medoro can't keep it interesting. It's all about her. And when you're not interesting, why should the audience be interested?

You're left with a BORING show. No pace. No fluidity. Just drab and drab and drip. Making matters worse: Medoro doesn't get any help from news guy, Bret Burkhart, who is also very BORING and irritating. Burkhart's constant, "wooow" is god awful. He's useless. Why he's there is anyone's guess. Burkhart couldn't lead an Eskimo to an ice cube.

The "new" show is a real audio carnage.


  1. I wouldn't know. I switched to KSFO in the morning in March

  2. Rich, instead of beating a dead horse and looking for things to criticize on KGO why don't you expand your horizons and listen to one of the other 50 stations you ignore?

    1. Why listen to any of them, and that includes streaming? When I'm in my car, I have my iPod. At home I read real news sources. Sadly, today, they're pretty much all overseas. All American media is a sorry, profit-mongering click-baiting joke.

  3. KGO should do a KCBS and just play 30 minute blocks of commercials, they'd probably gain some listeners.

  4. But but I thought everything her and Chip said was supposed to be gospel??

    I mean they acted like they were holier than thou and mocked anyone with a different opinion. Constantly.

    Surely you are wrong???

  5. Oh, is she still on the radio?

  6. Chimp and Nikki deserve one the air. I tried so hard to listen to Nikki, to no avail. I never listen to Chimp, even turn the volume down when he is doing ads because he irritates the shit out of me.
    I guess you can blog about any station you wish, Rich, since it is YOUR blog.
    Anyone who is friends with Rothmann is okay in my book :)

  7. Niki should send her bratty kids to spend a week with john rothman bagging groceries at cal mart

  8. Imagine what her poor husband must have to go through. He has her 24/7. At least the rest of us in radioland can press the OFF button when we get tired or annoyed with her (which is usually about 5 - 10 minutes into the show).

  9. Or how about Ms. Franklin being married to Mr. Prick Franklin? He must be a joy.

    1. Yep. I wonder if he complains to her how ashamed he is of being a white priveliged male. Everyday fricken day.

  10. O really hoped she was gone. I enjoyed listening early in the morning. Now I am back to kcbs. Please go away and take Thompson with you.

  11. Chip Franklin should do the morning show, Nikki Medoro is horrible. Old Fart Ronnnn would also be a big improvement over Nikki's constant whining.

  12. Yup, good at reading news copy but, man, an annoying preachy tone as a talk show host. Not sure why Rich preaches the competence of KGO management. I, and many here, could put together a better daily line up.

  13. She is dreadful, boring, lecturing on & on about her parents, her kids, how smart she is for getting tested & re-tested & more hate Trump. No show prep since she started and the constant interviewing one fool after the other to waste time. And Chimp is something else. He despised all white people even himself & his poor white family. How can he show his face?

  14. I’m just glad it’s not A&G anymore. Plus KGO needs more diversity especially being the flagship AM station in the Bay Area... Having said that, I’d prefer to listen to the 80’s KGO tapes on infinite loop! Especially Ray, Dr Bill, and John Hamilton!
