Tuesday, June 2, 2020


Puhleeze! Police The Police - Police The Police Puhleeze - Hoodie ...DON'T TELL ME TO Educate myself! Why not you go, educate yourself!

I'm not a Black person, duh, I don't know what it's like to get stopped by cops every other day, that I know.

But I grew up in the heart of East Oakland near the Fruitvale area. I'm Jewish. My late father marched with Black people in the 60's during the height of the Civil Right movement --when Jews and Blacks were hardened allies and not the fractured duo today.

When I hear amateur radio hosts on radio talk about "educating myself", I want to throw up, as if these doofuses are gonna tell me about the facts of life today.


So indicative of today. You know what? You want life experience? Real life experience. Go to the library. Read some books. Read material you don't normally read. Read history. Read about the Civil Rights movement. Read about 1968. And then read more and more. Talk about starters.


  1. My parents came from Iran in 1968 and remember all the tragic events from that year. Also at that time was US's involvement in the Vietnam war. One of the first network news broadcasts I remember a reporter on a road there ending his report with "This road, this damn road, this is so-so reporting.."

  2. Oh the Jews and Blacks are fractured? I always wondered about the Latinos in these times. They are the true dominant minority in this country. And they've been targeted quite often if not just as much. Contrary to what they'll have you believe, that "Everyone's a big blue melting pot in the Bay Area", Latinos and blacks have lots of problems with each other. Look at the violence in Southern California between the two groups. Lots of animosity. Yea politicians, we're going to "cure racism" when two primary minority groups are racist against each other. Never-ending bullshit.

    1. So true. But that doesn't fit the narrative, and cannot be talked about.

  3. The BLM people, with an assist from the anarchists, hijacked a police brutality case for their own purposes. Where was their concern and outrage when Justine Damond was gunned down? Crickets....

    Do yourself and the country a favor and turn off tv news.

  4. Of course it's about you. It always is you racist sexist narcissist loser
