Monday, June 15, 2020

JR Stone on KGO/ABC7: Disney/ABC7 Milk and Cookies

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JR Stone

I'VE MET JR STONE, a really, nice guy. He's not terrific, he's not even close to spectacular or above average and it's no knock on Stone, who surfaced on KGO (ABC7) over the weekend co-anchoring with Dion Lim --many of you watched him anchor on Sunday.

The problem with Stone is that he's JR Stone. An average person with marginal talent and one who will perform basic functions and present himself as the average news reader that he is and not say anything controversial nor represent himself in a messy manner--in other words, a Disney/ABC wrapped all up and perfect for the company, in this case, KGO and ABC7.

9 Milk and Cookies Desserts: A Childhood Classic Reborn
JR Stone really doesn't have a personality. He's fairly young, relatively cheap, and he's a body that will show up on time and spit out news and information every other day. Again, I want to emphasize, this isn't a knock on Mr. Stone. He's quite agile and functional and that's the main reasons he's anchoring for ABC7; I'm quite sure he's doing the very work and he has the exact look and persona ABC and KGO desire. He's not beef wellington more like meatloaf and mashed potatoes with a glass of house cab and milk and cookies for dessert.


  1. Hey JR, I know you've just read what Rich thinks of you professionally. Now, here's your chance to prove him wrong. Work hard at your craft, continue to learn and focus. You'll be just fine!!

    1. Good advise, Rich likes to everyone to be spectacular from the beginning. Very few are, have you heard some of the first recording of Elvis or Sinatra. People improve, and you have to give them a chance.

  2. JR is the Lloyd Lindsay Young of the 21st century.

  3. I saw Dion Lim over the weekend, and I forgot which day, but she was wearing this blouse with cutouts, and with her longer hair, well, she looked totally HOT! Wow, her voice has gotten better than it was when she first went on air, and I have to say that she is a pure joy to look at!

    1. Yes she was -- very hot.

    2. Too bad her reporting skills don't match her looks....

  4. Rich Lieberman: Mr. Kvetchy Pants 2020. Nobody and nothing ever makes him happy.

    Hey Rich, wouldn't it be easier to just start a GoFundMe campaign to raise money to hire a therapist?

    1. Hahahahah! "Hey JR - I like you, but....." ... "JR is good...but...." Jesus, Rich what is it??

  5. He certainly won't have to improve much to outshine his co-anchor.

    1. So true. The bar is set very low for him.....

  6. Wondering, when Dion was young didn't she do voice overs for Disney?

  7. Speaking of hot, VDLC is back.

  8. VDLC is back and just as bad as ever. She looks like it’s her first day on TV.

    1. Rich you should do an article on Anchors who need the in house makeup team more?

  9. Those cookies look good.

  10. Sorry Rich, Bay Area news won't ever be what it was back in the days of Van Amberg.

  11. And Dion Lim is looking very lovely! But, married to a pro poker player??

  12. Can you tell us all which bakery those Chocolate Chip cookies came from?

  13. Slack jawed lump of wood.

  14. Lots of respect for Dion. I hope ABC is paying her well because she brings a lot to the table.

    1. If Dion is counted on to bring a lot to the ABC table,
      their future is in serious jeopardy.....
