Monday, November 18, 2019

Ayers to Seattle NBC Aff; KPIX Disfunction Continues; Griego Collides; Martin El 'Grumpo'; Powers and Me

Image result for Christin Ayers
Christin Ayers: sleepless in Seattle
I TOLD YOU that another KPIX reporter, Christin Ayers was leaving the CBS O and O here; now I tell you she's landed in Seattle at the NBC affilate, KING5 to become its Tacoma bureau chief. Another blow for PIX and the Bay Area; a solid move by the Northwest.

Ayers is but the latest casualty of a news operation at KPIX lost in space and in need of severe regime change and direction; it's anything but stable with a loose cannon at the top and staff adrift at all the commotion.

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Michelle Griego: diva supreme
What's worse? PIX news platforms in ratings freefall --a morning show bereft of thought and ill planning and a diva, Michelle Griego, that continues her throwing everyone under the bus. Only her reign of supreme bitchiness has yielded ZERO progress and declining numbers. The evening newscasts are no different; in addition to mediocrity, the bland cast of characters continues its journey into darkness with an ageing Ken Bastida and downright BORING, Allen Martin. Someone pass the coffee, hurry up!

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Allen Martin: he's really not smiling
I don't question Martin's news acumen; There's no doubt he's as solid as ever. I do question his severe lack of presence. He's el-grumpo and has a sorely- look and persona as if he were performing heart surgery with blindfolds on, a regular stick up the ass. I've said repeatedly to a lot of actors here: LIGHTEN UP! You're delivering news, not a pizza! Be steady. Be sincere. Relax and laugh a little when its merited. Martin looks at times as if the world is coming to an end and he's the first to go.

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The lovely Stefanie Powers
*Sexual prowess aside, I've always been a champion of the little guy. My early acts of resolve in the ladies department landed me many relationships that guided me and my missives and conquering actions that led to journalistic freedom and passionate romance. It manifested in bringing my talents both on and off the canvass and as a result, 415 Media and its dominance of Bay Area media journalism. I peaked in the late 90's and early 2000's with my dalliance with the lovely and talented, Stefanie Powers, whose talent rode me not just in the bedroom but in the social market as well. As Sinatra would have said, "a really beautiful and tough broad!" I understood her love for me and would have gladly positioned myself for more romance but I had to move forward because there were others, many others in fact, that were in line: could you blame 'em? I didn't. I moved on. But Countess Powers? I still love her but my integrity remains intact. Which is why the ladies still have affinity for me.  Ask Bobby Wagner.


  1. Hey Rich! Wow, so if Christin Ayers is indeed going to King5 in Seattle, she will be joining Jessica Castro, who left KGO earlier this year, and who just announced, that SHE TOO, has signed with KING5! What a coincidence that is!

  2. Jessica Castro landed at KING5 too I think.

  3. Yes Jessica Castro is at KING5. very happy for her. KGO did her really wrong. Seattle's gem. KGO BIG lost.

    1. Good News Jessica went up to Seattle, just hope the lady who anger her to quit won't be heading there to steal the spotlight.

  4. Hey Rich. What's up with the Brian Murphy and Ann Killion twitter fight?

  5. Enough with the smiley face nonsense...Most big fat smiles on Tv news are contrived anyway...It's public relations, not news. Never trust anyone who smiles too much or who has preternaturally white teeth.

    1. I know. In life, I tend to trust toothless characters who have bad breath and a perpetual scowl. Dental hygiene and pleasant facial expressions are WAY overrated!

    2. Well certainly, genuine smiles that aren't forced and dental hygiene are both good things. Having your teeth bleached has nothing whatsoever to do with "dental hygiene", however. It's a cosmetic procedure to make one look as if their forty year old chompers are those of a twelve year old. It's rather like having one of those anchorettes with plastic bags affixed to their chest wall that you see so regularly on Fox News. If you like all things contrived and fake, tv news is a great place to look.I think you'd be very comfortable there.BTW, no one in real life has blue-white teeth, except a phony.

    3. With that in mind, the majority of people I'm aware of must be pretty fake. They get haircuts and wear clothing (i.e. costumes) that have varying degrees of stylistic, cultural, and/or generational "representation." Then there is the makeup, dyes, "elevated" footwear, fragrances, jewelry, etc. . All used to create an illusion that one is younger or older, smarter, taller, nicer (or no-so-nice), better built, better complected, and generally more desirable than their actual self. Damn, real life is full of phonies!

  6. > I don't question Martin's news acumen; There's
    > no doubt he's as solid as ever.

    I don't get why people like you say things like this. Most anchors read whatever is put in front of them. They're just that, *readers.* The thinking comes from editorial meetings with producers and newsdesk assignment editors usually hours before the pretty faces show up.

    A veteran anchor I will leave nameless told me that while Dennis Richmond said he didn't inflect stories when he read them because he felt his job was to give the news straight-up and let the viewer decide its importance, the real reason was he didn't get half the stories he was reading. He came across as no-nonsense and a "serious journalist" but he was more like William Hurt in Broadcast news than Bernard Shaw on CNN.

  7. I think your memory is confusing Stephanie with Mrs. Garrett from The Facts of Life. Both redheads..I can see where you'd confuse them.

  8. 12:45, RL doesn't care for either Murphy or Killion. But more likely, stick with Annie K's side, keyword being dignity, which of course, is severely lacking anywhere on the Knibber.
    And 1:36, Ewwww! and LOL!

  9. I'll take a counterpoint to one of the subjects. I'm just an occasional viewer to the KPIX a.m. news and find Griego pleasant to see & hear. I don't know where the opinion of "bitchiness" and "throwing everyone under the bus" is sourced. I'm not in the news-team-meetings and only see/hear what comes on my TV. Whatever your problem is with her may really be her management or even her friends. Perhaps her management does need to do some things better to get better ratings (I don't know what the ratings are for KPIX and its a.m. competition). No anchor alone can up the ratings for an entire 4 or 5 hours plus noon-time news. All the a.m. news channels likely need some work when it comes to a.m. news. All the channels seem to have a lot of commercials, which I suppose is good revenue. There are times when I want to see & hear some local news and can't find a station as they're all playing commercials at the same time.

    1. They all play commercials at the same time deliberately, to discourage you leaving their channel for something more interesting.

      TV stations today all have lots of commercial *slots* but not lots of commercials. Have you ever noticed how often the same ads repeat? Even in the same break, you'll see some ads two and three times. That's because they couldn't sell enough ads to fill the slots, so they repeat some. There are also far more local commercials for small businesses that can't have that much of an ad budget, so the cost of slots must be very low nowadays.

  10. Ann Killion get off your soapbox.

    Outside of your twitter echoverse nobody...and I mean NOBODY...cares.

  11. Leave Allen Martin alone. Sometimes, I think we put too much importance on smiling in America. Sort of like when we stare at how a politician eats a Hot Dog or a piece of Fried Chicken. There is not always a 'right way & a wrong way' about these things. And to quote
    Cruela de Hillary "What difference @ this point, does it make?"

    1. Or in Trump's case, a Hot Dog and a piece of Fried Chicken. And a Big Mac, Filet-O-Fish, Cake, washed down with a Milkshake....all in one take!

  12. Does Stefanie Powers call you Big Vinnie?

  13. Cristan Ayres was mediocre at best. Did her job as a general assignment reporter and now it's time to move on.
