Sunday, August 4, 2019


Image result for Mass shootingsI WAS LISTENING to Marty Lurie last night on KNBR; he's Summertime homage to all the horrible news taking place, a respite from the madness that is El Paso and Dayton all in one day and did I forget Gilroy? No, I did not

Here's the latest carnage: Warning:  (graphic video)

I DON'T KNOW how you can do a sports-talk radio show today. This is not about guns and gun control, please spare me your guns comments both sides.

This is about humanity. Or lack of it.

We're in a crisis. We've become numb about it and ho-hum. I don't care about Madison Bumgarner's impending free agency.

Here at home in the Killing Fields in the United Guns of America we have a serious problem. Everything else is secondary.

Or is it?


  1. It's called social decay. Help is on the way. You can now by a "bullet proof" backpack for your kids to where to can't much more decayed than that!

    Enjoy your Sunday...if you can! America land of the ??????!

    The Women are the News.

  2. If only all those people at the garlic festival, at the Walmart, and today at the Ohio bar had had their own guns, and had fired them frantically the moment chaos broke out, all those bullets would have found their mark—the gunman, wherever he was—and not hit any people for collateral deaths, and everything now would be fine. If only everyone in America carried guns, America would be the safest nation on earth. That must be why homicides everywhere else in the First World are so low. Everyone carries guns everywhere.

    1. Yeah, that makes a whole lot of sense, everyone shooting at the same time and aiming at the wrong person. The key word you used is FRANTICALLY.Look it up!! You sound extremely bright.

    2. I think 11:19 posts might be tongue in cheek. Certainly the countries that has low gun violence, MOST do not carry guns, like my native Denmark and most of Northern European countries. If not tongue in cheek l totally agree with you,every one having a gun in a panic situation is a recipe for disaster.

    3. Uh, Mr 2:06, Heston (heh) was making satire. A word *you* need to look up, obviously.

    4. > You sound extremely bright.

      You sound extremely stupid. He was obviously being sarcastic. How dumb are you?

    5. don't. He was being sarcastic.

    6. Did you not notice the name Charleton Heston?!?

    7. I wrote the comments at 6:13 frankly I did not notice the name Charleton Heston, possible because I read it on my phone and answered from my phone as well, in my break at my retail job. After reading the comments that "Mr. Heston" wrote I have to agree he was obviously being sarcastic.

  3. Disease used to be the natural population check, and we all know how nature abhors a vacuum.

  4. Most of these gunmen are mental patients who have been on strong drugs for a very long time. People are saying that the CIA connects with these types, and over time, grooms such individuals to a point of acting out their inner rages. This is the common link with almost all these mass shooters since Columbine.

    Why, you may ask, would the CIA want to groom such individuals to commit violence?
    Two main goals: #1. To eventually make owning guns illegal for all.
    #2. To make sure Donald Trump is not elected a second time.
    After your obligatory snarky response to my theory, I want you to think about it, long and hard. You will agree with me that it is quite likely to be the truth!

  5. I'm going to be avoiding Costco and similar such high value target locales, you?

    1. Oh yeah, because shooting don't happen in churches, libraries, schools, synagogues, stores, parks, hotels...

  6. As a commentator, Gerald Seib, of the Wall St. Journal, stated on Fox News Sunday, this is what the political system exist for, to have sind of discussion regarding gun control. That's why we have elected officials , to solve these problems.

  7. There was a time in this country where school boys brought their rifles to school because they had shooting lessons after school. I'm not talking about the 1800's, I'm talking about this country up until the 1960's. In places like rural Wyoming, Montana, et al, kids brought their rifles to school with them. And no one ever got shot! No child in a fit of anger, went to their rifle, uncased it and used it against either a teacher or fellow student. How could that be? I'm not recommending we go back to this way of life. You can't. But what you have to get at, what you have to ask yourself: What has changed so dramatically in this country that human life is seen as having so little value that killing others wantonly is somehow ok in the mind of the shooter? The guns and rifles are the instrument of rage, find out why people are fu*ked up to begin with and maybe we can work ways to unfu*k people and unfu*k a fu*ked up society.
