Friday, August 2, 2019

Is 'TKB' Sports-Talk Radio Show on KNBR or Flesh-Eating Bacteria?

Related image"TKB" on KNBR ….or lately, "TKBM" is it a sports-talk radio show or a flesh-eating bacteria?

I've tried to decipher but am leery of possibly contacting this malady.

TKB is proof positive to stay away from sports-talk radio particularly in late Summer and near vacation.

Be vigilant.


  1. Rich, please consider removing that photo or putting it behind a graphic warning banner. It's really quite gross, and here it is almost time for my dinner!

  2. How about staying away from KNBR permanently? That's the best cure for fungus.

  3. Rich, that's absolutely disgusting and below you. Why don't you post pictures of rotting corpses while you are at it?

  4. Actually, Tolbert and Willard works very well.

  5. Rich fyi - at&t also dumped the NFL Network:

  6. I love it, Rich, KEEP the photo, hopefully some of your BA readers can grow a PAIR (tits or balls, 'natch)

  7. Papa and Lund are terrible together. I go to npr during that abortion of a show

  8. I was enjoying Papa on the radio sharing his insight on the Raiders and 49ers. Then Papa and Lund spent 10 minutes of stupid dick jokes regarding Giants player Alex Dickerson. After Lund started in with Irritable Bowel stories I had to drop out of the show. Sadly, 680 must think that 10 year old boys are their core audience now.

  9. Looks like a KPIX newscast.
